Other people having the choice to switch things up doesn’t take away your choice to stick with what you picked.
I’m not understanding what choice was taken away from you. You are the one trying to force other players to lock themselves into a rut where they can never be a good player.
If someone has bought the game and wants to switch characters every patch, what business of yours is it to tell them no? How does it hurt you if that’s their chosen playstyle?
Every new expansion I level up a different character first and play that character most. In what way was that wrong of me?
the game changes more and more into an action game and less like an rpg because of you guys. this game is not the same as it was in vanilla. in some ways it’s better. some ways it’s worse. you can see from classic though that current players have min/maxed it to the point where it’s not even fun and people get huge egos over legendary parses for pressing frostbolt 9897234923874 times. you don’t realize it but that kind of crap ruins the game for people that want to have fun.
I think you’re acting pretty toxic toward players that enjoy the game a different way then you. For no reason other than trolling at this point.
you want to be able to change literally anything if it is higher throughput to do so. i want choices to matter in the game. we will never agree.
I wish Blizz had not been so free with the stats and data. if more of what a covenant was ended up being guesswork the sense of wonder might remain in the choices.
Sure it would be more frustrating for the simming min-max crowd but it woud build in a zone of movement for the devs.
Right now one can chart out the exact optimum path with powers and abilities.
I mean why even create other content when there is only one way? Should have kept players out of that cookie jar.
wanting choices to matter in an rpg isn’t trolling and it’s absolutely ridiculous you’d accuse me of that. you can do whatever you want in your mythic raid crap and i’ll do what i want to do in the world. most of the time people like us will never even be around each other. we disagree about one thing on the forums.
It sounds like you don’t want anybody to have fun, and the only fun you get is trolling the forums.
There won’t be any players left by the time you’re done forcing every round peg into a square hold and telling people “no you can’t play another class, that’s wrong! No you can’t play another spec, You made your choice and you’re stuck with it for the entire expansion! How DARE you look up guides! You’re not supposed to want to be good!”
You can have choice that matter, without locking other players into those choice. Make choice that matters for you and stick with them.
i have 19 120s. i have leveled 034850394583409583405 times to play different classes and specs. i don’t believe class should be changed for money. i believe the choice should be locked. that isn’t trolling. make a thread and ask GD about paid class changes and you’ll see a lot of speaking out against it. i bet you.
I have also a lot of 120s, it’s easy.
And like for next expansion, it will be easy to dodge that choice for people that want to min/max. I can just make 4 characters and give them different covenant. Is your choice worse now that you know I dodged the bullet and that more casuals players will have to deal with being stuck with their choices that will probably get nerf? If you build bigger walls, people will just use bigger ladders.
I think both of you are talking past each other.
The entire point of having a lock-in system like Class Halls or Covenants is to promote decisions with consequences that influence your character.
The more you make consequences irrelevant, the less impactful the choices will be.
The less impactful the choices, the more irrelevant the content becomes.
rerolling is free. the number wasn’t the point. it’s not like you can only have one toon ever in wow and if you choose wrong you’re screwed. he’s telling me i’m trolling because i think that your class shouldn’t be able to be changed with money.
yes! exactly. it’s like they think i’m out to keep them from doing mythics or something. i’m not. do you. i just want the choices to matter.
No one has ever suggested this. Why are you bringing it up?
I’m not asking for paid class changes. You ALREADY said that someone who is tired of playing their priest because of nerfs SHOULDN’T HAVE THE OPTION TO REROLL, and they should be locked into that choice for the entire expansion to make choices matter.
Stop lying. I never said that. And your claim that you have leveled literally trillions of characters is a complete lie. I don’t believe you even have 19 120’s if you claim you leveled trillions of characters over the years as your chosen playstyle.
In fact, if that’s what you wanted to do, it was your choice. If you didn’t want to but did it anyway, you’re a hypocrite who wants the game changed to force other people to play in some way you don’t have the self-control to play yourself.
That’s true, but honestly I think my class is already consequential enough. There are already a large number of limitations placed on what I can and cannot do based on the class I’ve chosen.
Adding more limitations on top of that does not make me enjoy things more, and Ion or someone else telling me that it’s their philosophy that I should enjoy it is frankly meaningless to me.
Also, I would challenge the notion that Covenants would move towards irrelevancy if their abilities were decoupled from them. In fact, I would say that focusing on the story/cosmetic aspect of Covenants would allow Blizzard to make the choice even more impactful.
The entire point of having a lock-in system like Class Halls or Covenants is to promote decisions with consequences that influence your character.
The more you make consequences irrelevant, the less impactful the choices will be.
The less impactful the choices, the more irrelevant the content becomes.
It’s not a consequence if you can just dodge it with multiple characters.
It’s just annoying.
no i didn’t. reread. we were talking about paid class changes. i have rerolled 0348503945 times in my wow career. i am in full support of that.
1 dekkar, 2 merkarus, 3 merakai, 4 mekkai, 5 dokthar, 6 ovyn, 7 cosah, 8 hannos 9 merkha 10 gharren 11 khyros 12 alario sisters of elune
13 meccah stormrage
14 bostav 15 trayu 16 eijian 17 dreae 18 soldani 19 lokus moonguard
Adding more limitations on top of that does not make me enjoy things more, and Ion or someone else telling me that it’s their philosophy that I should is frankly meaningless to me.
How is it a limitation when it adds to your character’s power?
It’s not a consequence if you can just dodge it with multiple characters.
It’s just annoying.
You’re still making a decision on what characters to use, so the consequences are still influencing your decisions. Even if you have four Rogues, you’re still committing the time and effort to get them through each covenant.