Pirate's Dire Maul Group is worse than Pirate

Every response of yours is so uncivil like you can’t help but sneak in some kind of insult. I’ll talk about the truth of what happened literally forever. If you don’t want to hear about it anymore, you literally just have to stop seeking it out.
:hear_no_evil: :see_no_evil:

You really can’t live your terminally online existence without drama can you? Seems like you’re 12 :slight_smile: How’s life without tiktok?

I’m doing myself a disservice by engaging with you when you’re acting in bad faith.

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You know that youre engaging and continuing the drama also right? And that you’re also acting like a child?

He did not, but there was a moment where he got his mouse very close to them which is what I assume you are referring to, and that instance was when he was at the back of the instance. There was an earlier instance where his cursor got close, but it looks incidental to when he was taking his mouse over to his flask and lip as he pondered to use them.

It’s also worth noting that immediately after that action of hovering by his mana gem/robes he asked them what he wanted him to do because Evocation was on cooldown; it’s almost like he forgot he was streaming and his actions could be reviewed. You can watch him seem to debate about getting back into the fray, but Sara dies and that’s when he officially peaces out, which I don’t really blame him for.

You’re right. I don’t actually know what he knew

All the debate back and forth is pointless. He clarified afterwards that he was max level enchanter and didn’t want to risk losing all his enchanting mats. He literally said it was not worth the risk to go back in and help. Debate over. He chose not to help. Has nothing to do with how bad he played. It’s about his character and hubris.

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Let’s be honest, what happened in Dire Maul happens all the time in Hardcore WoW. People roach out of dungeons, and sometimes others die because of it. The only reason this is such a big deal is because Pirate Software is a streamer, so every decision is put under a microscope. If this were just a regular player, no one would even notice.

Hardcore WoW is full of risks, and split-second decisions happen constantly. This isn’t anything new, but because it was on stream, people are making it into a bigger deal than it really is. Let’s not act like this doesn’t happen every day in the Hardcore community.

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Yes and no. That it was on stream brought it to the surface as a great example. Yes it happens and the same consequences should apply whether it’s a streamer or average joe. You decide not to help your party, you deserve to be called out. You do it to guildmates, you deserve the gkick. You refuse to take any responsibility or deflect, you deserve to be ostracized.


Earlier I brought up a moment from Pops, and someone replied that Pops never claimed to be good at the game. But Pops attitude when he left the group was oh well wasn’t me. Now people are saying this, so which is it?

I’ll quote what I mentioned earlier, and the reply:

I don’t understand the hate. I think it was never anything Pirate did or didn’t do, people simply hate him. For example on Youtube the video classic hardcore moments #70 Pops is in a run, multiple people are beginning to hearth when a pat comes by. He didn’t stop hearthing and had time to cancel the hearth and help kill the mob but didn’t, and when he was out people died. At the end Pops was like ah well. How is that a ‘ah well’ moment but Pirates was drama, hate brigading and a gkick?

And the reply to that:

attitude trumps everything online, everyone knows that Pops for example isn’t a good player, he never acts like he is either. trying to deflect all blame is a horrid way to go about things and this is coupled by him having tons of clips that got dug up with him talking about how to provide CC as a mage, the exact thing he was supposed to do for the group.

You meant we should legalize drug because some people are doing it in the dark and it’s unfair for arrested drug dealers to be in jail only because they got caught ?

You right, we’re just debating with no real point, and I don’t mind that as long as we maintain being respectful.

I think I literally rolled my eyes the first time I heard him say that. Mainly, I find it hard to believe he was actively contemplating any of that during the botched pull. It feels something he could say after the fact to cover his rear, and moreover there’s something known as bank alts. Now, I think Pirate is playing a bit more “organically” and not doing cheesy things because he wants to have fun and enjoy the game rather than be ultra sweaty so maybe he actively chose not to bother with these kinds of things, and that’s his choice if so.

However, he claimed he only had Evocation available throughout the pull, which I think he believed initially, but towards the end of the wipe he is clearly seen interacting with that part of the screen while reiterating “Evocation is on cooldown” and that is a massive red flag. Him going off after the fact about why he did what he did is no longer of particular interest to me because I am not willing to take his word.

And I don’t really fault him for not running back in at the end, in fact it even looks like he contemplated doing so until the priest died. People were mainly annoyed that he never took any real accountability for the bad play and continued to argue he had no options. The closest we ever got was “Everyone played bad, including me” in a twitter post. And I guess that’s something, but considering how specific his callouts where to other people’s bad play and, AFAIK, never even acknowledging any specific aspects of his bad play, it just feels like a very shallow response.

Even if Pirate is 100% in the right for everything he did there’s a social aspect to it all; you can be right and still wrong based on how you act, and I think that really encapsulates this situation.

It’s all pointless drama, I just find it interesting to critique.


That’s a bit of an extreme comparison. Hardcore WoW isn’t a legal system with strict rule, it’s a game where people make their own choices. Leaving dungeons and others dying because of it happens all the time. The only reason this is being blown up is because it was on stream and everyone saw it.

I’m not saying decisions shouldn’t have consequences, but let’s be honest, this happens constantly in Hardcore, and no one cares when it’s not in the spotlight. Why single out one player just because they’re a streamer?

Not reading all that garbage.

No one cares about the mistakes. Its 100% the attitude that came after.

Or just learn to say sorry and take an inch of responsibility. No one’s saying that group was good and handled the situation well. Not sure we should encourage and uplift toxic behaviors lol

Most people genuinely don’t care about his bad play, it’s his bad attitude that they hated. Lots of people have done a deep analysis into his play and how bad it is, and they largely just say “Bad play, but its HC and that happens. It’s not a crime to be bad and sometimes you flub it up because its HC”

Buuuuuuut then they watch his response and they just sigh because Thor doesn’t acknowledge he did anything wrong. To date all we got was a big twitter post about the whole ordeal with one line of “Everyone played bad, including me” even though he has reamed on the rest of his group with how they specifically messed up and it wasn’t on him.

Then today I saw a YT short (probably from soon after the events) where he dramatized how everyone expected him to grovel and beg for forgiveness for being a bad mage and how he should have magically saved them from the boss and two packs and yadayadayada. It was really cringe.

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rank 1 blizzards at max distance is all that the mage was required to do. I wouldnt coc or nova at all. you need to be up close for that. those dogs get nova and no one else to attack and mage is dead. if its an ogre its a 1 shot.

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pure truths

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I mean… technically she was a victim but if she had stayed in front of the group then when the druid pulled, the mobs would have had to move through the group to reach here. Any seasoned WoW healers would always put the party between themselves and any possible adds in case they got pulled. This would have made the pack have to run through the rogue, druid and warrior. Course they were all so bad they probably would have let the mastiffs run by them and kill her anyways. Especially Yamato who was doing absolutely nothing.

Also It would have been so easy to just kill the boss. I know they were doing tribute but at this point, the group had already shown themselves to be the worst so i wouldn’t have even wanted to try and complete the run.