Phone incompatible with Authenticator App

While that is true, VOIP numbers are not accepted by Blizzard’s system. It has to be a number that is flagged as a contract number and has to be registered in the country that matches your Bnet account.

Mine is accepted by the system for both US and EU since i run in both regions

Ok, then. So the authenticator requirement has no impact on stopping bots and adverts? They can just cycle accounts and digital numbers.

AWS has their own answer to that issue.

It’s okay. I find other ways to be special.

Is there an easy way to find out if your phone number is flagged as a contract number? I don’t want to go through the hassle of unlinking my keyfob if I’m not 100% sure it will work on my phone. And I only say hassle because last I looked I either have to call blizzard customer service to have it removed or send them a copy of my govt id.

Yes, you should be able to try setting up the text messaging service separately. If that works you are good. You can also use said text messaging service to remove the keyfob if it dies. That avoids having to put in a ticket and send ID.

Having the text service + Auth gives you the 4 backpack slots and the custom group editing.

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Lotta people in here just perfectly fine with a system that requires going backdoor via third party software to authenticate your own account in order just to be able to type a title into group finder.

I’ve seen “it’s 2021” come up a few times. Ayup. It’s 2021. Blizzard can easily find a satisfactory fix to this problem. Probably with a single afternoon meeting.

Or we can wait on the community panel to fix it. :slight_smile:

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These panels are usually filled with people who think exactly one way, most likely all just shill replacement content creators since the rest moved on from wow. I seriously doubt they will affect any change in the game, least of all authentication.

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I’m gonna get on the panel and save us all. :man_superhero:

You can still buy a keyfob Authenticator from Amazon.

I bought one and it works.

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I know people keep saying that the authenticator won’t work on pre-paid phones, but it does on mine. I installed it on my phone to see if I could get it to work and it let me log in with the code it displayed without any problems. I then found where I had put my iPod touch that I also have the authenticator on and plugged it in to charge for a bit. When it got charged enough to turn on I opened up the app on it and made sure that it was synched for the current time. Now on both my phone and iPod they are showing the same log in code so I don’t know if it was because I already had the authenticator on my account but I am using my pre-paid TracFone to access my account.

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And did you right click-report for Advertising?

Mmmmmmmmmmmnot quite.

The companies selling boosts for real cash hurt the game, because they tend to be scummy to maximize their real-world profits. Stealing accounts through phishing, compromising their own customer base, selling gold for cash that they know will be traced and confiscated, taking cash for services they never intended to provide, and there’s no recourse for the people that they hurt. Meanwhile, Blizzard has to put out massive amounts of effort to re-secure, retrieve and undo the damage done on stolen accounts.

Guilds and individuals selling runs for gold that they’ll actually use in the game for materials, mounts, whatever, because they actually play the game, can usually manage to not break the rules by advertising in the one specific place that they’re not allowed to advertise.

This change was done to impose consequences on RMT sales in the Premade Group Finder tool, but they’re not going to go out of their way to make it easy for people to keep their accounts less secure when it costs them so much time and money to help people get their unsecured accounts back after a compromise.

This must be nice, but my phone on Cricket Wireless is rejected by Blizz


Go boost elsewhere dude or get a real job

Because Cricket’s number pool are labeled for pre-paid phones, it’s a Cricket issue they don’t want to fix.

I’m not sure even Apple still supports OP’s iPhone 6, let alone Blizzard.

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I had the physical authenticator i purchased from Blizzard 10 yrs ago. It still works and works well. It seems like that is not enough anymore and that I need a smartphone app? Well I don’t own a smart phone. I own an oldschool flip phone which I rarely use. Is blizzard planning on buying me a smartphone? I don’t even want to own one because it destroys peoples lives. I’m 40 yrs old and have been playing WOW since Vanilla.

Wondering why the physical authenticator is not enough? Maybe make another security physical device and sell that to us? I wouldn’t mind spending $30-50 on another better upgraded version of the authenticator, but as far as smart phones go… I have no need for one, YET, anyway. This is why i have not purchased one. Those things cost a fortune, and the data plans prices are ridiculous!


the old options were:

  • put it in the description and still have to whisper people to ask because nobody reads
  • download an addon that shows the covenant of applicants

guess which of those options worked better and is also still available today whether you have an authenticator or not

“Smart phones destroy peoples lives”

Plays World of Warcraft for 15 years

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