Player Characters has never mattered to the lore. (Draenei Warlocks)

Not to be that guy, but i don’t see the other threads talking about player characters never mattering in lore and hence why lorebreaking combos doesn’t matter much (since it serves for gameplay purfoses), or why it’s allowed one in the first place which inevitability lead to this point.

Prior to the Sunwell being blessed, they siphoned the Light from the Naaru. Which is why they liked the term Blood Knights, because it differentiated them.

As for warriors… even what he quoted says the following:

Note: this does not mean that blood elven warriors may not exist in the Warcraft universe, only that they are not a playable class.

And Blizzard said at one point that there’s no reason anyone can’t pick up a sword and fight, not to mention, there is still some magical fantasy to our warriors and weapons.

And here’s the thing that most are forgetting:

Most of these combos were given storyline within the game. Those that weren’t were simply already there or didn’t need it due to their simplicity. These new ones need storyline justification for lore and all they’re getting so far is “because we want to.”

And to say that our characters don’t matter is laughable. Blizzard specifically told us in Legion that our characters follow the culture and lore of our home cities and race. That’s why they said the outlier combos we saw were just that: outliers. Not what we follow as players.

We can argue about this day and night but it’s irrelevant. It’s done and Blizz will just continue to not care about the culture of the races. We’re all just boring skins now. It is what it is.

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