Player Housing Can Save World of Warcraft

lack of enter key used… I didn’t read a single word of the post.

Player housing won’t save WoW. it’s a much more complex problem than your title suggests. Literally everything bad with the game can’t be solved by giving us an instanced home. Garrisons already screwed your idea over hard.

Full confession, didn’t read all that Great Wall of Text, but yes to housing.

:face_vomiting: :-1: :bomb: :fire:

Yeah I think you’re right. That shows my lack of interest in housing isn’t it hehe

You say its a much more complex problem than my title suggests yet you decline to read the lengthy, nuanced analysis of the complex problem that I present? Lack of enter key? It’s entered, spaced, numbered, lettered, and outlined. It’s so hard to pretend be nice to people like you…

thank you for gathering this point from the post

They had player housing and people hated it.

The player housing you are describing is found in free to play games because it is the primary way of monetizing a game.

I don’t know if you’ve read the text or every other post below, but at this point it’s hard to rebut this with a straight face when its just unequivocally false to claim garrisons were player housing. You might claim they were blizzard’s half-baked skewered attempt to integrate the bad design philosophy I mention while begrudgingly rolling out a feature they didn’t want to make to begin with- then there’s some merit. Otherwise, you look at every other MMO and look at Garrison and you see plain as day there is no world in which Garrison are player housing

I outline the ways it provides value to everyone in world of warcraft. I outline the void in alternative content, the revitalization of professions and economies, and the fundamental design shift that would change the way blizzard looks at other issues of the game. So, I would say your point has already been met here. Furthermore, housing doesnt necessarily have to do any of those things, even though I think it would, because when you look at a feature like battle pets, it becomes clear that appealing to the “majority of players” itsn’t a deal breaker- even though I would advocate for a mode that does

Maybe, probably. The purpose is to keep trying to make a better game… and to not settle for the dung and the greed. They may never meet this idea fully or even at all, but they’re going to know that I and others will never settle or be quiet while they twist this game to pieces

Did you read the full post?

good point

You’re probably right- that’s why it’s also a philosophical issue- I’m advocating for a complete shift in design philosophy to avert precisely what you’re describing

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Great post OP. Blizzard please implement player housing. :heart:


Let me build houses with a race and/or class influence of my choosing that I could put somewhere on Azeroth PLEASE. Forsaken warlock mansion in Tristful glades? Human preist chapel in Elwyn Forest? Nightelf tree house in moonglade? Human mage tower in Elwyn Forest? Tauren house next in Mulgore? Orc Warrior hut in Durotar? Death knight Necropolis in northrend? Hell to the bloody yes.

A bloody very well put post, and I agree 110%. WoW needs something like player housing as it is incredibly overdue.


I’m not failing to mention the real money cost. In fact, I note in the document that there is a real incentive for blizzard precisely because players will spend Real money. However, after playing Rift for a decade and having built several dimensions, I can tell you full heartedly that any real-money cost is wholly optional. You can farm in-game for items or gold to get items, you can trade with other dimensioners, most of whom are very happy to give you free items. Rift also offers many ways to get items from open world to dungeons to achievements to battle pets to the AH- so, again, I don’t think I failed in this regard. I take your point, but I would challenge it’s premise

Read the title and posted, huh

thank you means a lot to hear from someone who took the time to go through it point by point

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If you read the text you would see that I argue precisely for a revitalization of “core” issues, same as you, except I use player housing as the entryway to beginning to course correct the bad design philosophy that makes blizzard neglect those very core issues. I argue exactly that the implementation of true holistic player housing could function as an admission of hitherto flawed design philosophy, and reexamine other issues through players’ lenses. So we agree with one another 100%, but regrettably it looks like you didn’t read enough to see it

Not having player housing is NOT a flawed design philosophy, just because you want player housing. So please stop with the whole, it will correct a bad or flawed design philosophy BS. That is an opinion of yours and not a fact. A lot of people that play WoW have no care about player housing, never had, and never will, which means its a waste of time, money and effort that could be spent on fixing the game where it really needs it.

First, I say immediately that this is my personal view. Second, I never claim that their design philosophy is bad because of the lack of player housing. Third, if you follow every single content creator for WoW and the threads across this forum, you will find a cacophony of elevated and ever-heightening criticisms of Blizzard’s continued flawed design philosophy. My claim only is that the implementation of holistic player housing could mark the beginning of course-correcting a philosophy of never admitting its wrong and never looking outward for a better answer. You also claim “a lot of people that play wow do…” which is antithetical to the introduction of the post where I remind you that that form of feedback is unusable. Your cynicism would hurt less if you had actually read the post. Additionally… almost every “fact” ever discovered was an opinion before it was “proved.” So really, get real

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