Player housing is stupid, and i hope it never gets added to WoW

To the point of the OP: Maybe if Blizzard didn’t spend so much time wasting on dumbass systems nobody wants, they’d have enough time to make housing and content.


This is honestly the crux of it. They spend way, way, WAY too much time trying to balance systems that are near universally hated rather than designing content people would actually like. If they simplified the base game, the complexity could be providing the players more content rather than scrambling to fix a system two-three patches in.


I’m not understanding the argument people are having here. How is housing bad for the game? And if anyone wants to seriously come forward and complain about WoD, I’d like for them to tell me what content there was to do in the open world

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“Player housing is stupid.”

No u.

If you don’t like it you don’t have to use it. It’s clearly not for you but for people who want it.

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It could be something people can work on during content droughts . Like the 9.0 to 9.1 drought this expansion or the typical drought we get after the final raid is cleared and we are waiting for the next expansion to drop .


There was housing in LotRO and it was great side-quest to own one. You could catch rare fish and have them mounted to hang on your wall. Same with certain animals, you’d get the full mount. I had a house in the Shire and one entire room was a “game room” from all the fish and animals I had caught and mounted.

Then there professions that can make furniture and wall hangings. The holidays were awesome You could get tokens for daily quests (for the holiday) and turn them in for furnishing your homestead, inside and out. Fall and Christmas decos were AMAZING.

If unlocked you could roam the neighborhood and go into homes and guild homes to see how they had decorated. Dungeons and Raids dropped Armor/Helms/Swords from boss mobs, items you could click on that did cool effects. I clicked something in one guild houses and was immediately transported to Weathertop. I was too low for the area and MAN was that SOMETHING to try and get out of!

Honestly, it becomes it’s own ‘game within a game’ if done right. I LOVED it and it kept me busy forever trying to get certain drops.

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Your inability to empathize with other human beings could have some depressing consequences once you grow up. I suggest looking into therapy to help you connect with the people around you, and then try to use those same skills to make friends in school or in your neighborhood. Get help.

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I think housing has potential to drive players out into the world to do things - collect materials, blueprints, etc. - and every zone gets back a little more relevance.

And I could see myself making a lot of gold off the people too lazy to go get that stuff themselves…


Player housing is like a garrison in wod in a different way. You will have all these players in their houses and that would = less players in the world. And yes Guild hall housing does the same but you’ll be around players atleast. That’s my point of view on that.

“I think housing has potential to drive players out into the world to do things - collect materials, blueprints, etc. - and every zone gets back a little more relevance.”

I’m SO there if that’s the case, when I found out in LotRO that there were fish and animal mounts that were rare drops, what did I do? I went out in the world and did my thing until I got the drops I wanted. I had one character that took up tree cutting and woodworking…I had a tailor that could make wall hangings and such (and those were profession recipes you had to earn rep or a certain crafting level to obtain). There was a whole new world wide open to having housing!

Edit - I also just remembered, there were actual “Guild Halls” where you had to go in order to craft, with the trainers and everything…it was so much fun. I think that it’s entirely too much work for Blizzard to ever pull off at this point.

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This is a good point, if every boss had 2 attacks: melee or a spell (shadowbolt) and then 1 special ability Blizz could make like (2) 10 boss raids a patch :rofl:

I think you’re missing the point.

People want stupid mindless things that are a waste of time.

This game should be about more than time gating, rep grinds or borrowed power. Have stupid crap that just lets people do more stupid crap to have fun.

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Speaking only for myself, I spent over a year building up my lot for one character before I even opened it for public viewing. I continued to refine and tweak the design of that lot perpetually.

Good player housing is never “finished” if it’s properly implemented there will always be new items and new ways to improve your builds.


HOw would it cause less players ?

In order to furnish their houses they would have to go out and do things to gather mats or items to furnish their houses . Stuff like that could actually bring revelence back into old zones .

Plus what difference would there be in a person in their house spamming trade chat (because it would most likely be added to it) then a person sitting in a major city or an expansion hub not interacting with other players other then using trade chat ?


Players chilling in the house instead of hanging out in the world ? Hello?? Like I said guild hall would do the same but atleast you’ll be around players don’t make me repeat this again.

Done properly it can be very relevant to the game. Implemented poorly it would be a place to afk inside a building and not much more. On the utility side it could provide additional storage spaces (besides your inventory and your bank). Provide a sort of trophy room to show off those legacy epics and legendaries that you keep in your inventory and need to toss but don’t. Provide incentive to gather game world mats to craft items of furniture, statuary, and other fildercarb (getting the mats and crafting the items would be the joy not the actual having them (at least from my perspective which is admittedly my own and not necessarily someone elses)). Provide intelligent World PvP obstacles (you don’t have a key to that house your opponent does and you have to figure out a way to pull the tortoise out of its shell so to speak). I am sure there are many many more ideas for the usefulness of player housing but these are just a few I came up with off the top of my head. As to relevance to the community? if you have player housing you have by implication guild housing so guild meetings can occur there, special guild events can take place there etc. Relevance in the story? Probably not anything direct but working player housing into the story might be accomplished if nothing else than an exercise in player-developer communication at a more visceral level.

Those are all things that MIGHT happen but dismissing it or wishing for it NOT to happen is just another way of saying I don’t like it so no one should have it. Same tired argument Anti Flyers have been using since 6.02

Could be sweet, if each zone had its own furnishing theme :+1: Un’goro could be dino themed, STV pirates, it could have as much or more variety as transmog.

Wildstar is the benchmark to which all mmo housing should be compared.

…most games fall woefully short.


here’s an idea, hear me out i know its crazy but what if they add player housing and anyone that doesnt like it, just doesnt bother with it? I know I know crazy. I tried, please continue being angry.