Player housing better be not just for the rich

A gold sink would be a tactic to remove gold to fix a bloated economy. Since WoW is the entity actively putting unlimited amounts of gold into the economy, this can’t really be called a gold sink. It will just be another cash grab.

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If it comes down to millions of gold I’ll be upset, and I enjoy professions and having the fantasy of a loosely connected, Alliance/Horde commune of extremely average adventurers all desperately trying to keep each other from dying.

I just literally made about 5k in gold running my sub 80 characters through the 20th anniversary trivia question guy. He drops about 100g per quest reward for those in the 70ish range.

sorry, but when I read the title all I could think was…

Poor player housing

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rich people housing and outfits.

People pay over $100 for a single house at ESO, daddy microsoft will be expecting the same from blizzard.

I think it should be a gold sink but I think the very basic form of housing should be pretty affordable. Maybe 350k for a base one room shack.

I also think a lot of the components and decorations should be crafted by professions but no ranks please

Is Player Housing actually coming or is this just wish list stuff?

Definitely expect the best furnishings to be real cash.

idk i think theyre too busy stuffing ai into programs like notepad too notice.

Gotta pay for three mile island to support that AI.

im pretty sure every house will be sharded

ff14 doesnt have that capability

It will cost the same as real life furniture and be branded in game

200 real American dollars a month to cover rent.

I don’t care, Been asking for it for 20 years. I am happy.

But garrisons are already there, instanced and built with a system to let friends visit if you want. All they need is to let us customize the garrison with our own building models, interiors. And let others view without entering.

It seems like a waste of existing infrastructure. Or let us buy empty buildings in towns.

With this anniversary event taking us all over the expansions, I forgot how much World of warcraft exists. This may be a way to actually use old expansions.

Guarantee they will have some housing options that are well over Bruto pricing in bfa.

Something something we got WoW NIMBYs before GTA 6

that is where I will be, I was spawned in the Northshire ghettos and will always be poor.

You are not prepared (for the millions of gold price tag).

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