I’m sure the guys and gals who worked on Wildstar could use some employment if they haven’t found anything lucrative yet.
Except it’s instanced, and takes you out of the World, and makes it empty, which is one of the big thing anti-flyers keep crying about.
I’m a solo player so I don’t care.
It just doesn’t seem to fit into the lore of our characters being traveling sell-swords/enlisted military who are always on a Tour of Duty in no need of permanent housing.
Now if we could choose to play townsfolk, bakers, merchants, etc, and needed a place to hang paintings, sleep in, read a broadsheet on a Sunday before lunch, then it would make sense.
I just don’t see fighters of Azeroth being narcissistic enough to need such…unnecessary fluff.
The huge World of Warcraft is already empty. Dozens of empty zones collecting dust with 15 years of assets sitting on a shelf for the every-so-often wayward adventure to momentarily glance at. Where are the social hubs in WoW that would run barren if housing were introduced? Oribos? Who talks in Oribos, or any major city? Goldshire? Well, maybe Goldshire is the last bastion of socializing. Maybe poor old Goldshire will have a few less duelists because everybody wants to hide in their house. Or is that as ridiculous as it sounds? No. Player housing breathes life into these places. Brings adventurers out to search and engage the world and gives them new topics to discuss, trade, and share.
As noted above, the endless hunt for items actually puts you into the world, not out. Dungeons are instanced, raids are instanced, Torghast is instanced, pet battles are instanced- the chief social difference between a pet battle instance and a housing instance is you don’t share pet battles. You don’t have cooperative pet battles with friends and guilds. You don’t stick around after the dungeon is over or the raid is over, and Torghast has shown itself to be a social deterrent, not a unifier. You can read it in this thread alone: posters like sharing housing with one another. And that is precisely how player housing actually brings the world both outward, for the endless hunt, and inward, positively, by bringing players together. Player housing inspires discords, websites, guilds, events, competitions, sharing, and trading. This is observable in every MMO with player housing. You are profoundly underestimating the social efficacy of housing by seemingly basing your position on the failures of garrisons. Garrisons were stagnant work farms. Player housing offers endless creative value- for the individual and the group. As for your lore justifications, I really just can’t entertain a thought so counterproductive.
For a few more perspectives (both for and against):
Thanks for putting it on EU… I think? Too bad I can’t leave comments. A lot of unread people making wild claims unopposed.
I don’t have the patience you do
Garrisons get brought up, refuted, and 20 posts later another player brings up garrisons again without having read any of the previous posts. Makes me want to pull my hair out.
No patience? No problem. Feel free to repost on the EU thread any of my replies to those same questions from here. Might help- might not. But we’ve had some good full circle conversations here. It would also selfishly make me feel better knowing my voice is defending itself in a far away land…
Yeah I feel a lot of people overlook exactly why Garrisons were a problem. I mean they essentially put everything we needed into the garrisons as well as portals to places as well. This made us essentially tied to them.
I feel player housing should be somewhere kind of far off. Where you have to take a moment to get there, then take a moment to hearth out. Or maybe give them their own hearth stone. But in no way should they become a source for dailies, auction and so on. No portals from them either. At most give them a weekly quest from say a mailbox outside of the house (and let you chose what kind of mailbox too lol for theme).
Basically it should have some draw like you want to go there maybe at least once a week as a necessity but don’t make it feel like garrisons where all you do is stay there because “why go somewhere else?” Heck make the housing cut you off from other channels too.
blessed progenitor
I didn’t need to hold my breath long to see that line appear in a housing post.
Garrisons and player housing have zero to do with each other. Show me where I can build a house in a garrison. Or where I can create my own furniture. Or put down a rug. Or hang my trophies on the wall. Or have any true creative control over any of it.
The only thing they might share in common is an individual player instance. Beyond that they have nothing in common.
Gave me some great ideas.
Like having a part of it where you can stable mounts/pets. And areas where you can make certain legendary items and artifact items you’ve attained sit out like decor.
It’d be really cool.
Absolutely. Rather than having my Legion artifacts sitting in the bank, why not have an image of that gorgeous sword sitting on pegs up on the wall? One of my characters has the Theramore tabard - let me hang that up on hanger. And my Demon Hunter Pepe should have his own little perch somewhere.
And a bikeport outside to park my Horde Deathwheel under.
So many possibilities.
I should have included it somewhere in the post, because it seems a lot of people, including myself, neglected to mention this reality, an important one- that player housing does not, in practice, have to literally mean houses. In a player housing instance you have the creative freedom to build whatever you want. Whatever you want. With all of the provided assets at your disposal. So people trying to trivialize this as silly-little-homemaking are neglecting this greater fact and its potential. See Valheim, Rift, ESO, Gw2.
Was about to mention that. A tiny little game (I cant believe how small the gamefile size is) and you can build a house from scratch. Collect the wood, find a nice spot and build your house. Admittedly in a huge MMO that would have to be instanced in some way but still, why not? Skill your house up along with your own abilities.
A tiny little game with a tiny little feature that so many are claiming no one wants. Sees 6 million copies sold in a month in alpha stage
I think this is late but extremely important and worth forwarding
Well knowing Blizzard it would likely be limited.
I do think it should have some garrison-esque habits of you choosing a base building structure but I think said structures should contain a wide variety.
But it should also include extra things like a stable, a smithy or so, stuff for professions and so on so forth.
There’s so much creative design that can go into this it feels endless.
I’d especially like, as stated before, race, class and other big themes to be present. But also as you stated allow much of these things to be attainable by doing other things in the game. Old raids and such and so on. But also current things giving other decor as well as expansion themed decor if they wanted to.
Why should people read the entire thread before they comment. There is value in people making comments without being influenced by others.
Forwarded it, but this is one point where I might have to disagree.
How do you envision this? Selecting and placing different rooms alongside one another to get a layout you’re happy with or placing each wall individually until you’ve built the house you want? I think there are pros and cons to both of these but I personally think that in order to keep the system simple enough for both Blizzard and the players there be some limitation on the base structure.
My idea:
Maybe give 2 styles (to start with) of house from each race as a basic structure and let the player be responsible for personalizing the interior and gardens/outside structures (stable etc.).
And don’t restrict it to only styles of house that matches your race. If I want to be a gnome living in a Worgen Manor then let it happen. Faction might be a sticking point, as it would look out of place to have an Orcish building in an Alliance territory but that’s for discussion further down the line should Blizzard start engaging with the players about the implementation of housing.
Yes, but there is also nothing gained by someone repeating a thought that came up over 50 posts ago that has already been discussed at length…