Player housing and garrisons

oh so you want player housing that has a bunch of micro transactions like diablo immortal?

for example, a player would need to pay rent in IRL money to blizzard each week to live in said house… it actually would be a rented apartment, not a house.

then you would only be able to turn on the lights in your apartment if you paid blizzard a fee for electricity once a week? in IRL currency, of course through perhaps a battle pass?

then you would only be able to put furniture in your apartment if you paid blizzard a mover’s fee.

oh wow, that sounds lovely!

True, a casual stroll through Boralus or Suramar would show buildings absolutely packed with housing assets.

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I’d rather it didn’t, but it’d be incredibly naive to think that Blizzard wouldn’t consider it.

They already sell mounts, pets, and transmog stuff. Housing stuff would just be more cosmetics.

Your example is utter crap.


I think in a perfect world too a lot of things would use multiple professions to build. Like Woodworking gives you the frame for a lamp, alchemy the alchemical fire parts of the lamp, engineering the components to turn it on and off, Blacksmithing the metal case. yada yada.

think of all the microtransaction possibilities!

blizzard could increase your rent, based on market values of course, each week… for example, if lots of people have put in applications for player apartments in that zone, then blizzard will increase the rent.

so it could make people want to live in lesser travelled areas like desolace, for example (its not very pretty there, so not many people would want their house there).

failure to pay your rent on time, blizzard would put an “eviction notice” on your door… and all of your neighbors will be able to see that you are late in paying rent

Yeah, honestly I would fully expect there to be a lot of shop tie-in for housing, since it is/should be all cosmetic.

Like I said, as long as tokens are a thing that’s basically just a gold sink, so I’m fine with it.

It would be interesting if housing came with a new profession completely focused on it.

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don’t forget you would need electricity before you can turn that lamp on!

I think of all the microtransaction possibilities I’ve actually seen in this game.

I don’t need to conjure up absurd “what ifs” to make my point.

You don’t want Blizzard to make anything new if there’s an older antecedent, and you fear they will send you to Microtransaction Hell. Why are you here, exactly?


That sweet attention that only comes from annoying others enough to make them notice you.


Like you know, you’ve never had a bright enough idea to use incandescent bulbs.


Surely, there are places where he can annoy people without paying for the privilege to do it. The intellectual abyss that is Yahoo! News comment sections, for example.

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i was brainstorming reasons why we don’t need player housing in the game when we already have garrisons.

but, thanks to you, kind friend, Rollo, my eyes have been opened very wide!

player apartments are the wave of the future in WoW… player apartments will literally be a GOLD MINE of IRL currency through microtransactions!

i take back everything i had said before, Rollo has convinced me i am wrong.

you will all get your player apartments because they will be a haven for microtransactions for blizzard


oh wow, the player apartment battle pass is going to be so fun!

you could probably pay rent to blizzard on an annual basis to save some money.

same way that blizzard does with the current wow subscription if you buy a 6 month sub, etc.

Or maybe we won’t g t player housing.

Aye! I like the idea of including Wood Crafting/Working with Player housing where you gather the parts (maybe make a few) and then use a table (like a blacksmiths anvil) to actually craft the parts of the home. Includes all professions as part makers and then you get to put the things together at home and work your house together.

If designed for evergreen content then it would easily give you a lot of things to do and design and build out upon over time.

I think a lot of players will enjoy the content that way.

As someone who maintains alts with every crafting profession, yesplz

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I’d rather them fix the plethora of other issues in the game than add instanced housing thats useful to no one

Subjective. This is a video game, none of it is useful.

There’s a huge population of people who play this game for collecting and aesthetic purposes, and housing would be a dream for us.


but think of how much money blizzard could make from adding “player apartments” into the game.

blizzard will have a plethora of microtransactions for them!

  1. rent fees
  2. moving fees
  3. buying furniture
  4. fees to decorate the apartment with rugs
  5. utility fees - electricity bills, etc.
  6. paying landscapers to mow your lawn on a weekly basis
  7. renters insurance (you know, incase there is a fire in your home and your furniture burns)
  8. legal fees to settle land disputes with your neighbors

the possibilities for microtransactions with player apartments is just simply endless!


The game has hundreds of people working on it.

They can multitask.


yeah, think of how much money blizzard could make from this.

they could charge you IRL currency to put in an application for expansion of the apartment.

then once they approve it, you will be charged fees for construction workers’ time as well as a fee for the materials required to expand.

don’t forget the fees from the housing authority after the construction work has completed in order to approve that the work was done properly within the BCA - the Building Code of Azeroth.

you are right that blizzard can multi-task once they put player apartments in the game… everyone who works at or with or nearby blizzard will be rich from all the microtransactions!