Playable Covenant Races

Exactly. If there’s no problem with any of those coming to our realm, then there really isn’t one for the races either.

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If only we could play as these. Love how long their hair is!


Someone really should link this thread to a council member for their consideration. I’d be a Sylvar in a heartbeat.


Same here! They’re so freaking cool and play into the whole mythical creature fantasy.

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Blizzard please let us play as these covenant races. I don’t care if our customization possibilities are limited to the npc options starting off!

Sylvar Male NPC Options
Sylvar Female NPC Options
All Current Sylvar Options
All Venthry NPC Options
All Kyrian/Forsworn NPC Options
Finding a location for all Necrolord and Gladiator options is proving difficult…


I really want the Sylvar and Venthyr as playable races.

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Found these two beautiful artworks of Sylvar by artist @valyriel_

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Any opinions on this thread?


Oh…I’m not exactly sure how this thing works, but I’m intrigued!

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Yes yes yes! They need to add these 4 covernant races. They can easily write something in the lore allowing them to leave the Shadowlads. Blizz change the lore ALL the time. Making these races as allied races or just new races will certainly bring back some people to the game.


Thank you so much Hernehunter. I really appreciate that!

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Definitely interesting. I have my wishlist of playable races, but I could see some of these could finding their way onto the list


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Hello everyone!
I’ve updated most of my posts with picture links so no one has to click through them! There’s one post that had all possible options for 3 of the races…too many pictures to paste for that one.

Settle down over there it’s not as bad as bfa, wod or cata lol

It’s probably about the same level as BC so not great but not horrible

The covenant races won’t be visible to the living in Azeroth, they are spirits. I don’t want a Shadowlands 2, I think the majority don’t want it either.

Thank you for checking out this discussion! Some of these definitely have potential like the Sylvar who are able to wear player gear.


They aren’t spirits, several have shown to have somewhat corporeal forms, they’re just usually not seen because outside of Maldraxxus and the Necrolords they don’t usually wander beyond the Veil where we see Spirit healers (Kyrian stationed in the Veil we talk to when we die). People and things in the Veil cannot be seen in the living plane, though they can still interact with it (ghosts, the souls of once living people trapped between life and death, can knock things over or bump into them but usually cannot be seen unless they somehow breach the Veil’s living boundary or have a phylactery of sorts).

The various SL races do have bodies or corporeal shells as far as can be seen (Kyrian and others can be used in the abomination factories of Maldraxxus and have been shown to have souls separate from the body, Night Fae leave behind corpses, etc).

Given the nature of soul binding, it’s possible soulbinding with a living mortal confers upon select Shadowlands entities the same privileges as living Maw walkers like crossing and interacting with the opposite plane of existence (living to Shadowlands and vice versa).


Would love to play a Kyrian paladin but not sure how you thematically explain lore wise how spirit realm creatures walk around azeroth interacting with the living when they would otherwise be unseen to humans. Spirits can only interact with spirit realm objects and persons.

If you suggest resurrection then intellect would dictate they are reborn to their previous physical bodies not Kyrian as that was their identity before death.

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Do we have any evidence to support this claim?
The dreadlords are visible, and so were the mawsworn when they kidnapped faction leaders.