Player housing is a waste

It is NOT an excuse to ignore the past, it’s the glaring differences that has us pointing out that garrisons are not player housing. The garrisons had features that should never be in housing…the mine, the garden, a bank, and even an auction house…and lacked many features that should.


The garrison exists on another planet in another timeline, and existed as a base of operations for a war which has long since been won and over with.

Player housing would be more like a cottage in Elwynn forest, or something hopefully cooler than a mud hut in The Barrens, or a little island fishing shack off the coast of booty bay… and as such would feel more like a relevant home to our characters, without any interruption to the current lore.

It would not contain a mission table or quest hub for the current expansion, and that’s how it stays evergreen. It would also not contain the amenties of the city, which is why cities would still be populated.


I don’t want to stay at an inn with Gnomes…

what is a waist is designing game content that is removed or otherwise rendered unobtainable/ doable after the expansion ends. its like filling a buck with water but its never full of content because the bucket is full of holes.

player housing, if done right, would add persistent rewards at all levels of content.
the value added wouldn’t be lost because it would add an extra layer of content things that could be done after the power progression of every expansion hits the wall resulting in people not having any further reason to log in.

Player housing with a collection and crafting system would keep content being relevant longer, like expansions later it’d still be relevant.

better to have resources go into the development of things that will last than throwing it away into things that will only be used for a few week. months of work for a few weeks of value seems less efficient. :thinking:


If this is your definition of “player housing”, then it doesn’t exist in any game. Nor would it ever be used by any players in any game ever either. But I can let you in on a secret that, there is something else that would actually be akin to player housing in-game right now that isn’t the garrison (as per your definition).

Make Camp and Return to Camp, namely the Vulperan racial!

So there you go, you can make your draenei into a smol fluffball and you got your player housing right there. You can even set it up anywhere in the world so you can one day decide that you want your “player housing” to be set up in Elwynn Forest, a beach home in Vash’jir, or if you want to live in the Exodar and get hunted non-stop you could set it up outside (as it can’t be set up indoors).

So there we go! By your definition, Vulperans equate to Player Housing!
Glad I could help!

This is the dumbest take I have seen in a long, long time. You took all that time to type this out, for it to just be a troll post.


It isn’t a troll post. But it does showcase that folks who scream “player housing” and then gets told “Garrisons exist” move the goalpost around non-stop. Per the definition given that it cannot serve a purpose such as an auction house or bank, it cannot have a vendor, and it can’t serve as a “hub” for anything … you are left with “I want to be able to put up a tent in the woods”.
Which, incidentally, is the Vulperan racial Make Camp. If you think this is a troll post, all you have done is admit that the topic of “player housing” as it relates to WoW and modern MMOs … is just a topic used to troll people. Make up your mind; do you want player housing that makes sense and serve a purpose (in WoW that would be the Garrisons turned Order Halls turned Covenant Halls) or do you want a tent?

(Also, “all that time” so… like, one-two minutes is a long time according to you?)

The story is garbage and thus is a bigger waste of time. At its current level of quality I would find an expansion better without one at all.

As for housing causing “issues”. What issues? I cannot name a single MMO that had housing that created issues other than there not being enough because it was poorly implemented.

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The first half actually happened. The latter half is just quite funny metacommentary. And this is just from the top of my head.

What does garrison missions have to do with housing…

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Easy, because it is player housing.
Folks pretending it isn’t is completely irrelevant.

If any of you posting about wanting Player housing…there is a new game out …called Palia…its a awesome great Housing game with many major things in it to do …it has some of the best housing I have seen in a game…cooking…fishing…bug catching …many other things to do…and its free too…

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Please stop trying to speak for anyone but yourself. Thank you.

Not. Even. Close. I should know.

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Oh, I’ll support player housing if most of you plebes can’t afford it.

Oh ho ho ho. How much gold you got, bub?

Are you seriously calling garrisons, housing? GTFO here.

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Like 7 million. Probably more than average.

Tax the rich!

  1. I was trying to be funny whilst pointing out that folks are just moving the goalposts to such a degree that the Vulperan racial fit the definition.
  2. And I know this because this character used to be a Vulperan since faction changing to the Horde back during BFA at which point Shadybolt was a Vulperan by the name “Shadyfox” up until late Sepulcher.
  3. Furthermore, my current main was a Vulperan rogue until I chose to make 'em into a Highmountain Tauren because I wanted to have a Tauren-rogue.

I speak from experience that in terms of what people are asking for, in World of Warcraft … Make Camp is genuinely what folks are asking for. Because Make Camp is essentially what folks thought Garrisons would be back during WoD when the initial showcases of it had multiple options in each region.

And finally…

I have seen people use every form of player housing to try to claim that “that is what player housing is”. Archeage, ESO, Skyrim, Wildstar, FF14, years and years ago I even encountered people using Puzzle Pirates as an example of desirable player housing.

Here’s the thing though: none of those games is WoW. None of those games have the same playerbase as WoW does. Not in terms of activities nor in terms of player numbers. Garrisons was WoW’s way to make use of it and it worked … but not that well, because ultimately people hated that it made the world feel so empty. Which, as someone who has played all of these games (except for FF14) I can attest to; player housing, when instanced, makes the world smaller.

But in games like ESO you solve that by making it a place to feel like “home”. Which is great! But very, very lonely. Which ESO makes up by making the game play and feel like a singleplayer game with the option to socialize. You know… the exact problem that made Garrisons in WoW absolutely HATED by players, is a feature in other games.

What Garrisons revealed, and the entire discourse around it, is that folks love the novelty of it … but have no idea what the playerbase actually likes enough to make it worth putting effort into developing it. Player housing in WoW is, for all intent and purposes, just a buzzword concept. And when this gets pointed out, folks do what you are doing; pretending that WoW-players are the same as hardcore roleplayers or folks who play MMOs only as a singleplayer game.

The Garrisons are still there, they still serve the same purpose as what you are advocating for especially now that it isn’t current content. The profession huts doesn’t matter anymore, the materials doesn’t either, and with this idea of “but you could opt in to housing” then you can just as much just not have an auction house or bank in your garrison.

Ultimately here’s the simple answer to all of this:
Playerhousing could exist in WoW … but it ain’t worth it, because it is just a novelty for the vast majority of players. Which incidentally, is what I already said (and you even quoted effectively telling me to shut up). But WoW players are playing WoW, not ESO, not FF14, not any other game - if one wanted to play those games, then one play those games instead.

WoW is built around larger communities and that’s what was discovered with Garrisons, when they turned into Order Halls, and then Covenant Halls. You can like it or not, but that’s the reality of it and also why this is just a horse that folks will keep beating despite having died during Warlords and experimented with again and again to test what actually works in WoW.

I’m calling player housing for player housing, yes.

All I’m doing beyond that is just explaining why this novelty doesn’t work in WoW, at least not the way ya’ll want to pretend it would.

It’s why I’m amused when people say they didn’t like the way professions were done this expansion. Like I made bank in Shadowlands because I could lock down the market, and some people think we should go back to that?