Player Characters has never mattered to the lore. (Draenei Warlocks)

Admittedly late to the Waggle Warlock party… and i don’t mean the announcement, i mean the actual Waggle Warlocks Party… :kissing_heart:

But i’ve figured i would throw my hot 2 cents into this week ago or two, announcement turned controversy and simply put it as this…

Player Characters has never mattered to the lore.

Blizzard has keep our involvement and characters vague as possible in order to slot in whatever they fancy. Why do you think the NPCs from raids take all the credit? Hence, all of these lore breaking combos (which mind you, rarely any NPC’s or established characters use which that matters way more) exist.

  • Night Elf Mages? Given a Pass.
  • Blood Elf Paladins and Warriors? Not even given a second glance at those.
  • Gnome Hunters? Overlooked.
  • Tauren Rogues? That went mostly unnoticed essentially.
  • Worgen and Goblin Monks?.. Hell, what about Worgen and Goblin Death knights even? Arthas was dead before Cata.
  • or how about Pandaren Death Knights???.. Like… we are all fine with that?.. Yet with Waggle Locks, this is going to far? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Hell, even in vanilla, Discipline and Holy Undead Priests exist, despite the fact that in Lore, there isn’t suppose to be any because using the light as an undead would be excruciatingly painful to use, let alone be hit by. But they can be Shadow. But the other two specs exist solely for gameplay purposes. That and Undead needed to be humanoid for gameplay reasons, that being PvP balancing, because otherwise, they would be completely useless since any Priest and Paladin, or heck, even a DK would pretty much annihilate them. Or anybody who can dole out higher damage towards undead types.

Simply put, if we were okay with Undead Priests… then i don’t see a problem with this.

Edit: I should say, this was all contested at one point. But my point is, in the grand scheme of things, these were all given a pass and have set a precedent for this sort of thing to inevitability to happen. Whether either of us like it or not.


I might be a little confused, but most of these were contested at the time of their introduction. I mean blood elves had many complaints in general on their introduction


To be fair, i’ve worded it weridly, but i’m more or less refering to them given a pass in a grand scheme of things, despite being contested.

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I think you meant to do this one though :wink:

Those stealthy cows

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Why would anyone take issue with blood elf warriors?

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Blood Elf Warriors weren’t a thing for multiple expansions due to -reasons-

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According to WoWpedia…

As cited in the Classes section, the gameplay reasoning behind the decision is that Blizzard wanted both new expansion races to be able to roll a locked number of six classes. With the elimination of faction exclusive classes, the choice came down between hunter and warrior, and hunter was chosen as the sixth class. From a Lore standpoint, the inclusion of hunters and the exclusion of warriors can be explained through several reasons. Note: this does not mean that blood elven warriors may not exist in the Warcraft universe, only that they are not a playable class.

Blood elves as a race are the physically weakest of all the races of the Horde. Orcs, trolls, Forsaken, and tauren are superior to them in size, weight, strength, and constitution, each in different but always superior degrees for the respective races. All blood elves, regardless of station or occupation, boast a great affinity for the arcane arts — an area of contention the Horde was notably inferior to prior to the inclusion of the blood elves.

Although there are a significant amount of rank-and-file blood elven soldiers, these spellbreakers typically serve as city guards and honor guards and still have a substantial amount of magical ability which sets them far apart from the warriors of other races. Since the opening of the Dark Portal, the role of the Blood Knights has been changed from honor guards to frontline troops to help assist the Horde war effort. The remaining surviving rangers from the three Great Wars have been training more recruits, under the guidance of Ranger-General Halduron Brightwing, and will make a reappearance alongside their fellow adventurers by the time of the expansion.

With the introduction of the Cataclysm expansion, the warrior class was made available to the blood elves.


This is all there is to it.
PCs have no agency, no face, and no faction. We are walking blank slates. I don’t even think we’re the same person from expansion to expansion. It’s very few instances where we’re recognized for something we did in the pass. 99% of the time, even if we personally helped an NPC with something or defeated them, we aren’t credited with it.


We were hella twiggy at first so it didn’t scream warrior. That’s probably what people cried about. Because I know Blizz had to bulk up the males

( And if the counter to that is “but they were paladins and later death knights”. Paladins were boosted by The Light and DK’s with all that undead magic )

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Oh yeah I remember! We were super skinny back then. People used to joke that we couldn’t lift a weapon without magic assistance or our arms would snap.

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I can’t wait for the tempered outrage around here when we get Undead druids.

Oh… wait, we CAN be undead druids already!

But seriously, I’ve always thought that the interesting concept about a Forsaken druid that leans on the end of the lifecycle in nature… decomposition, fungi, only to reborn anew. It’s well established that ‘necromancy’ can be sourced by any kind of cosmic power, and Ysera herself is the ‘undead’ proof that she came back from the dead but imbued with nature magic - to me, some sort of Calia situation - as it’s explicity said in the green flight questline.

You mean it didn’t have to do with confusion of where a dead male belf warrior with 2 two-handers would hold their weapons?

We’ve seen at least 6 powers do necromancy. Arcane, Light, Void, Death, Fel, and Nature. If those 6 can do it it makes sense that all of them can do it.

Everything is dead and alive when chromie is around.

But imo it’s not a big deal. I said awhile ago in another post that when it comes to other classes, with how long everyone has been together they could teach warlock magic and such to each other. Can you imagine someone saying they wish to learn then are turned down due to their race? No that wouldnt happen. Most races have had 20 years to teach one another. :slight_smile:

Still existed but in minimal numbers and were eventually welcomed back.

The sun well was blessed by a Naaru which is why Blood Elves can be Paladins as for Warrior don’t understand how that makes no sense?

Makes complete sense using mechanical pets.

Rouges use Shadow Magic

Trained via Pandaren been many years since they joined their respective factions.

Worgen Death Knights aren’t from the Gilneas scenario like Worgen existed before Cata you know and it’s basically the same with Goblins.

Risen by Bolvar who could likely sense the Jailer was up to something and was preparing for it by raising more Death Knights.

Like agree with your point but well just like the Warlocks being added to all races all those are given lore explanations.


Looking forward to being able to practice the dark art of Wagglemancy openly!

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If I remember correctly the worgen death knights were referenced to be sons of argual (who was raised in wotlk to make undead worgen for Arthas in the howling fordj I think.), goblin death knights make sense because goblins were around at the 3rd war ( so they could be mercs who were raised), same argument could be made with pandaren death knights.

Blood elf warriors, well farstrider a were a thing and so were blood elf and high elf swordsmen in wc3.

Tauren rouges I do take slight issue with but if an ogre can be a rouge in legion and even before legion why not Tauren, we also have outlaw rouges who are more or less closer to common pirates or thiefs which we have seen from taruen like Mr.smite.

Goblin and worgen monks are not a super lord breaking, since even before pandaren show up we see monks, like in the scarlet crusade and the trial of champions dungeon in northrend (these are more closer to priests than monks mind you.)

Night elf mages are all around wow even before cata, like the Shen’dralar in dire maul, as well as the moonguard in the war of the anicents( which after the book don’t show up anywhere leading to speculation on what happened to them.)

Even draenei warlocks make sense if you go back to the wakeners working under thael’kiel or eredar draenei working for the legion.

However lightforged draenei are the only ones I have issues with since we have never seen the light work with the fel (the dreadlord in legion does not count as dreadlords are made of death magic not fel due to shadowlands another problem brought by the misuse of the lore in the expansion.) the maiden of vigilance is the only one that I can think of that uses both and the mechanics in the fight hint at fel and light magic not working together with the titan keeper having has lost her mind and if you cross the buffs of light infusion or fel infusion you get unstable infusion, which causes you to explode dealing a lot of damage to all those around you (which wiped my raid more than once when it was current)

Kinda why garrosh had that “Even a blood elf can wield a sword”

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yet gnome warriors exist lol

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Totally new perspectives that the other dozen or so threads didn’t already cover.