Again; I’m 100 percent sure that like every other mmo, a few cash shop items and a bunch you earn in game. Just like pets and mounts and transmogs already. Not difficult to understand. Also, responsible adults know how to budget and not spend too much on a game. Take a personal finance course if you have trouble with it, but the rest of us aren’t responsible for your impulse buying issues.
Your post is a waste as there is no player housing and you are chasing windmills.
Hopefully we can build windmills on our houses.
You have several. Garrisons for yourself, and the current expansion’s main city. Or any other inn or the like around the world.
someone else that gets it. it just a dead horse a select few people want because they feel like WoW as to join in every other MMO and add a feature that pretty much won’t be what they want and the minute its not what they want they will be in the forums begging for a new style rather than realize its not meant to be in WoW
Blizzard doesn’t have to; you’ll do it to yourself to get that new, improved shiny.
Well you can stop your projecting at this point, because that is all this is. Just because you are a terrible impulse buyer doesn’t mean other people are
Interestingly, in all the PH threads we see folks saying they’d be happy to have it, even if the cash shop had to basically carry the whole load. Blizz could probably start 90/10 shop v in game and maybe pull it off - based on certified GD stats.
The last time I bought anything on impulse was 2004. It was World of Warcraft. You’d don’t know me at all, so I’d appreciate it if you’d quit projecting your own traits onto me. I have a completely different life and wants and desires than you.
You mean like how they already add things other MMOs add that prove to be popular? You don’t honestly believe WoW doesn’t take ideas from other MMOs, do you? It’s already like OTHER MMOs out there except lacking a housing system.
The bad faith arguments really boil down to “stop liking what I don’t like”. Every time.
It’s just content bloat. People just want it because they’re bored with the game and want the game to cater to them. I don’t want a chair as raid loot or my vault to contain a dining room table. Or daily maintenance only 0.1% of the WOW population will use.
You’re the one who brought up “but then I’d HAVE to use the cash shop” when no, no you wouldn’t. Just ilke you don’t have to now. So either you’re lying about an impulse buying habit, or you’re making a bad faith argument to defend the “stop liking what I don’t like” mindset.
How is that different than raiders wanting the game to cater to -them-? And just because -you- don’t want it, doesn’t mean others agree. Clearly.
Yeahhh I believe that as much as I believe anything that flows out of Ian’s mouth.
There’s nothing wrong with having discussions on what if’s and what might be’s, because player persistence has actually led to added features more than once.
Come on guys…finger pointing goes nowhere, and can get threads hit with the dreaded ‘404’.
Or you’re ignoring human nature. Defend the concept instead of attacking people who disagree with you. It’s more productive.
Really depends on how it’s implemented. And I don’t have high hopes for it. It’s Blizzard.
yes all games “steal” from each other… however all “good” faith arguments is just a minor few constantly spamming the forums begging for something that already failed once (garrisons) and the community exploded on
I’ve already defended it:
It’s very popular in every MMO (which is the vast majority at this point) that has that system. Eso and FFXIV are prime examples.
It brings in long term players who love the system. That means more money for Blizzard to develop stuff.
It can and does exist just fine alongside raiding and hardcore endgame stuff.
Now, beyond your argument of “then I’d HAVE to use the cash shop”, which is blatantly false, what else you got? Prove me wrong on any of my points.
Garrisons is not a true housing system and that’s part of why it failed again: bad faith arguments get you nowhere.