Pirates Day costume wont go away

Not sure I did good , nothing changed for me. Skirmish arena = pvp like AV ?

I cant get this method to work. It just…doesnt work for me. I wish blizzard would quit breaking things that were working just fine. Good grief.

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Definitely work perfectly for me. Thank you so much. As the rest of us feel, the outfit was well past it’s time.

Joined a battleground. Still a pirate.


Duingraves, you are a savior. I had almost given up hope until I found this post. I put way too many hours into my xmog set to run around as a pirate with huge bear claws.
For those in doubt, this method absolutely works if you follow the instructions to the letter. I swore off PVP the day i got the “Long, strange trip” achiev- but this was worth dying for.

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Arena method worked. Thanks Blizz for all the help…not.

I am also cursed. I’m about to Arena queue!

Thanks!! I did exactly how you explained it and it worked for me :slight_smile:

I just came here to complain that I still had the stupid outfit on. Thank you so much for this! It worked :slight_smile:

Edit: Ok I was wrong. As Sarinoth said, as soon as you zone to another place, it comes back. I should have learned from the last micro-holiday years ago…that Moonkin Festival thing. I had those damn moonkins following me for a week after the event was over.

Blizzard fix your ****

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Update: I did the fix as @Duingraves explained and it worked for me! I’ve been able to log in and out and zone without the costume returning!

@Younga, do you actually have to complete the skirmish, or can you just enter and leave? I ask because I don’t pvp at all lol!

Ok, I can now confirm that @Duingrave’s method does work. I entered an arena skirmish (decided to just play through. My first one and we kicked a** hehe). When it was over I followed Duingrave’s steps. I also decided to zone to another area to test it, and sure enough, I remained my normal self!

Same bc I really don’t want to have to PVP. Not even just to lose on purpose

You are an absolute genius. Thank you so much!

You, sir are a a god among men. Thank you so much

Are you kidding me? People are rejoicing because they have to join an Arena Skirmish and follow x amount of instructions in order to get rid of a buff that is a BUG that Blizzard is NOT FIXING? That is BULL! I don’t arena, yet I will be forced to join a skirmish and make an idiot out of myself just to fix Blizzard’s own bug? That is UNACCEPTABLE.


I wish I could be a pirate all the time!! Yarrrrrr

Still stuck in my pirate outfit and I’ve tried queuing for a skirmish, they’re not popping on my sever so I can’t try the workaround. Blizz, please fix this!

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Was it you Duingraves that helped me out solve this problem? If it was thank you for helping me out :smile: It was a pleasure seeing you.

Two days and still stuck as a pirate. I think it’s ridiculous that we have to do a work around instead of Blizz fixing this.