Player housing is stupid, and i hope it never gets added to WoW

Oh thats ok, its just me kneejerk reaction to the idea of screwing up PH in WoW by selling them. There is such a huge potential for creative casual play with player housing, whether its through quests or even something as fun as learning a new skill (Carpentry) and in that process learning how to make houses, including the idea of multiple plans for houses.

Id prefer it if they never introduce player housing into WoW rather than put it in and screw it up.


Well, they’re not going to let you rent a flat in Stormwind. They’d have to add mount parking and then get meter maids to ticket the night sabers that were on the wrong side of the street when the sweeper came through.

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I find it amusing how you imply that Blizzard would ever spend more than a hundred hours developing any kind of new content.


Love that machinima lol