Player housing is a waste of time and development resources

It’s not.

The team hypothetically doing player housing wouldn’t be the same team doing this stuff.

More players want player housing than have done mythic raiding I can guarantee you that.

FFXIV’s housing system is one of its best features. The only thing people really complain about is the fact that it’s hard to get a house. So, people are upset that they can’t do the content.


This is an even worse take than OP, somehow.


The ironic thing is that, if done correctly, housing would be the single best addition to WoW that has come along in years. It could bring in new and old players alike, invigorating the game in ways no other content could.


I wouldn’t have said that if overworld content was fun and innovative, not the same thing every day, the same tired types of quests we’ve had for multiple expansions.

But DF world quests are boring, the storms fury event is dull, etc.

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Failed miserably? I guess you have not spent time in some of those other MMOs. Housing in ESO is quite the success, I make a lot of gold selling furnishing designs and mats for them. It was big in FFXIV when I used to play that game, people in SWTOR were quite into the housing as well when I played that one.

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Lmao if u think that was anger u must be fragile. U came with an anecdotal story that cant be verified an then tried to back it with fake personal opinions.
So for arguments sake even if you have 20 odd people not liking it. There isnt a readily real reason to not implement player housing correctly.

BUMPing this thread to ensure blizzard see this to stick it to those who want it so they can see how much of a failure this would be. Keep the posts coming!

Player housing is about the only thing I really enjoyed in ESO, and it makes them a lot of money.


And we still are!

It pulls me away from WoW all the time. I would cancel my sub and 100% devote myself to WoW if Blizzard would just get with the program.


you must be in dream land. if you think that someones opinion needs to be “verified” then my friend that says alot about you.

i play in game since beta with people that log in and push through the content for story and grind out dungeons for gear while waiting for raid. when the raid releases we raid. we dont have time to make believe or lure people to a fake role playing house in a game.

you tell me please right now what type of action or gameplay housing will supply? tell me! blizzard takes a few years and knocks off valuable content for this joke of housing so that people can collect curtains, rugs, tables and then just afk there. what will be the point of this? will there be bosses that show up and drop loot? tell me? its just one big joke for people that like to lure others for laughable role playing reasons and afk that is all.

You can easily tell which people have never played any MMO other than WoW, so different things terrify them.


Player Housing will never happen in WoW as WoW was never intended to have it. It just wouldn’t work.

Other games like FF14 were built with Housing in mind. One cannot expect WoW to make such a drastic addition when the game was never meant to have it.

Yes well ima go an use ur dumb reasoning I got an entire discord of friends who want it so thats enough.

An what content? The rehashed dungeons?? Time walking?? The vault?? a single raid at launch?? Or the 4-5 dungeons?? 1 of which is a free walk for 5 ret pallies, dont make me laugh.

Nah we already have lack of meaningful content thats a low bar to argue. We’ve already seen they cant manage to scrap together 3 brain cells to give us any of that.
For all ur bluster to ignore all the RP servers being a “beta player” ur pretty blind to others needs that sounds like parroting ur own wants. Meanwhile this forum has had consistent posts asking for player housing.

Moronic to sit here an act like gear isnt drip fed into ur mouth takes all of 5 seconds to level an gear a toon ur “anti housing” argument boils down to a joke. Lmao


well i do fully understand why the “role players” would want such a feature. but the guilds that i play in and the people that i play with would have no use for that sort of content. it is not “our” thing.

i am not here to troll and i am sincere in my opinion of what i think about it and how i do not want to see it in game. i honestly think that it would add nothing for me, my wife or the groups of people that we play with. it would just be a waste for players like myself.

with that being said, “I CAN AGREE” that if blizzard was to do player housing for the few that want it, i think yes it would take multiple years to get right and implement and as long as we dont lose real content over its development then that would be ok.

another point i would like to bring across as this was brought up many times by our anti housing discussions is that if player housing was to come then it CANNOT have any achievements, mounts, pets, toys or titles attached to it. otherwise that would make player housing mandatory for each and every type of player that does everything else and do not want to do housing.

but as we already know that every feature added to this game has some sort of achievement, mount, pet, toys or title attached to it and i think that is why many players like myself are against it.

with every aspect involved in this game there always can be compromise and this right here would be the line. sure bring player housing in but leave the achievement points, mounts, pets, toys and titles out of it. then the people that dont want it will never have to do it.

that is all i have to say about that.

No, it can be mandatory and it can have achieves. Under the banner of achievements at this date, you already have everything from Pet Battles to PvP to CE achieves. Odd line to draw.


This point confuses me, (in general) Can the same people youre referencing just not do it (if they choose) even with rewards?

I fail to (always) see where the mandatory part comes into play you and many others loosely toss around. O.o

Its true
My mage hit 70 last friday. (Within 20 minutes)

5 crafted items, 4 piece tier, (rounded out primalist gear, alchemy trjnket and 424 ring)

Weapon/OH and seconfld trinket are low (like.lower than TW ilvl) the rest is 385+.

Made a hunter 3 days ago full bg geared soon as he hit 70 an was just waiting on crafted pieces its zzzz. Especially with the islands.

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You do every achievement in game already? That’s crazy talk for some people that only want to raid.

Also, why do you care about additional content in the game that you don’t want to do anyway? Solution is don’t do it!