Player housing is stupid, and i hope it never gets added to WoW

It failed in so, so many ways, but it absolutely nailed housing and no game comes close. It’s disappointing, haha.

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Oh please no one interacted with each other in the Class Halls . I was there . You went in did your table missions, started your new zone or added to your artifact weapon and did your class campaign and that was it .


Well… you’re not wrong. They Corrupt-a-Wish everything else.

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so I used to think player housing was silly.

but then I played That Other Game for a few months and I realized…I was wrong.

done right, it can be super fun and engaging. I have my doubts that the wow devs can do ti right, but maybe they could pull it off.

But, guys, if we do get player housing, let’s make a deal - no bordello’s. k? cause that’s just kind of gross. we can leave that confined to goldshire :wink:


Yeah, WS had many issues… housing was not one of them. Honestly, the housing alone was good enough to stand on its own. It could have been a game by itself.

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Yeah, WS stayed afloat as long as it did almost entirely due to its amazing housing. I don’t see how any game company can look at that and not think it’s worth the effort. It’s content that’s always available and never finished. Done right, like WS, it’s like having a better-looking Minecraft, building-wise, in the game.

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i gotcha. the only “personalization” we had with garrisons were the statues and banners, so i see your point in that sense. when i said what i did about the garrisons filling that role, i meant how it enabled friends to gather with things that were needed in our every day wow adventures.

blizzard really dropped the ball by not continuing them and elaborating on them more… or just gave us the ability to decorate and such like you mention with this housing.

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no, you don’t “got it,” and that’s the sad state of things today.

added: kneeshooter “got it”. go read our conversation on the issue. this is how grown ups talk.

Ironic coming from the person who specifically ignored all conversation given to troll someone and not attempt to explain. You’re still ignoring everything I’ve said, as well, just to make condescending remarks.

You never will understand it because it isn’t important to you. It is important to others though. Not that I think Blizzard would do a good job with it. They tried it twice and failed at it twice. So, I wouldn’t worry about it. They have already demonstrated they can’t do it well.

I guess, you have never heard of the concept and/or activity often referred to as “Roleplaying”?

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Exactly. This is what the anti-housing (seems to be anti-RP in general too) nay-sayers seem so fond of fixating on. “It’ll make people just AFK in their house!” as opposed to going AFK in garrisons, the AH, the bank, at FPs, order halls, covenant HQs, etc…

Unlike order halls, covenant HQs, garrisons, etc…ideas frequently proposed by pro-housing players include tons of avenues that would actively encourage players to go out into the open world and do different kinds of content in order to acquire stuff for their houses/guild halls. To use Lotro as one example, some of the coolest furniture (a truly epic-looking fountain to put in your yard was one I remember, some were statues) were only obtainable as rare drops in the hardest raids.

Implement that as well as other drops in dungeons, pvp content, drops from gathering professions, questing, reputation rewards with different factions (adding another reason for players to go back and get rep with factions from earlier expansions too), archaeology, etc…and you’d see a lot more people actively engaged in content with other players. So the oft-touted claim from antis that ‘people would just afk inside their house’ or ‘it’ll reduce the numbers of players in the world’ rings hollow and just seems contrarian for the sake of being contrary at this point.

If you don’t like it, then like I choose not to indulge in PVP, you’d be free to ignore a housing system if it were ever added…much like many a player chooses to ignore raiding, dungeons, RP, pet battles, etc…the more options and ways to play and have fun in the game only increases engagement and time played metrics, and in my opinion would be a huge breath of life into a game that badly needs it.


BLizzard dropped the ball by putting them in an expansion that wasn’t based on Azeroth and would only be used by players if they went back to do legacy content for transmogs once the expansion was over .

If they would of done it either before or after WoD the Garrisons would still have some relevance .


Class halls and guildhalls are somewhat the same in a way but their not. We’re talking about “housing” for individuals or Guild housing please stay on topic. GuildHalls have the ability to hang out together with players instead of chilling in your home by yourself. Yet again my main point is Guildhalls would be better cause you’re surrounded with the boys and gals and jnstead of personal housing you’re by yourself and it would = less people in the world. But yet again Guildhalls will do the same but atleast you’re around players that is my arguement and opinion.

But they don’t and they didn’t . I was there from the start . THey were just a pick up the next class quest , do your table missions , add to your artifact weapon and open the next zone on the map .

Other then that they were just another place for people to afk like cap cities , both Dalarans , MoP Shrines .

As people have said housing would give people ways to go out into the world to collect mats to build furniture , do content for items like pictures for their walls or other decorations .

If it is anyone that is going to be the ones afking it is going to be the hard core raid loggers . I do normal and heroics and to be honest , I would play more if there were more casual things to do in the game to go along with raiding.


Nothing you say should be taken with any consideration, since you have no real reasoning other than “WAAAAH”.


Better use of time and resources than Shadowlands.


Ooooh, I could so love housing in Wow. I think the houses in BFA’s Stormsong Valley and Drustvar are so beautiful! Not that I would mind some like those in Revendreth, either!


Player Housing would be the greatest thing happening to WoW in many years. I’m not sure how anyone could be against it.

And for once, a real support to Roleplay as well. Since Roleplayer never really had any serious update. Most of the current toys are memes.

All I ask if this happens, please, not a house district like FF14, housing must be accessible to everyone!


No and no, and can I add a big NO.

ESO sells its houses because ESO is free to play. It has no requirement to sub to play (although a sub is available and has benefits). ESO makes its game income from expansion costs and the shop. In a full sub-based game, selling houses would be a repulsive move and would be the one thing guaranteed to have my cancel my sub.