The OP creating this thread, well… obviously a troll.
Player Housing isn’t on the Dev’s agenda, if it is, it’s well down the list.
AND, all of this OP’s arguement points are just his opinion, not an actual recount of the collective “we” he seems to believe he represents.
It’s as if standing around, whether it’s in Player Housing, or the Garrison, or Org, or SW, of Dalaran, or Oribos, is anything less than just standing around.
Sure, Blizz needs to continue to add things to do, both for the casual, and the hardcore, the collectors, and mythic heroes. Yet, having said that, standing around is standing around, and the where you stand is not an arguement.
Sure, on the surface, it seems a valid arguement that “we” want the Devs hard at work creating more… more, and then more. But it’s never been proven that sacrificing “fun” items has ever resulted in more “challenging” items.
Heh, well skimming through it seems not everyone wants player housing at the moment. Not that we use the forums as a barometer for popular opinion, but anyway…
Player housing is still something that intrigues us. If the place and time are right, and we can add player housing and make it a meaningful addition to the game, make it cool, we’ll do so.
Instead of making demands of what you want to see, why not discuss different features? The pros and cons of player housing, what it could add or detract from the game. It’s far more pleasant to read.
We like the idea of player housing, but to do it properly would be an mammoth task that would consume hundreds, even thousands of work hours to get to a level you (and us alike) would be happy with. It’s not something we are ignoring, and certainly something that is on the minds of people here.
If player housing was to be a delicious meal, it would not be in sitting on a furiously hot hob ready to be eaten in the near future, but rather an conceptual meal that sits on the back-burners (oh the pun), and we all know a slow cooked and well thought out meal tastes best.
2009 again
We currently have no plans to implement player housing, in the immediate future.
Unfortunately, player housing, done properly, would be a massive undertaking. It would take thousands of man hours to complete the project and thousands more to continue to support it. We simply feel, that for the time being, our resources are better spent in developing additional progression oriented content and material.
No plan does not equate to no interest. We are very interested in the prospect of having player housing. It’s just that the reality of the process to achieve that goal would leave many players angry about the lack of content and updates for a prolonged period of time. This is not a good trade-off for anyone and we’re always working to try to find a way not to have to make it. Additionally, when/if we ever do make player housing, you can bet that it will be the best player housing ever made.
I don’t know about you guys but I certainly wouldn’t just be standing around in player housing Where does this argument come from? Have people said they want to stand around oogling their player housing? For me player housing would (hopefully) be more about being out in the world collecting stuff for my house than standing around inside the house doing nothing.
1.) You can’t get more furniture if you sit around your house all the time.
2.) You’d rather people be AFK in Stormwind and/or shrieking political hot points to one-another?
Housing gives evergreen content, it’s the answer to droughts. I’d rather they spend it on housing where the crafting professions aren’t a joke and it can reflect (and give incentive) to roleplayers for raiding if there are rare furniture items in raids and dungeons.
It’s about keeping up something that can stay in the game, like Transmog or Pet Battles.
Both Tmog and Pet Battles are ‘useless’ yet people go out of their way for them.
If you’d played a game with truly good player housing, like WildStar had, you would.
But I kind of agree WoW shouldn’t have player housing. Not because I think player housing is bad or wouldn’t be good for WoW. I just don’t believe the WoW team would do a good enough job of it. We’d wind up with some half-dookered version of player housing that they’d have as a feature for one expansion and then abandon it, never improve it, never continue it, bin it when the next expansion came along. It would just be thrown in the trash with our farm, the garrison, heritage armor, mount equipment (though this was just added to nerf the strider was never going to be added to), allied races, etc., etc. I’d rather have no housing than having garbage housing for one expansion and then have it thrown away.
Standing around comes from old Garrison arguements, that anti-housing people toss out there… as if we all just stood around in our Garrisons.
I wasn’t standing around, I was cycling through 14 alts, herbing, mining, and creating 30 slot bags by the dozens…
But that still not the arguement… my opinion, it matters not where a player stands around, if that’s what it is, that’s what they are doing, it doesn’t matter where.
To be fair, the games that I’ve played with good housing also had a housing channel. I guess the shrieking would happen in there. So, that would be one downside.
It could even be that if our instanced housing were canonically in a city we might have to deal with city general and trade in our houses.
Well there were good reasons to loiter in your garrison. You (could have) had the Auction House and there were short duration treasure hunter missions. I had 30 garrisons running back in WoD and using MasterPlan and finishing all my missions as fast as possible by the time I got to the 30th alt some of the missions on the first alt were finishing so I could have spent all my time all day long just logging and doing missions. Usually I didn’t, I sent missions out like twice a day because of how short they were and I didn’t want to spend all my time in the Garrison.
If Blizz doesn’t add those obvious culprits to player housing there should be no reason just to hang around inside of it. Don’t put a mission table in it, no AH access, no bank access, no trade chat, nothing that deals with the furthering of any one expansions systems
It isn’t just on the forums, it’s been talked about elsewhere as well. And so what? People can advocate for what they’d like to see in the game, people like OP don’t have to come in here and target them. The game suffers from a sheer lack of content outside of instanced content, so this is one idea.
Weird How the people who post about guild/player housing in Community council dont post in the normal forums when a big post blows up about it. Talk about a bunch of useless people who dont care about anything but themselves and their own opinions.
look its balance pass X. Whoops me may have tuned this for 2nd lego. 2nd lego you don’t have yet.
With us waiting for re-re-rebalance passes to come as we do have 2nd lego. and the WFR’s crew show the meta to stomp in time. Now they have to fix that.
Then if like BFA someone gets freaky. Hey guys here is the way. Its wacky, its weird. But…it works. 1 to 2 DH tanks, rest nothing but s. priests. Crap, gotta fix that now…
It would also make it seem like your character might be in training as you level, and nudge people towards socializing with others of their class. They might even end up forming a community and meeting new people.
And 100% on the artifact bit, even if they sucked all the power out of them at the end of each expac. It was an interesting and cool system with a lot of potential.
Except show me where we could collect things out in the world or make things to personalise our garrison? There were only a limited set of things that could be added, there was not anything creative or individual about garrisons at all. The garrison was a set of buildings inside a wall. Player housing is what it says - its a house, with rooms that your do interior decoration for, and every single one is different.
For example, here is a typical interior of an ESO house. You can add tapestries, framed art and shelves etc on the walls, carpets and rugs on the floor, beds, tables, desks, huge lists of things and place them wherever you want. Its up to each person what they do. (Note, the colour schemes for ESO are rather bland, but games like FF14 are a lot brighter and prettier.)
I don’t care about it myself. If they added housing, I just hope all the stuff for housing that drops (furniture, plans, whatever) from all content, can be auctioned or vendored.
For me, Blizzard continuing to add from other games instead of being their own unique entity has been slowly driving me away from games such as WoW and into the “arms” of those other games. It is making me play less and less to the point that I even stopped playing for a while in this xpac (first time since I started in WotLK).