Player housing better be not just for the rich

I won’t be surprised if raids drop some stuff people will want for housing, and then they’ll cry about how its to actually push tokens.

there are 3 rotating events in Tanaris… It’s like Mount Mania and Story Time (I think) and then something like fashion something.

Anyway… during fashion something you can xmog your guys for free.

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they pull that stunt and I can guarantee I’ll never do another raid for any reason what so ever.

theres already way to many things that are raid only drops.

The professions patterns and recipes are already way over the limits of what should be a raid only drop.

tho I do agree, I can envision someone in management at least trying it

Once, is all it will take for me.

Start gathering.

I’m betting there will be a variety of ways to unlock customizations for your housing. Ideally some stuff will be prog content related, some achievement, some purchasable with gold or cash, crafted decor.

Playing housing making players rich via crafting furniture, decor, etc. is what I hope will happen for some.

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There’s no way they’d gate player housing behind real money. Look at Garrisons from Warlords of Draenor. That was essentially a “version” of player housing and was part of the game.

At best they’ll monetize some fancier version of something already obtainable via gameplay. If they add something not found in the game but only through the SHOP, that’s fine too. I support the game and get stuff from the SHOP. Why? Cuz. That’s why.

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i dont think its going to be like garrisons. they’d be setting themselves up for an epic fail if they announced player housing and gave us re-garrison 2.0.

I wouldn’t mind if there’s some stuff you can get for gold and fewer stuff you can grab from the Blizz-shop — However I’d prefer that most is earnable through:

  • Achievements / Great feats
  • Questlines
  • The odd treasure loot or RNG here & there
  • and difficult content like Mage Tower (Preferably not FOMO) that sticks around & scales gear to proportion of its content (like current-day Mage Tower does) :person_shrugging:

Because personally, that’d inspire me to play the game more; complete raids & other content and push to earn rewards that can reflect my accomplishments within said player-housing. :grin:

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$80USD monthly rent on the cash shop… or else the repo goblins have a garage sale. Its cheaper than the Brutosaur what are you complaining about?

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Indeed. The $90 store mount was a test to see how conditioned the playerbase was to such ridiculous offerings. I am not expecting the data taken away from the experiment is going lead to anything positive in terms of the player experience.

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as long as i can hang Old Ironjaw above the mantle I will be happy.

Who said there will be player housing?
What did i miss…

best undead transmog ever.

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housing better be not just for the rich

Why not? It would be a huge step toward making the game economy resemble that of real life.

player housing being announced.

:drum: ba dum tss

I’d be shocked if the end bosses didn’t drop a doohicky you could put on display. The question is will difficulty be relevant.

if they lock all the good things behind m+ , raiding and the cash shop I will be so done with this game, player housing has to be casual as you can get friendly.

you think that the company that sold a 90 dollar mount wont try to extort players for everything they are worth with player housing?
