Physical Blizzard authenticator

Not data that Mourningg would have, but I believe the point they are making is that we generally have data on the sale and use of the Authenticator, both physical and mobile.

I believe that was a conversational means of conveying that Mourningg believes the number you may be thinking is higher than it truly is. Quibbling about your personal theoretical number seems unproductive.

How unfortunate, not certain why we’d have cause to lie about that, but you are welcome to your opinion, even if it is erroneous. :slight_smile:

To be clear. We believe account security is more important than simply making a profit, which is why we have always sold those at cost. We also traditionally would ship them free within the continental United States.

As it stands, CS can’t provide any details as to why the physical units are no longer available, just that they are. This is also not new, they have been out of stock for awhile. This question was simply asked and answered today in this thread.

I don’t believe there is much more we can add to this thread and it would probably be best to avoid escalating any aggressive discussions so I’m going to lock this one up. Thanks all.