Player housing is stupid, and i hope it never gets added to WoW

I dont really see a problem with player housing at all. Its something that could add more value to crafting and give something for players to waste time on for fun. I feel a lot of people are paranoid because of WoD garrisons, but the thing was, that the game was tied around said garrison. You had a poor main city design and lots of cut content, so of course players were afking inside their garrison, what need was there to go out when everything was already there.

The houses would have to be cosmetic only or limited in their use. I really don’t understand the hate for something that would merely be a hobby for players to spend time on. Are we worried that the “world” would feel empty? An idea would be to do what they did with Legion Dalaran, and have a main city be the central hub and have instanced housing districts much like the order halls. Youll still have players hanging out in the streets running around do what they need to do, they just now have a personal place to call home. Whats wrong with giving some players privacy anyways?

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To quote the little girl from the Old El Paso taco commercials…Why don’t we have both? It’s fundamentally the same system, only one is individual character-based (or account-based if they went the route of Lotro where you can only have one house per account. I prefer the by character route personally), and the other is guild-based.

Another possible use of a personal house is the ability to transfer thing between characters and accounts, as well as providing a guest space for sharing video and music and general guild convo.

Back in Swtor we would host dueling tournaments in the strongholds (housing) and it was a lot of fun. You could also have everything you need like banks and and an auctioneer panel. Plus all the customizing you could do turned had a fun aspect as well. I don’t think it’s such a bad idea…

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I wouldn’t mind player housing just make all furnishings gold only. We don’t need people in a dungeon saying “hey dude, you need that chair? Pass it to me if you already have”
Or the only kitchen table drops in torghast.

What WOULD be cool is if you could take furniture you see in dungeons and raids, click on them and mobs would ship them to your house. Karazhan would be so fun :slight_smile:

But as others have pointed out, housing would be content that would always be relevant and could always have new stuff added per expansion instead of being time-locked to the one it debuted in and made obsolete as soon as the next expansion launches. It would help make pretty much all the professions more interesting as you could have items that each one could make/sell for the housing system. Just off the top of my head;

Herbalism: Make craftable potted trees/plants/flowers or able to acquire them via drops gathering herbs.
Skinning: Taxidermy trophies
Cooking: Craftable cooking pot/other kitchen decorations
Fishing: Fishing trophies including special able to be fished out from various locations including dungeons and raids
Blacksmithing: Craftable armor/weapon sets to be displayed
Jewelcrafting: Crystal, jewelry, basically fancy decorations
Leather-working: Animal-hide rugs, war drums, tanning racks
Tailoring: Tapestries, paintings, rugs, carpets, etc
Enchanting: ‘magic’ displays/decorations and items(maybe things like the brooms that self-sweep around Silvermoon)
Inscription: Musical scores so you could have different music play in your house/guild hall, craftable lorebooks that you could place around and be readable for those of us nerds who enjoy walking around and finding those
Alchemy: Dyes to change the color of floors/walls/furniture etc

Some of the coolest-looking furniture and trophies could be rare drops added to the loot table of dungeons and raids, which would give more incentive to run them even to players who normally avoid that content. Same could be true of special trophy/decoration drops from pvp.

And archaeology could actually be relevant again by having those cool little racial-themed artifacts actually BE obtainable items that could be displayed once acquired.


Engineers could make traps with spikes and flame throwers like in Rust for people who try and break in.

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I actually know people in games with Housing actually make more money than those who game the Auction House by being interior decorators for people.


it’d be a testament to our adventures. you kill a raid boss? you mount their head in your home. complete a dungeon? get a pattern for some fancy furniture. get an achievement? get something to plunk-down in your house, and those are just a small handful of ideas off the top of my head!

they could add 2 new professions, carpentry, and woodcutting, with a bunch of small trees plunked-down in the world, that players could cut down to make more basic furniture, like wooden couches and tables, maybe a dog-house for a battlepet of yours!

maybe leatherworkers could make leather couches, or bearskin rugs, blacksmiths could make metal garden-furniture, jewelcrafters some nice stone counters/tabletops, tailors wall tapestries/beds (i mean, they used to repair bedrolls back in WoD, it’s not a big stretch fo the imagination), engineers could make electronics like lamps and tvs, etc.

heck, maybe you complete an old quest chain get a thematic piece of furniture, like say… you complete the quests in valley of four winds, where you help chen stormstout, and you get a big barrel of beer to put in your house, or do all the quests in loch modan, and get a dwarven shield to hang-up. i dunno, i’m just spitballin the ideas here, but it’d be really neat to see. :slight_smile:

player housing could add a bunch of side content specifically for showing off, and roleplay (maybe give extra buffs for logging out there vs logging out in an inn), sky’s the limit!


There’s already nobody in the open world because blizzard doesnt update any of it. Every time a patch/expansion ends Blizz forgets about it and moves to the new zone. they waste so much content by not scaling up or doing anything with paste zones/dungeons etc

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But hunters could lay tar trap and light in on fire with the lego.

But That would be trolling. that thing is horrible. Maybe good in torghast if you get the ap’s for it. Otherwise I call it flaming turd lego.

Engineers could have some fun if fleshed out right. People keep saying its a profession. They are thinking this is still classic it seems. I like engineer in classic.

Explosives…were fun then. Now you make em when bored and want to level engineering crafting waiting for an instance pick up.

They very well could be advertising player housing next month.

I seen the article headline the other day that another game was adding a bunch of housing and player stuff. So if that game is doing it… WoW could be potentially implementing it.

Also I been reading for months around here. Rather it being advertised or players actually wanting it. (Maybe a bit of both…) For the demand for housing.

I don’t have experience with online game housing. Most I could say I have tried is single player game housing. It’s not this astounding feature to me, but I have been very supportive of it. As I understand how other players might potentially love this new feature.

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I do see your arguments here. However, seeing the current state of the game, this might actually be a solid idea! IF done right, Blizzard could manage to pull off two major things from player housing.

Something to keep a vast portion of the player base occupied. Which lately hasn’t really been something Blizzard has accomplished very well unfortunately. Really take the time to understand what could come of this, Blizzard could do something like Old Republic does where dungeons, raids, world drops, etc…all drop furniture which in turn can add more motivation for content progression. It seems tedious but lets be real, a large amount of people will raid just to get a single wall painting to show off they did the raid on Mythic or something.

It adds an opportunity for Blizzard to follow ESO’s footsteps and make money off just the idea alone. Player housing doesn’t have to have any significant relevance to progression content other than just displaying stuff. I feel housing would be used for more RP related groups or even as a hangout area. When you said “just to AFK inside a Building?”, I immediately think of the countless hours I’ve wasted being AFK just for a dungeon queue. So as I see it, why not decorate a house until your queue pops? Obviously Tanks/Healz wont have that issue, but not everyone wants to tank/heal.

IF you really think about it, there have been multiple attempts by Blizzard to do something similar already. In MoP, you straight up build a farm and actually have to do farming dailies. Over time, the house that was just a shanty gets upgraded as you progress into a nice looking Pandaren house. Now I know that’s not player housing, but that small detail is interesting. We had a farm and spent hours being in-game farmers for a rep grind. That goes back to my previous statement though of housing not having a significant role in content progression. Look at how Garrison’s flopped in WoD. I loved the simple fact that I literally had fort/Garrison that I could call my own. Only reason Garrisons didn’t really work is because they became dependent on the story. It’s one thing to implement a Garrison through story, but we literally ALWAYS had to be in our Garrisons for some reason related to the content of WoD and you could just sit and farm professions all day inside your little town. If Blizz made it more for fun and less for dependency, I could see it working. I liked Garrison invasions too so they could’ve set that up for fun or even for further decorations. Though the Garrisons weren’t the greatest, they still made me feel that for once in WoW my character was more than just a champion to some faction that doesn’t care about what we’ve done. I could upgrade it and design the buildings how I liked, and it’s citizens/troops respected you as their leader. Like really sit and think, we defeated C’thun, Yogg’saron, the Lich King, Deathwing, Garrosh twice, SEVERAL major demons from Warcraft Lore, 2 freaking Titans, N’zoth, and now the Jailor. Doesn’t it feel odd that after doing all of that you have nothing to show off or the Faction leaders treat you like you never did anything at all worthy of even having a worthy position in their court? Look at “The Lord of the Rings” movies, Gandalf was respected as more than just some old man in literally every city he walked in. They knew who he was and the though the leaders held the power of the people, those leaders still knew very well enough that Gandalf was someone to listen to/hold in high regard. Gandalf battled a crazy powerful ancient demon that not many would know how to even fight it, AND won! Imagine doing that just to come back to Aragorn going “Who is this old peasant? Get him out of my sight!”. No instead they knew the old wizard was powerful and respected him. My personal opinion is that the character we all play as in WoW has no real significance themselves in the story of WoW, like you could straight up run Antorus and defeat Argus again, just for Genn Greymane to say, “Welcome back Champion! Sylvannas is too powerful for any of us, so go spend hours in the Shadowlands until you get another raid group to wipe on her 10,000 times, just so we can take the credit for your accomplishment!” At least with player housing one can feel like their actions mattered and they’re not just some random “Champion” that gets treated like a brand new player each time. The point is, player housing will give some players a bit more of a feeling that their character actually exists in the game instead of always being treated like a servant who secretly has crazy levels of feats on their belt like defeating a Titan. Besides, what’s the point of being an awesome hero if you can’t have somewhere to hang your hat?

That’s just my take on this matter though, I still understand where you’re coming from, I just simply wanted to try and give you a different perspective on why people would/do want player housing. Try to have an open mind on this, if you still don’t agree with anything I just said, then hey, that’s your opinion and I respect it! Thanks for reading my rant anyways :slight_smile:

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It has been added. It’s called the garrison. It was added in Wartlolz of Drano.

Pretty defeatist attitude there OP.

Why make quests? People will do them once and thats it.

Why make a raid? People will maybe clear it a few times then get bored.

Why add mounts? People only need 1 anyway.

I think you lack imagination OP.


How is that any different that spending hours in SW or Oribos trolling in TC? Because you don’t value something doesn’t mean it doesn’t have value. I am curious where you got so high a sense of self importance you think you know everything

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yeah how dare people roleplay in a roleplaying game


Player housing has been successful in other MMO’s out there.

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I see this happening. Blizzard putting houses at ridiculous prices.

Blizz: Player housing. Purchase your own house in your favorite city! Build or purchase your own materials, mats, beds, anything! Houses can be purchased by an NPC near every Auctioneer, starting from 5 million gold for the smaller ones, to 25 millions for the bigger ones!

We have listened!

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