Picking a Covenant isn't fun

I use the Karen’s <---- on purpose… l useveng dh on cool down every min its to good not too

Speaking from the viewpoint of a DH, elysian decree is MILES ahead of fodder to the flame.

Especially if you engage in PvP or M+. Man, trying to pvp with the wrong covenant feels so damned wretched. Even at lower level content.

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Just pick the one that gives you the most dps and be done with it. How is this an issue?

Wow players have proven cosmetic rewards are desirable.

It’s enough incentive.

Unless you mean to skip it entirely? Lore nerds will always do the things.

I completely get what you’re saying OP and agree. They work so hard at balancing spinning plates, and by the end of the expansion most have fallen and no one cares because it’s old, broken, and pointless. If there were something that could keep going, as well as introduce new lore/content to synergize with what we have, that’d be awesome.

That’s why I said optional. So people can do the quests to experience the main universe story but others can make their own stories.

Done correctly you should be able to have an overarching story that you experience and move forward at your own pace. There’s tons of ways to do that but Blizzard chose the easy way out of putting everyone on rails.

I should still be able to look at these factions and say, “You’re all crazy and I want nothing to do with any of you.”


Citation needed. You keep saying there is no difference or meaningful impact. Where are you getting this from? Guides all say otherwise and I’ve seen no updated sims showing actual or estimated numbers. Is this just, like, your opinion man?

It’s far from just my opinion. A large number of my friends and other folks I speak to share similar views. Streamers too. Normally I don’t care for what they say, but Preach was talking about the covenants for a long time and he’s repeatedly said that covenant abilities are not worth pressing. And in this case I agree with him based on my own experiences.

I agree, picking a covenant isn’t fun. I chose the one that is clearly the best one for the content I want to do (although I dislike that aesthetic). It felt bad. As soon as I did it, I lost all interest and was ready to log off…


They should have just made all 4 covenant abilities available to all 4 covenants with different cosmetic changes. Then we could pick the covenant we want while still being able to freely swap between abilities.

This system right now is terrible and needs a massive change.


That’s actually even worse.

I wouldn’t really call it meaningful in the sense that it’s satisfying or fulfilling. I’m basically weighing three different decisions at once with no real agency. I played through SL on my DH first. So I’m weighing

  • Aesthetics. The Venthyr armor is really the only armor that looks halfway decent on my DH or remotely DH-ish. Everything else is hilariously inappropriate. Yes obviously tansmogs blah blah blah, but I’m going off what pieces I could get some usage out of.

  • Covenant abilities. The Night Fae ability is the one I got the most use out of and helped me the most when I was playing in the respective zone.

  • Soulbinds. The Venthyr passive that gives you haste is pretty much the best one for DH, the rest aren’t great.

So aesthetically and for passive, I’m going Venthyr, but I’m getting a new ability that doesn’t really help me much other than doing extra burst damage every 4 min with metamorphosis. But I miss out on an ability that I found to be very helpful, but can’t go with it because I’m weighing the other two options as well. It just feels bad. No matter what I pick, I’m losing something, and what I’m gaining doesn’t really feel amazing either.

It’s not like picking a class - if I go warrior I lose out on being able to blow things up with fire like a mage, but I get to RIP AND TEAR with cool axes and stuff. That to me is a meaningful, interesting decision. I’m losing magic but gaining cool warrior class fantasy. Here, I’m losing a new ability I really like but I’m gaining aesthetic armor and a passive that actually helps me, because that new ability is tied to passives that don’t help me and armor that is ill-fitting for my class.

And this is just the gameplay stuff. I haven’t even gotten into the story related stuff, which doesn’t really matter because “story” in this game is uninteractive and just exposition being vomited at you and things happening around you that you have zero input into, but I am a roleplayer. So I’m weighing that as well.


Sadly, covenant abilities are basically level 60 talents where swapping off and back is on a two week CD. Why covenants couldn’t have just been cosmetic is beyond me.

It would’ve still been a meaningful choice but he meaning would’ve been a player’s investment in one or more covenants instead of gameplay related choices.


Even in Vanilla “meaningful choice” meant you could still just pay some gold and respec. Not months of re-grinding.


Pretty much the only meaningful choice in classic/vanilla was your racial. And yea regrinding a character took a ton of time

The talent tree was often minor if a point was out of place and wasnt overly meaningful since it was so easily changed

It really isn’t. Some people just can’t make a simple decision so they have someone else make it for them.

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That argument falls flat completely this time. You can ignore the DPS but some of the abilities are just far more fun/playable than others. They just flat out make combat BETTER.

Bottom line most people will pick their covenant based on the ability they ENJOY and that blows. Picking your covenant should be a story/thematic choice. The combat abilities should not be tied to the content.


I really enjoyed picking my covenant

To be fair I’m a blood dk and it was an easy choice for me.

Dks only have 2 choices and that’s necrolords/venthra

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I don’t feel like copy-pasting, please read my reply on another thread regarding the same comments:


Because some of us tank and DPS too, or PvP and PvE.