I completely agree. Player housing would add nothing to the game. And if they made it optional people would complain “THERE’S NO REASON TO DO IT???” and if they make it required people would complain “I DON’T WANT TO BE FORCED TO DO CONTENT IN A VIDEO GAME REEE!!!”
It also is just pointless. It doesn’t add anything to the game. People already complained that the Garrisons made the cities feel empty. Now imagine how bad Player Housing would be.
There would be a reason to do it. Exactly what we want from housing. It’s optional in a lot of games without complaints about that.
It should never be required. It’s a side activity.
Adds options for RP, possibilities for guild housing, new things for professions, and ways to make gold.
Garrisons were not housing and made the world empty because most of the mandatory content was inside them. Housing isn’t that. Look at games with actual housing for reference.
Here comes Chases with another “genius” take.
Housing has been a good feature in every MMO that has added it. The fact that some of you think that Garrisons are housing proves that you have never played a game that has actual housing.
WoW isn’t other games. Comparing them doesn’t make sense.
It’s an MMO and MMOs have housing. They even started making housing in the alpha version of WoW back in 2001.
It’s 100% a house system, you might argue it’s not super in depth or whatever but it is a housing system
Not really a waste of resources, they’ve already done a lot of the work via proto housing with Halfhill and Garrisons.
If it mashed up the public element of halfhill with a much more robust version of the pick-a-doodad on a spot from garrisons, and learned a little from HWL’s ROR and EQ2 house decorating systems, it’d be a fun way to have your own real spot in the world without putting people into large solo instances.
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I personally don’t want housing in this game since, i much rather have the freedom that single-player offers, but failed miserably how? I mean by the looks of it, it seems to be doing alright on MMO’s.
Not really - the players who want housing the most are the open world players and if they lock the best cosmetic decorations for housing behind group content - no one’s going to be happy
We can say the same thing about you that you’re just wasting Earth’s oxygen, Just because YOU don’t like or want something that doesn’t mean no one wants it, I think housing would be a pretty cool feature and something else to do in-game.
People really don’t want to be throwing around waste of resources in regards to a feature that literally prints money in other games of the genre. Let alone carries the social portions of their games, and even kept one game on life support until the plug was finally pulled. (Wildstar.)
Even the OG EQ has housing now and it was implemented late.
Also, housing systems require customization, which the Garrison did not have. Oh joy, you can swap out a few buildings. Can’t drag and drop any decorations, which is pretty much the basic concept of any sort of “building” mode in the genre.
It’s not housing. Was intended to be, was not upon launch, and never became it.
I swear, WoW is literally the MMORPG for people who do not want to play an MMORPG.
The sheer amount of content that people do just to get stuff for housing in any MMO actively fuels activity in features that’d otherwise rot too, and keeps older expansion crafting relevant in several. Just as people do content for transmogs and mounts, they’d be doing it for furniture and materials to craft it.
And I’d rather hang out in a player made night club or tavern than hover in the air in Stormwind AFK. Might actually chat with people at that point, which I do in other games. But oh no, muh social features or something. Housing is actually a boon to social scenes in MMOs because people use them to run events.
And because it all got scrapped, it can be rehashed into housing. Solved
(Using cut content as a point to prove failure is weak and grasping for straws.)
Although i wouldnt like this, our wow in game.shop could.have some wicked housing unlocks. (We already have rotating outfits.)
New world in game store (a bit expensive but the game has no subscription.) Is a very decently done store imo. (FFXIV has so much now that theyve been selling in game items for over a decade.)
because players want it, obviously. i know, some people don’t care, but others do. roleplayers would like to have a place to call their own, other players would probably like it too, if they could put-up trophies from their adventures across azeroth… heck, throw-in a minor buff for logging-out in your house, and i think a lot of people would like player housing.
i mean, imagine putting up the skulls of various bosses above your fireplace, hanging tattered banners of the enemy faction on your walls, various objects from the expansions you’ve quested in, a mission table that accesses all the other mission-tables from a single location, and when you login next, you get a buff that lasts all day! …heck, throw-in some mini-games or something and i think we’d have a winner of a feature on our hands!
also a garden/mine you can get resources from any of the expansions from would be quite handy…
plus, it would give us more stuff to collect: furniture!
throw in stuff you can make with your professions, and add-in a carpentry profession and you get even more furniture!
to me, player housing is just… a lot of stuff they could add, but are choosing not to for some reason.
I don’t have a dog in this race, but FF14s is definitely a failure. It was a draw for me to that game and I can’t even obtain one. The apartments are okay, but lame when compared to houses. I know people like it, but that’s what, the very small percentage lucky enough to use it? Blizz could not implement a housing system where some can use it and some can not. People would be up in arms. It’s okay for FF14 because god forbid anyone be critical of that game. With Wow it’s fashionable to be critical of it. I believe the reason why FF14’s is the way it is, is because it’s a data issue not having the plots instanced off. Blizz would have to solve the same resources issue or have them be hidden from view like garrisons. So what do they do? I like the idea of them, but it’s not as simple as saying they could do it in a week with some college kids like some ignorant moron said earlier in this thread.
I don’t think people want their system. The ones that get mentioned the most are ESO (a game Microsoft now owns) and Wildstar (which was made by some Blizz devs).
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And you are a waste of air
You’re a waste of resources.
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I agree . I also agree Bob Cratchett should have worked on Christmas Morning .
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