It’s a waste of time and resources when they could be improving the outdoor content and group content and finding ways to improve gearing options and stuff like that and not devoting resources just for a small percentage of the player base that want this feature. And also, they could be spending the money where it matters like the open world content and dungeons and raids and not on some feature that could possibly fail and say “we told you so” type of scenario.
Why should World of Warcraft add housing when all the housing feature from other MMO has failed miserably?
(I will not be responding to this post)
I don’t want housing but this is just simply wrong.
Why are you such a doomer?
It’s a waste for YOU but the possibilities are still there. Big chance it would be a success if developed right. Houses can bring a lot into the game.
Please stop. You can just respond in someone else’s post.
Have we gone a full two weeks without a new player housing post?
Just reply in one of the threads - if meaningful discussion is to take place, you have got to get your arguments with theirs to be civilly and intelligently played out. Otherwise, these forums have little use.
Echo chambers are terrible for everyone involved. Don’t need a thread just for disagreement, or for agreement. They gotta race against each other.
Depends, housing is a major draw to FF14 - but the plot system is giga terrible.
Let’s be fair, most overworld content is a waste of development resources as well. Put it into more dungeons, more raids, more battlegrounds, etc.
Lol, people forget that dungeons were basically going to get cut prior to M+ because no one did them.
Dungeons bar M+ are dead content.
Define irony… where would the house be?
Although I would never use it, I would happily make gold from its presence. A leather sofa, made with leather working and sold on the AH is one example of how this could benefit everyone. Every profession could be used in some way to customize, or provide materials to build the house.
Armchair game devs being like
Yea! You tell em! Keep blizz spending dev dollars on declining raid populations and m+ recycled wasteland affixes that everyone hates for dungeons of old expacs! Yea!! That’s what we all want! Yeaaaaaa! Woooooohooooooo! 
We haven’t even gone two minutes - there’s one up on the front page now.
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Jokes aside. I wonder if the OP is actually an alt spare account so his main doesn’t get suspended. A lot of people seem to be doing that lately.
Player housing so long as its not the god awful Plot restrictions of ff14 would be nice.
An professions would benefit from new things to craft.
Add in a worktable an themed housing via class or professions it would look fire. Also a stable to see my mounts/pets come on guy.
I want a house so I can make furniture for said house 
Tell that to garrison’s in warlords
An expansion that ended early
Tired response that’s commonly repeated.
Stop acting dumb on purpose, you know as well as me it’s not the same thing.
It’s a waste of time and resources when they could be improving the outdoor content and group content and finding ways to improve gearing options and stuff like that
Please remember that things that YOU think are important to the game are subjective. Meaning, just other players find different things important and don’t consider them a waste of time and resources.
not on some feature that could possibly fail and say “we told you so” type of scenario.
This statement applies to every new feature ever added.
Why should World of Warcraft add housing when all the housing feature from other MMO has failed miserably?
This is false. Player housing in some of the other MMOs has flourished. Not to mention, if done right, they can constantly bring new content to it such as craftable furniture throughout future expansions, utilizing every profession.
Never cared for the idea of player housing personally. You already have Garrisons which is essentially that. It created a bunch of problems, and will cause the world to feel even more dead than it already does.
Blizzard is a billion dollar company and they could literally make all the player wishes (Player Housing, Bodysliders, More Revamps, etc) come true with ease if they wanted to, but yet some players and the company itself likes to act like its some indie company that cant afford to do anything but the bare minimum to keep it going.
I dont even particularly want Player Housing… wouldnt mind it, but I know for a fact that even a tiny group of freelance Game Degree college kids could make it happen in less than a week’s worth of nights Zbrushing/coding… but yet Blizzard likes to act like its some monumental task that would take everything.
Oh this old, long since disproven chestnut. SMH.
For some reason there’s a perennial subset of people on this forum that, for some unfathomable reason, think that the reason a lot of people hated wod was because of the garrison. They always conveniently ignore the mammoth in the room that was cut content and no flying.