Player housing is a waste

It will waste time that is better spent elsewhere in game like more story content and improving the game. Like class balancing and focusing on future design, installment, and adding more QOL to the game and breaking down barriers

It will waste money since an expansion has a budget.

It will waste man power when they can use those man power to make more content and not a single thing which is intensive.

Player housing will add more issues than it solves.


My guess is it’ll be like the housing in FFXVI where it’s so ridiculously expensive you’d be better off just going to an inn.


EQ2 had great player housing.

Garrisons are nice, having a room in stormwind or ironforge would be nice too.


If it ends up being this, if ever, then I agree, it’s better off not ever happening at all. If the average player cannot access it, it is DoA. FF14 housing is how NOT to do housing in an MMO.


Whilst I agree. Player housing is cringe asf and belongs in the boring MMOs, isn’t there already a topic about this?

What makes your post anymore unique than the other one? Are you the kind of person to rip off someone else’s idea and reupload a worse version of it to youtube?

No need to answer, I already know it.


Welcome to the forums.

They arent even that expensive. Small house is like 3-3.5 million gil. Last week I made like 500k just doing roulettes. Price isnt the issue they have lol.


I’m well acquainted, thank you though.

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Glad someone speaks up about it being a waste to implement let alone it’s a boat load of extra work Blizz doesn’t want to deal with but sadly I keep seeing people demanding it. Why do people love beating dead horses these days… it’s just cruel and stupid… but yeah no Player housing isn’t a good idea at this time and it’d be a waste of resources we could have devoted to anything else like balancing classes or the like.


I’m not saying I want the game to be further monetized, but if they had cash shop options for houses and furnishing, it would pay for its own development team. It could also inject new chase items into the game as well as giving a whole new category of crafting to work on, thus retaining more subs and profit.

If done well there would be no waste of anything. See ESO housing and the boatload of profit and player investment there.


I agree with you my dude, to me it serves no purpose and would rather see the effort and resources go to something important… but I can see it becoming popular for RP and whatever else. Plenty would make content out of it.

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It’s threads like this that make me miss the dislike button.



I like how you said they shouldn’t waste their time on it and spend more time on the story.

Get outta here.

People froth at the mouth for housing stuff and you suggest we put more time into the biggest pump and dump part of the game?


Blizzard, the only company on Earth not tapping the goldmine that is player housing.

Seriously, do player housing, do it properly this time around like swtor, eso and ffxiv in terms of customization, attach some furniture that are all different racial themes, maybe even some class themed sets to the shop for 10-12 dollars, you’ll more then likely hit a six figure profit margin. Add in some trophies, decorations into past and future raids, dungeons and open world content. Add something for the lower ends of PvP and M+ and then cooler things for the high ends of things.

Also give crafters a new purpose with unique furniture options also that can be sold on the AH.


Imagine thinking blizzard can’t afford to make player housing with all our sub money and the current influx of preorder money


What are you basing this off of?


look at all the edgelords saying housing is a waste of time while living on the forums of a 20 year old MMORPG. Imagine wasting your life away playing WoW for hours on end every day as well as living on these forums and having the ignorance to say “player housing is a waste of time” what a bunch of cringy people.


People want it though. Personally, I would at best wait and see if maybe they do it in a way I can engage with, because so far it hasn’t worked for me in every other game I’ve tried that had it.

I don’t care about the story, and I’ve always thought it was trash, so that is a waste of developer time imo, it can’t be ever salvaged into something I will give more than a cursory glance.

Not expensive just hard to get.

People mostly complain about housing in FFXIV because they want one and can’t get it, but refuse to use an apartment which is arguably better since you can keep it forever.