Pirate's Dire Maul Group is worse than Pirate

It’s something that I wanted to get off my chest for awhile now. Honestly, writing a post has never been my thing. But the the whole debacle with Pirate had upset me so much that, I just needed to let this out somewhere.

Meme jokes, sure. But ALL of the hate on Pirate for that run? For the deaths of Snup and Sara? Honestly and factually, I find it extremely unfair to put their deaths ENTIRELY ON HIM. I will lay out my reasons below in fairness and I pray to god the mods don’t find this offensive or rude. These are all facts that you can see clearly from the clip:


This tank (warrior) is a well-known suicide-kamikaze-tunnel-vision-focus-on-dps-even-when-it’s-not-my-job-kind of player who has played the game for more than I’d say 10-15 years? I’m not hating on him, but there are more than 20 separate and distinct clips showing 20 different deaths (yes I’ve counted them on the Classic HC death clips channel and others too). These deaths are ALL due to his own greed, incompetency, complacency and disregard for the game. Examples of tunnel vision includes the famous ZG-raid exeuction spam only to be one-shotted and panicking in Sunken Temple when 1 extra pack was pulled. The ST clip is more relevant because there is a 1-to-1 similarity here to the Pirate case (which I’ll elaborate further below).

Back to Dire Maul, when he approached the pack, you should have been aware of the boss approaching. He was even marked, and this isn’t even marked by himself (players such as Amphy put markers on mobs by themselves even whilst in combat and not depend on addons like DBM to auto-mark the mobs. This means that the player is actively aware of the mobs / patrols.) This particular Warrior, on the other hand, completely tunneled vision and ignored 3 BIG MARKERS walking towards the front of him. He had AMPLE time to pull back and fight in the center. No, he did not do that. He continued mashing his buttons and when they were finally pulled due to social aggro, the very first command as TANK came out like this:


Seconds later, when they were approaching the doorway / ramp, this brilliant Warrior made the call to his team, “fight the mastiffs, fight the mastiffs”. This is the call that ruined them all. If they had all ran and moved, they would not have died. There is an argument that if they had not helped the Warrior he would be dead. This is wrong, as analysed by Asmon too. Had they all moved in one straight line without going left-right like some ADHD kid, the Warrior would be able to hamstring brutes and the priest could have healed him from afar (oh, but she died didn’t she? This is because of the Druid, not the Mage). She need only heal him from frost bolts and the boss’s melee (boss can’t be hamstrung) which is more than sufficient.

I blame the Warrior / Tank the most because he was the lead and he was the making the pulls. Your team will follow you into your charge. You made the wrong charge and caused two people their deaths. The pull is the main reason why they died, not because the Mage didn’t help.

  1. ROGUE

As much as people want to give any excuses such as “he’s new to the game, he’s not as experienced, it’s his first time”. I really don’t care or even listen to this for one simple reason:

He hit Level 60 in Hardcore WoW.

That is an achievement in itself, because you faced the hardships, difficulties and challenges from 1 to 60 and overcame them, no? You overcame from learning new abilities and skills from your trainer yes? You had time to understand what each skill does and to what extent, yes? Furthermore, this Rogue is a League of Legends players yes? Surely, the above isn’t something extraordinary or out of this dimension for him to comprehend? To be honest, I don’t know how the majority views the Rogue but I would like to think my points above are fair, considering he did achieve Level 60 in HC.

Again, back to Dire Maul, considering the above and also his actions in the clip, was the Rogue not performing the same actions as the Mage? It’s just that the Rogue was nearer to the group. Just because he was nearer to the group, that made justified his actions? This is one of the most severe copes and disgusting treatment I’ve seen from the Classic WoW community and it is no wonder Asmon left.

The Rogue did basically nothing, no gouge, no blind, NOTHING. He just popped vanish, moved left and right constantly between his party members. THAT IS ALL HE DID. THE ROGUE DID THE EXACT SAME THING AS THE MAGE, JUST THAT HE WAS NEARER TO HIS GROUP MEMBERS. So, again, reiterating my point, why all the hate on Mage and none on the Rogue? The Rogue performed worst imo, acting as if he was helping “just by being around” instead of acknowledging he did nothing. He was just nearer to the group relative to the Mage. That is all.

If the Mage takes first prize for briefing, brothers and sisters, the Rogue surely must be a runner-up or the very least, co-share the first prize. (P/S: Asmon lighting this guy up calling him a PATHETIC SORE LOSER in front of 100,000 viewers was just a gold win for everybody).

  1. DRUID

Similarly, another Level 60 player. Do not say you don’t know this, do not say you weren’t sure. You hit 60 on your own, didn’t you? I mean yeah sure there were dungeon runs with friends, but surely those dungeon runs didn’t boost you from say, 35 to 55 right? Nah, you guys are gamers! You grinded your way up to Level 60 on your own!! Surely, this must be the case, given that god movement out of the door way which killed the innocent Priest :slight_smile:

I think a large majority of people are not aware of this and imo, it is a serious oversight. Most think that the Priest died because of the Mage, that she was healing the Warrior and was just caught in the middle of the blood bath.

NO. THIS IS NOT TRUE. THE PRIEST DIED BECAUSE THE DRUID PULLED / AGGRO-ED THE PACK OUTSIDE THE DOORWAY. If the camera was facing the doorway, the 3-mob pack was located to the right of the doorway, just before its entrance.

The brilliant and wonderful Level 60 Druid, even when stealthed, thought it would be a good idea to - get this - JUMP LEFT AND RIGHT ALONG THE RAMP WHEN MOVING OUT TOWARDS THE DUNGEON ENTRANCE. He wasn’t even jumping towards the direction of the entrance. For that 1-2 seconds on the ramp, he literally ADHD-ed and jumped left and right for no reason. That jump didn’t push him nearer towards the entrance, nor did it help his team in anyway (the team was located directly infront of him btw, lmao). That stupid jump he did on the ramp is what pulled that 3-mob pack.

Now, because the Priest was already healing, the pack that was pulled OBVIOUSLY picked up healing aggro and went for her. This is OBVIOUS and CLEAR in the clip. No doubts, no grey area.

Priest’s death is solely, entirely and wholly due to the actions of one person - the ADHD Druid who couldn’t control his movements.


She did nothing wrong. She saw her tank dying and we all know without a tank, it’s almost certainly death. She performed her duties and she paid the price. Don’t get me wrong, she did not pay the price for saving her tank; she paid the price for the ADHD-stupid-senseless-illogical movements of the DRUID. No one else is at fault for her death except for the DRUID. Yes, because of all the hate the Mage is getting, this point must be emphasised on with more weight.


  1. MAGE

Finally, we’re here. Yes, what the Mage did as a group member is entirely unacceptable. Totally wrong and against grouping principles. Your team is being chased by mobs (which they pulled) and a boss that couldn’t be cc-ed. In any case, this is a certified roach. No argument there.

But the hate on him just because he didn’t utilise everything to help his team? Personally, I cannot accept this because why is the hate not spread out? Why is it so entirely focused on him? I just explained above the disgusting and useless actions of his teammates (save for Priest because she tried her best and even in the face of death, she stopped and healed her tank when mobs were behind her).

Yes, he has tonnes of utilities to help, COC, Nova, etc. Yes, he could have binded more keys to his bars such as his robe and poly. Yes, he could have done more. But does this mean that every single time we play with a Mage, we expect them to do all this?

FYI, for further clarification, the mistakes I highlighted above from the other players, are literally basic fundamental mistakes you would not make even when you’re QUESTING. You would have learnt from QUESTING in HC, to watch for PATROLS, to have back up plans in mind if another extra mob pulls, TO KNOW WHAT BUTTONS TO PRESS, if things go south. You would have gone through all this progressively and naturally had you played the game normally.

The mistakes made by the Mage are yes, also at the fundamental level, considered bad. But imo, it’s not as bad as the mistakes made by the entire team because it is the actions of the other members which lead to this situation.

From the Mage’s perspective (which I’ve been in many times as well), why do we have to pay for your mistakes? Why do we have to put our own hard-built characters which we’ve spent exorbitant time and effort at risk, for the severe mistakes made by other people who never bothered to learn the game properly? Why do we have to sacrifice ourselves or at the very least put ourselves in a position where we may have to sacrifice ourselves for the stupidity of others? I understand that this a group run and this is more inclined towards perhaps single-player mentality but still, it is unfair to pin everything on a single person when the situation was NOT even CREATED nor INSTIGATED by that said person.

In conclusion, my objective here isn’t to piss anyone off or to point fingers. It is just I find it extremely UNFAIR for one person to shoulder everything. Just because the others have admitted that “they could have done better” doesn’t justify the wrong. Do they even know what they could have done better? Do they even know what mistakes they have made? Are they aware? Or are they just saying they’re sorry to appease the community? Well, it does seem to be working because now all the hate is on the one person, who ironically:

  1. Did not create the situation
  2. Did not take accountability for CREATING that situation which RESULTED in 2 DEATHS (one of which he COULD NOT have prevented due to the sheer stupidity of the DRUID butt-pulling a seperate pack and the healing aggro instantly ripping threat).

So, you can understand where I’m coming from. He’s a roach, but that does not surprise me for there are many, many others who would have instantly hearthed in that situation. His actions were hearth-equivalent imo, but that doesn’t change the fact that the entire situation became a clown fest WAS BECAUSE OF THE TANK.

I don’t have a bias against the tank; but seriously, can the community voice up? Watch all his clips, there should be an official mandate from Blizzard banning this man’s account from playing any tank classes / roles because all he does is grief his friends and teammates. You can’t lead but you want to lead. You lead them all into death man. If you’re reading this (which I hope you are), stop playing Warrior. You’re not one nor are you fit to be one. You need to hold ranks and keep the team together in the face of adversity, not tug tail pack up and tell the entire team to run EVERY SINGLE TIME AN EXTRA PACK PULLS.

p/s: it was quite long writing the above that I missed this part out. Had the Warrior / Tank not panicked and told the team to run, had the Warrior / Tank pulled all mobs that they have aggroed towards the back of the arena, or near the pillars to LOS mage ogres whilst they clean up the melee, the entire team would have lived. This call was not made. This call is usually made by the tank, which is usually lead. Do not argue with me that the “tank wasn’t lead” in this run. He was. He’s the one pulling, therefore he was the one making decisions.

This is why I have such a heavy opinion on this Warrior because he failed miserably in his actions and duties in his role and now, another player is being heavily blamed and flamed day and night for a situation that he did not create. He merely did not turn back, put himself at risk, and help the team. Hey, he’s not the only one who does this, just because the Mage is PirateSoftware isn’t an excuse for the entire world to flame him. Sure, fame will bring you attention whether warranted or unwarranted.

But this should not be used as an excuse to cover-up the actions of the other bad players such as the WARRIOR, the ROGUE and the DRUID. They are all at fault.

WARRIOR is the worst, having the No. 1 position. DRUID is the second-worst, having ADHD-jumped on the ramp and social aggro pulled a second mock resulting in the death of his teammate. ROGUE and MAGE fights for third spot because even though most of the hate are focused on MAGE, the ROGUE PERFORMED EXACTLY THE SAME AS THE MAGE, DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, TRIED TO CC A BOSS THAT WAS IMMUNED TO CC (you didn’t know? This is Dire Maul that everyone has warned and gave tips about but you were too arrogant because of your league background so you never bothered so you don’t know jack , hence grieving your team).

You know what; I change my mind. MAGE is third because he roached knowing he roached. That ROGUE pretended to not be roaching but he literally is performing all actions similar to a roach (just that he performed it near his team lmao). In case you’re wondering what actions he performed = absolutely nothing).

Again, this is just my opinion. There is too much hate on the Mage to the point where the horrible actions of his teammates are not being sufficiently highlighted. It does not help, especially with all this stupid streamers utilising this opportunity as “Just Content” whilst the externality is the Mage being sent a tonne of hate day and night.


The forums thank you for your critique.

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I don’t understand the hate. I think it was never anything Pirate did or didn’t do, people simply hate him. For example on Youtube the video classic hardcore moments #70 Pops is in a run, multiple people are beginning to hearth when a pat comes by. He didn’t stop hearthing and had time to cancel the hearth and help kill the mob but didn’t, and when he was out people died. At the end Pops was like ah well. How is that a ‘ah well’ moment but Pirates was drama, hate brigading and a gkick?

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That novel was too long to read and actually has no bearing on why people are calling out Pirate. It’s nothing to do with how bad the group was. No argument there, I’m sure you went into excruciating detail about all the mistakes. Here’s what matters.

He was playing with guildies, chose to run while the other 4 were making their way out together. He has every right to roach out but he can’t be depended on for any future runs as it’s 100% clear he will bolt at the first chance he gets. It’s about his character. A friend’s in trouble? You can help but choose not to. Add to that, it’s the hubris of his past remarks about how a mage should play and when it was his time to “harden up” he ran.


Pirate’s just an easy dude to hate, regardless of the dungeon drama.

He put himself in the spotlight, has a huge ego, and isn’t equipped to deal with any sort of criticism.

In his mind, it’s never his fault.

Is that an attitude you really want in HARDCORE of all places?

People just want him to be humbled, that’s it.

He talked himself up to being a god-player, he’s got a god complex about him lol.

Fact is, he’s not a god-tier player. And he doesn’t seem to know that.


I stopped reading quickly in.

All of the reviews I have seen over the incident do not solely blame him for what happened. No one has said it is ENTIRELY on him. That being said the only thing he did was provide a rank 5 half of a second blizzard on the mobs. He clearly didn’t care about the group, not that he was spooked. He was over the group and didn’t care if they died. That’s the reality.

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Post way to long to bother and read. I believe Pirate was in the wrong, both in the group and afterwards. He cracked under pressure. But, he’s a really good man. And people need to forgive one mistake (the whole situation is a single mistake). No need to go scorched earth on him.

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attitude trumps everything online, everyone knows that Pops for example isn’t a good player, he never acts like he is either. trying to deflect all blame is a horrid way to go about things and this is coupled by him having tons of clips that got dug up with him talking about how to provide CC as a mage, the exact thing he was supposed to do for the group.

idk to be honest man, it’s really hard to tell when a streamer being a good guy is just their “brand” and whether or not it’s legit. and then I see clips of him blaming other people for his own mistakes as well and i start to see a pattern. I just get really suspect of this stuff.

Eh, being a good guy for their brand is still being a good guy. Those youtubers who give money to the homeless just for the clout are still doing good things. I haven’t seen anything else, except this one ordeal so I could be wrong. The only things I’ve ever seen is him giving decent advice, being silly, or talking about his rescue animals.

I ain’t reading all that, especially when I’ve seen the clips of him body pull the first time

Bro u put way too much thought into this


truth, op. pure unadulterated truth.

the only people who would disagree with you are the same people who key cars with bumper stickers they dont like. you know, the kind of people who try to destroy anything good someone else made, just to feel better about their shortcomings.


I feel awful for the healer.

TLDR all

However… I feel that what Pirate did makes sense. He was streaming the whole thing and made it a point to show his audience that when a group does something very dumb, then calls for a run you tie your laces and make sure you are faster then the Gnome… That is all. One sacrificial Gnome solves all of this.

The whole “accountability” argument is dumb imo. Its not like he didnt do his job he’s playing a video game so imo this argument goes both ways. “Hes not taking accountability” could easily be “whatever dude” and move on because its a video game. Just dont group with him again. Whole thing was way overblown and retarded.


It’s crazy how many people follow Streamers. Older I get the less I even hear of them, always end up surprised when I talk to someone so invested in it all

Who is this Pirate guy, why have I never heard of him until this occured and why do people call him Thor when he looks way more like Loki

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Good looking, great voice, confident in his abilities, that’s why people dislike Pirate Software. Pirate Software is a game developer with a great deal of knowledge about the industry, that’s his claim to fame, not being able to mash buttons and create drama for his internet fans. Pirate didn’t think he did anything wrong, why should he cowtow and apologize? It’s like when your brother hits you and you hit him back, but your mother only sees you hit him and demands you apologize, but you would rather sit in the corner for two hours than apologize, because you don’t feel you did anything wrong. Was retaliation wrong? Yes, but at that moment what you see is that you did what you needed to in that situation. The fact is small minded people follow the herd and believe what they’re told. Sodapopin is a toxic, small minded streamer, that propagates drama for clicks and always has. Pirate Software has never jumped on his ego train and stroked his ego, so obviously he’s a perfect target to create drama about. This has nothing to do with Pirate “roaching out” which he didn’t. but rather Sodapopin’s desire for clicks and views for his scripted “duel” with Tyler1. And if that wasn’t scripted, bro should retire for losing to someone so inept.


its because there streamers who make money off this, why there’s a good argument for them making community look bad. there fans are dogging on a founders son might be causing him real life issues blizzard employee’s already have a love hate Relationships with there community this just reinforces that. nothing in that dungeon does not happen in this game every single 2nd of the day since the dawn of time nothing that’s why its so funny and frustrating watching this blow up like this.