Picking a Covenant isn't fun

I use mine every time that it’s off cd.

Pick a direction and go in it. Why do people overcomplicate things? You could even base it on something as simple as what color you prefer, or what NPCs annoy you the least.

Ultimately, it doesn’t really matter, unless you truly play only one character (if so, this really isn’t the game for you anymore). We’ll eventually see all of the content and get all of the rewards across 4+ characters.

I just hit this same choice, and decided within a few minutes. I made sure I evaluated the options of course, but ultimately there was a pretty clear winner. I went with one that had the most fun/effective active ability as I played through, and one of the more appealing aesthetics.

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I’m glad it was easy for you. I guess half the playerbase “overcomplicates” things and therefore their opinion on the matter is invalid.

of all of the criticisms of the covenant system, this is probably the most valid. FOMO is definitely present when it comes to picking - just remember to focus on the experiences you will have rather than the ones you wont.


I’m doubting Blizzard will do anything further though. They nerfed the covenant abilities low enough that they’re not very far apart from each other, but tying combat power to covenant choice was a decision that just feels bad as a player. It should have been solely cosmetic rewards tied to story/thematic choice of the player.


raise your hand if you’ve had the covenant choice quest in your log for hours and are completely unable to make a choice due to the unappealing options and excessive weight of picking the ‘wrong’ one.



When I got the quest, I referenced Icy Veins and WoWhead… it just sucks. For raid I should pick Venthyr, but that ability’s cooldown is 4 min so for Mythic+ I should pick Kyrian, but that ability is terrible for single-target. Combat power should not have been tied to the Covenants–it should just have been the asthetics (mounts, pets, transmog) and the story (for those that like the RP aspect of an RPG).

I have a ret pally in both an Alliance and Horde and I’ve agonizingly decided to put the Horde in Venthyr and the Alliance in Kyrian. Even though the guides say the overall DPS difference is small, a 4 min CD in a M+ does not feel small. Similarly, being spec’d for multi-target on a raid boss does not feel insignificant. It feels terrible.


I feel the same way.

Seems odd for it to feel like a bad thing when it should be fun and exciting.

It actually feels worse knowing that they nerfed all of them to make them more balanced.

Such a waste of a potentially good system.

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I had fun with it. So it’s not fun for YOU, but it is for some.

yep, i 100% want to pick venthyr for my horde warlock. it fits the story and the rpg aspect of my lock. but if im going for minmaxxing, i should be going kyrian angel cult or night fae sugar plum gumdrop fairies… neither of which makes ANY sense from a lore or rpg perspective for a warlock. its an agonizing, unpleasant, fun sucking decision to have to make.


I honestly can’t fathom how people even have the energy to care. Just pick whatever you want.

Same. Venthyr actually is the worst covenant for my Warlock but there is no way I’m taking him anywhere else. It fits too much.

My Undead DK is going to Maldraxxus no matter what too LOL.

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because they can inevitably forsee a future where they are declined from m+ groups and raids for being the ‘wrong’ covenant.


So no different than how people were denied from groups in BFA.

There will never not be dicks.

its a matter of not wanting to give groups MORE excuses to deny you. getting chosen over 458945 other dps is already hard enough.


If we start removing things based on people accepting you into groups then this game will be striped down to nothing.

Dont group with jerks.

okay, while thats all well and good in a perfect world and apparently not an issue to you, to others it is anxiety inducing and decidedly unfun.

if you dont agree, great - congratulations.


If you pick Necrolords you can /spit on Madeleine Roux every day. Big win.

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Had you read the post you would know I was hoping people were enjoying more than myself…

That’s why I’m here searching for what others choose for their covenants. If they went for min/max or RP/aesthetic reasons. I’m leaning more towards aesthetics but I’m torn.