Pirate's Dire Maul Group is worse than Pirate

WoW isn’t like a lot of other streamed games.

In other games it’s common to have ‘villains’ who trash talk, who have cheated, griefed, etc.

WoW is generally pretty chill by comparison and I think people are just stoked to have a villain to hate.

I feel like… if people are upset with Pirate, it’s because they want to be.

:poop: happens.

It’s hardcore. If the unthinkable happens, you let out a heavy sigh and then go at it again. Your measure of success isn’t always going to be that you’re alive, it’s eventually that you died and came back into the game and didn’t give up.

Expecting Pirate (or anyone) to save everyone else when a group is actively falling apart due to mismanagement, accidents and chaotic overwhelming circumstances? Well, it’s incredibly unrealistic.

That all being said, I do think the people that died should be compensated. Get them all the gear they need to get back into the game. Help them pay for everything. This is especially true if they died so that you can live.

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It’s never been about the mistakes that were made or actions that weren’t taken in the moment. It’s about being unable to show empathy to those lost or to self reflect after the fact to go you know what, I didn’t play perfectly. There were things I could’ve done that may have saved the group but I panicked. My bad.

fancy breakdown there pal but the simple fact is this: yes, he could have saved the entire group using one singular frost nova or blizzard, something home boy spouted on about speccing into cuz “it saves lives, man” and doesn’t cast a single rank 1 spell in almost 2 minutes then proceeds to crap down his groups throat, leaves both calls where crap could have been hashed out but quadruple downed on “being right”, this dude has the worst ego I’ve ever seen on a person which is the problem everyone has with the guy, not cuz people died. He has zero accountability and can do no wrong,


Apparently the Druid pulled a side group, then a 2nd side group. Then the tank made a few bad calls. I have no good idea why people are blaming Pirate, he was doing exactly what was called out.

Yes, if things were ideal then any of the members could have done things to prevent what happened. The blame belongs to the Druid and the Tank who made bad calls.

Also, to clarify… “out” means out-now. Like things are going sideways, don’t stay, run. The healer staying and healing, the Druid trying to fight, the tank not tanking, all mistakes. People got themselves killed.

Blaming Pirate is kind of strange.

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Also as its been stated, if you’re gonna listen to your ‘shot caller’ listen to all the shot callers calls, not just the call to bail. and RUN doesn’t mean abandon your whole team every man for himself, it means lets get out of this as a unit

Nobody blamed pirate.

The most rationale people in this drama do not blame Pirate for it, they just point out there was a lot more he could have attempted or do with minimal/no risk on his way out, but he claims there was nothing more he could do and factually speaking it’s just not true as anyone even remotely good at the game knows how powerful a frost mage is in a hectic situation like that.

His problem boils down to he acts like he was out of options, and while you could make an argument that some people don’t want to take any kind of risk like that, AFAIK he has never gone into the nuance of that discussion beyond saying “Of course I could have played better, everyone can play better”

His gameplay can only be defined as choking or roaching, but he wants to claim he did everything he could have done in that scenario and that’s what annoys people more than anything. As I said in another thread, you can say you could have done better when you get a B+ on a test, you can’t say you could have done better when you get an F because that’s just polishing the turd.

Yes they are.

Read any Youtube comment section covering this stuff and it’s nothing but hate for Pirate. It’s really strange, and kind of sad.

This is fair. There are calm voices that don’t blame any one person or don’t blame Pirate, but might complain about his conduct otherwise… I don’t personally care either way. I don’t think he did anything wrong.

The Druid screwing up multiple times in a short period of time and then the Tank/Shot Caller making bad calls… that’s what screwed everyone up. They started the mess and got everyone killed. Everything after that point was :poop: on a :poop: salad.

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I don’t care what any YouTube or twitch viewer has to say when they probably don’t play the game and are actively trying to cause issues.

That’s probably the healthiest way to look at it. That does make me wonder how many of the people in those comment sections actually play the game or even watch his stream.

Yeah there’s plenty of really bad takes across the spectrum so it’s impossible to say no one is X. I don’t think any levelheaded person is saying this though, some are more on team

From a mage gameplay critique POV he did, from a personal standpoint of how you should handle that situation it’s a lot more subjective. TBF that Yamato guy called to run, waffled on his decision, then said he wasn’t the shot caller. Pirate committing to his actions is a fair stance to take, and you can kind of see how he debates getting back in there right towards the end, but the Priest dies and then he’s like oh yeah naw.

Hindsight is 2020, and if he could have seen how much blowback he’d get over this he might have done a bit of a critique of his mentality and decision making process to calm the waters, but instead he’s gone so far down the rabbit hole it’s impossible to climb out of.

If run means everyone for themselves then tanks and most healers would die every time. To most rational people, run means to retreat to the exit together. If he had left with the group and tried to help no one would be calling him out. He said himself, he had too much to lose and it wasn’t worth the risk. That’s all the proof anyone needs that he was only thinking about saving his own hide.

To all the people defending him. I’m sure he’s not a terrible guy but he’s no hero and shouldn’t be venerated or congratulated for his decision.

And to the haters, he isn’t a villain and maliciously wanted to kill 2 players. He certainly doesn’t deserve death threats and all the hate posts.

He’s just an average guy that talked a lot and when his moment came he couldn’t handle the pressure and ran for his life. He has to live with the consequences.

Which is honestly fine as long as you’re not then trying to tell everyone that isn’t what happened


I guess that’s part of my issue. I don’t play a Mage. I’m a Lock/Rogue in Vanilla.

Yeah well you can watch a lot of different takes on it, and from better mages than me, but really he just panicked on his mana bar status and by the time he seemed to realize that he had options it was a bit too late.

Realistically he should have recovered his mana and use R1 spells to slow enemies down while they all backed out. Maybe poly and maybe nova. All incredibly low risk options for him because the moment someone dies he’s still in the back and blinks away.

Also I hate that he’s a clicker, not sure if it was a stunt for HC or what, but if you’ve muscle memoried in your CDs like that it’s a lot easier to react out of instinct.

Literally Sodapoppin and other streamers have stated that they would let the non-streamer pugs in their groups die if things go south. Someone does it to them and they’re a “roach”. Double standard. The only difference is that Pirate Software is a decent guy, the people he’s bullied, Lacari, for instance, are douches that thrive on drama and clashing with others. Amphy roached out on a group in the past, everyone forgets about it and gave him a pass, but the day a duel takes place that they are trying to drum up support for, they all jump on this bandwagon. xQc needs to stay out of it, he knows nothing about this game, the fact the drama king threw his hat into the ring kind of tells you the nature of this event. All the people with zero social skills and way too much invested in this game, decided that they were told what happened and how to think about it. Only Fangs is a trash guild that needs to go.


Why should he have empathy for someone he doesn’t know? Should all 7 billion people on this planet have empathy for one another? Real life is harsh, real life hates you, real life wants you to fail at every possible moment, people hate you, people do not care about you, people are selfish, cruel, self aligned and will do anything to push everyone else down while pushing themselves up. Sorry to say, people will waste your time no matter where it is, in the store, in a video game, simply walking around your town/city or where ever you live, people will also sit there and record the car crash you were just in all while you might be bleeding to death. The war in Ukraine wouldn’t be happening if the aggressors weren’t selfish or had empathy.

Sorry not sorry, life sucks. Move on from the situation and go outside and eat grass.

Edit: People have empathy for those who are getting excessively bullied, why do you think people were actively defending pirate? He was getting death threats and hate raids before he decided reporting everyone to twitch sounded like a good idea. The hard irony in all this though, the same people raging about threats of getting reported are the same people who will go around and tell everyone to report and ignore/block people then when they’re threatened because they’re the ones breaking the rules then 180 that and call for a lynch mob.

They were fellow guild-mates working alongside him to overcome a challenge, and he objectively could have saved them all but failed. And you don’t have to have empathy for 7 billion people to do that, just 2, technically 4 if you count the survivors.

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Guildmates aren’t friends, in that moment he didn’t know them, you wouldn’t go out of your way to run into a burning house would you? Barring the fact that its not your job, by your logic you should have empathy for the strangers in that burning house and you should risk life and limb running in there but in reality, you’ll sit there, probably record it, act concerned and worried then go on about your life after its all over with. By the very logic of everyone calling for him to have an ounce of care for the people that died in a VIDEO GAME when all it takes is to reroll the character and start the journey again.
If people can’t handle the concept of death in a 1 life game mode in a video game the shouldn’t be playing a 1 life game mode in the first place.

The truth sucks don’t it?