Pirate's Booty Item Bugged

Same issue here, got it on the main, tried to put in warbank, couldn’t. Sent it to the alt, same faction same server. Alt can’t open the box. Doesn’t give any notification, just grays out the box and makes it un-interactable/movable. No loot window pop up. Returns to normal after logging off and back in, but still not able to acquire any loot from it.

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Same issue!!

This is still an issue. Was not fixed with today’s weekly maintenance.

same been over 72 hours havent received it yet …put in reports and tickets nothing yet.

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Same, cannot open !
raised a Ticket and GM answer me to report this bug

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That’s their response to almost anything. Their so-called “support” is 99% garbage.

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Confirming, I’m having the same issue, too. With frustration that I’ve been asked to post it here, after raising a support ticket.

Reporting in to say the same thing; mailed the chest to an alt and haven’t been able to open it since getting it. Just chiming in hoping that by adding my name to the list it will some day be looked at.

Same here!

You said you “purchased” it?

Same issue here,

Also broken for me.

They appear to have no intentions of fixing this like soooooo many, many, many things in the game!

Posting to say mine is also bugged and not working. I read its supposed to be a H raid item?

i got an account warning for putting in tickets about it FYI

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It’s still not working. Could we get a fix while the gear is still relevant, please?

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im also having this issue, been about two weeks. tried disabling addons and everything still wont open

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Same problem. As a side, I’m so tired of coming to bug forums for every. dang. event.

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Same problem here, box won’t open

Guess it will be fixed after season 2 starts, SMH.

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