You don’t need to be their friend to feel empathy for them, that’s silly.
Possibly concerning as well.
Depends on loads of different factors, but I know you’re not asking honestly.
You forgot to end this sentence properly.
You don’t need to be their friend to feel empathy for them, that’s silly.
Possibly concerning as well.
Depends on loads of different factors, but I know you’re not asking honestly.
You forgot to end this sentence properly.
No but the situation didn’t require empathy, its a video game and they’re playing a one life game mode, your time vs my time, my time is more important than yours.
There’s only one factor to a burning house, its on fire, smoke everywhere and dangerous, your self preservation which is hardwired into every single human being will prevent you from going in there, if you overcome that and you go in without proper equipment, now there’s an extra body in there that the people who are supposed to handle the situation have to extract (not saying you’d be dead but unconscious due smoke inhalation) assuming they’re made aware of your existence in there.
It’s a video game and getting absurdly heated at other people dying in it makes you look like a child and incapable of handling life’s worst.
Edit: You also ignored real facts, go tell putin to have some empathy for the ukrainians and the many foreign fighters there, see what kind of response you get.
Of course, it was only necessary to avoid the consequences of its lack.
Also you sound like a horrible team player.
There are many, you’re just ignoring them or ignorant of them.
Am I near? Can I hear the firefighters en route? What’s the size of the building in question? On what floor, if there are several, is the fire? How severe is the fire presently? And so on and so forth.
I’m not getting heated, I’m just trying to explain to you that it’s normal human behavior to have empathy for the people with whom you work when they suffer some misfortune.
And I would classify losing a character you’ve invested many hours into as something of a misfortune to suffer, hence.
Yet most people waste your time… yet most people will see you die and kinda just… not care right? You just hate the fact that people are selfish and prefer to protect their time spent than yours. It’s a video game, move on and accept that people just don’t care about you.
You seem like a glass half empty kind of guy.
That would explain a lot. Not the rabid streamer defense, but a lot.
Realistically the tank shouldn’t have pulled when a pat was coming.
The Druid shouldn’t have body pulled two side groups.
And the Rogue which complained about everyone else should have done literally anything. He had zero damage done, he wasn’t building combo points, he was just there.
The only two people that didn’t screw up were the healer and the mage. The healer stayed after an out call was made, which, yeah, healers are going to do what healers do, but the mage left and that’s what they all should have been doing.
I don’t personally care about clickers one way or the other. A good friend of mine is one of the best most knowledgeable WoW players and he’s a clicker. I use keybinds and my bear mitt big hands cause me to press the wrong buttons all the time.
To each their own.
Why are we roasting the rogue for not doing enough (validly) when he stayed close enough to help and was dealing damage. Meanwhile giving the mage a free pass when he was nowhere to be found
Well, you see, they called to run.
Apparently any call made after that, like to try and salvage the pull, is irrelevant.
No idea why it works that way, probably just something you pick up on after seven years of working at blizzard. An “if you know, you know” kind of thing.
My guy didn’t just run
blink king for a reason
You’re going to have to pick a better argument because you can’t say the rogue played badly because he did nothing while Thor did fine…who also did nothing. Both classes had a lot of ability to assist, and the rogue panicked within the group while Thor panicked away from it.
I don’t bother debating people on keybinding vs clicking; it’s a settled argument. Water is wet and land is dry. Obviously if you have extenuating circumstances like physical disabilities or ailments, or just aren’t that serious of a gamer that’s fine, but the difference in effectiveness is stark and Thor showcased it for everyone on this clip with his eyes darting across the screen as he tried to figure out what to do.
In fact a large part of his problem was likely that Evocation was on the far right of the screen so he wasn’t looking at his mana gem/robes down towards his main bar. Even if you’re going to click some sort of categorization would be wise so that when he looked for evocation he could have seen his gem and robe next to it.
it doesn’t have to be
your analogies suck
Probably because the saying of water is wet and land is dry is more of an idiom than analogy, but I knew someone wouldn’t be able to help themselves.
Thanks for adding nothing to the conversation. Your contribution, or lack thereof, has been duly noted.
I could add that he moused directly to his mana gem and everyone saw him do it, but that’s been explained already
Holy tauren, that was some autistic worthless yapping.
Not to mention the problem with the whole situation isnt how bad anyone played but how piRATe reacted and took no accountability.
But on gameplay, druid pulled both the extra packs and played the worst, but he apologized and took accountability. The tank took a bad path but helped try and get everyone out of the dungeon alive. The priest played perfect. The rogue could have stunned the boss for a few seconds but the boss didnt kill anyone, the extra adds did. Pirate was the mage whose whole job is to help out when crap hits the fan. He even said on stream, “i dont run until the tank dies.” And other stuff about the mage is the class that saves lives but he couldnt back it up.
After the AoC clips came out and it was found out that he cheated/lied about his Outer Wilds and Animal Well playthrough it shows that he is just ab egomaniac narcissist with a god complex.
If a shot caller makes a bad call then why isn’t that on them?
How about you be an adult and do the most adult thing you can do in your life, move on. You’re as bad if not worse than teenage girls holding a death grudge against the other for taking their not boyfriend.
The only person who did more damage was the tank. Pirate was the one with the lowest or 2nd lowest damage done because he had 1 max rank blizzard that hit only the boss for 1 tick and was instantly cancelled.
Right back at ya, sport
You’re the one still going on about a situation that happened and most have moved on from. It’s almost like you want to suck off every onlyfangs streamer for indirect clout… Anyway you’re being a child because you’re struggling to move an inch from the entire thing, maybe you should seek professional help with your weird obsession with online personalities and how small you feel in comparison to them and therefore need to be JUST like them.
So are you, except all you’re doing is lashing out and throwing insults.
It’s pathetic that this still being talked about, its as annoying if not more annoying than tyler1, move on, play the game or don’t but shut up about it.