Player housing is stupid, and i hope it never gets added to WoW

you nor the other has given a response even remotely similar to the one kneeshooter gave… why should i bother with you then? i see the other guy’s never responded since answering my question with questions.

Sure have. You ignored it all. Paragraphs written. Entire lists written. I linked some of it. You refused to read the rest of the thread.

LOL but you’ll sit here and troll people. I’ll take your advice and not bother with your uselessness.

ah yes. clipping quotes to fit your narative. this should be fun…

if you dont understand it without being told, you will never understand it even if you were told.

I think some are thinking we will be in the house and not in the world to make it look lively.

WoW is dead, sky falling stuff.

I don’t see it. I spend hours in wait lists for pvp from all over wow. all expacs.

I find a quiet spot…move my mouse every so often to have elvui come out of afk screen and to not get server time out kicked. and play my nintendo switch till I get a pop.

or I am mog/mount hunting. So in solo raid/dungeon runs.

I don’t make oribos, SW or org look busy. I am never really there. Oribos I build up say 6000 honor…hit the vendor, upgrade to 242 on 2 armour pieces…leave.

I chill in wrath dalaran alot. Many chars run the raid loops there lol. I put them where they need to be when not in pvp instances. By a vendor. to sell all that bop soul bound loot. then launch off to trial, dragons, etc.

ah what?

ya man it’s better to reply to your paradox phrasing

nah not really

you clearly have nothing to say lmao

If WoW never gains well made Player Housing, then the game will suffer.

If the story of WoW is never narratively tightened up, WoW will suffer.

The entire reason WoW is not as good as it hopefully could be…

Is ALWAYS Blizzard.

Hey, Blizzard?

Sometimes, “Good enough.”

Just… Isn’t.


I mean, I don’t fully disagree. But at the same it was Blizzard who made this game amazing in first place, as well. It’s more Ion’s direction that’s to be blamed if you want my two cents.


I hope it does get added so I can rub my orcish mudhut in your face.

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bravo. you’ve really contributed to this conversation as well. A+ in my book!

While I agree fully with all you typed…

I do want to add, that I for one choose to imagine what WoW could be like if all of the Developers to date had taken WoW seriously.

Imagine Vanilla if it were a fully direct and story progressing direction based on all of the Warcraft RTS games.

ALL of them, not just Warcraft 3 and the expansion.

I mean, there’s some signs of it, however, the single biggest issue in WoW to me…

Is that the story EVER leaves the player in a confused state as to, “Wait, what?”

If the game never left the player behind, ALL of the story and lore made sense, was a single and continuous story and interactive movie, story driving game play, game play driving the story, constantly back and forth…

How would that be a bad thing?

Sounds like another WoD we can spend countless hours in like the Garrisons. Overall it sounds like just another place to AFK in.

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Garrisons are not Player Housing.

Player Housing is only as good as it is made by the Developers.

And if the Dev’s at Blizzard think that Garrisons ARE a form of Player Housing?

Then that’s their chosen failure.

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Like we already do in Oribos this xpac or Dazar’alor and Boralus in BfA, Class Halls and Dalaran in Legion, Shrines in MoP and SW and Org in Cata.

PLaces where our only interaction once reaching max level is trolling each other or complaining about people actually using Trade for the purposes of trading goods and services .

At least housing has the potential to give crafting proffs new life by creating items for them and could introduce carpentry and wood gathering as professions . They could add random drops in open world or old content to use in the housing .

All things that would get people out in the game .


Totally get that as well as I absolutely agree! I wasn’t personally supporting the idea, I was just stating from a Blizzard side of things, it would be kind of dumb not to do player housing due to the sheer opportunity in the same way as ESO. So That was my bad, I didn’t intend to mean that they should go that route. I was speaking more so of Blizzard’s options that arise from the idea of player housing. I love ESO and the way they implemented Housing.

That being said, I do not believe they should EVER charge for player housing after the events they’ve but us through with BfA and Shadowlands. We deserve free sub at this point honestly. But hey, that’s my opinion haha!

The only mmo I ever played where player housing felt like it meant something and offered a lot of benefit was Ultima Online. Your house in that game existed within the world of the game and not an instance. That was about 20 years ago. If mmos don’t do it like that now then I’m not interested.

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Calling the ‘Garrison’ player housing is like saying putting extra shredded cheese on a frozen burrito is ‘cooking’


FF14 is the orobably closest because there is an actual housing zone where your house is visible to the public. Also, your house ownership decays over time and people can take your spot after 45 days. Although, losing your house is paused right now to support players from Ukraine.

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Except it isnt. No one that was there when they built wow, is there now.

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