Player Housing Can Save World of Warcraft

I’d run a Pandaren-themed bath house that’d be like the onsen in Japan, that’d be a fun little vacation spot.

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housing is a fun thing on the side.

it cant “save” anything.

i mean i do want housing but i dont think it’d “save” the game heh

If players want this, great, but no one I play with would care about this even slightly. There are much bigger issue imo.

They’ll save that for when WoW goes full VR :stuck_out_tongue:

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Did you read the piece? Did you see my definition of save? and did you understand the philosophical argument? Perhaps revisit your position

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or revisit your title… wtf.

Have you read the piece or any of the other comments? this is about all those issues to opaquely reference. It’s about design philosophy as much as it is about housing.

You make a lot of good points.

They could absolutely make housing a transmog-like system, that encouraged us to travel to cities, that grew professions, that really spoke to their casual/RP player base without influencing the group progression side.

But it’s painfully obvious how little they’re willing to devote to character customization, or anything that doesn’t directly benefit M+ and Raid pushers.

I mean, look at that Blizzcon panel when people asked when more customizations were coming, and they honestly felt like they were done. lol. We got the tired dad “maybe later, champ.”

It’s apparent that they have little interest in creating a better RPG experience, nor do I believe the current team is even capable.

But one can dream.


The answer to all of the above was no, then. That’s too bad

So how is this different than garrisons?

If anything, guild housing would be cool - but player housing is just garrison 2.0.

congratulations on being the first toxic and mind-numbingly counterproductive and unread post on the thread

Did you read the piece?

Thank you it’s an honor telling people want they don’t want to hear but need to hear.

That’s some serious salt. Got any fries with that?

I wasn’t thinking of a Japanese bath house… :no_mouth:

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Yes, essentially it is like keeping garrisons but making them run through every xpac and include stuff you do outside of your garrison like mogs / achieves stuff like that?

Would it be neat? Sure. Would I want blizzard to spend development time on this versus adding a second raid to each patch / new dungeons / class balance or design? Absolutely not.

100% disagree. I have experienced player housing implemented into several MMORPGS and it has at best been an overlooked/ignored feature, at worst it ushered in the beginning of the end for those games. DAOC for example. It KILLED the economy and the social aspect of the game. Games that it didn’t kill the economy were due to the player housing being microtransactions.

Cozy Game philosophy does not fit into games like WOW. Animal crossing may be a great game but it doesn’t mean it should be a minigame within wow.

Sorry, your take on these points is far from what was being attempted. Could be my fault, but know the case being made is a farcry from garrisons

You say it killed economies and social interaction- I say I can prove the exact opposite in Rift, Gw2, and ESO, to name a few

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I did.

That’s the part I take issue with.

Honestly, player housing had big issues because of how it isolated players. It was a mini game within the game it seriously detracted from the larger game experience. While the idea of garrisons was interesting, other parts of the game suffered because of it. Now, that’s not our fault as players, but it’s clear Blizz has a set amount of dev time set aside and I can think of 100 better ways for them to spend their time.

Like… having balanced covenant abilities. Or fixing the terrible balance in PvP. Or making more meaningful quests and somehow tying in Azeroth to our whole play experience. WoW is a massive world yet we spend our time in only a small percent of it.

Not trying to poop on your parade, but a lot of what you said could and should be addressed without the need for housing. Like professions. We don’t need some overhauled system for them to work. Just make what we already have worthwhile.