Phone incompatible with Authenticator App

It doesn’t even get access to your data.

You know what? I’m done. Too many morons, too little time. This change isn’t getting reverted, so have fun dealing with the restrictions until you do the sensible thing and secure your account.

Bloody trolls.

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Stupidity is a disease, sometimes you just gotta social distance lmao

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Well to be fair, that is true for most apps on your phone. So unless you are running a barebones mobile phone, that is a pretty flawed argument against the authenticator.

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neither do you but I know lazy and people who are trying to make gold or money via carries are on the lazy side.

and no one thought it would totally stop the ads, they hoped it would cut down on them enough that they could keep ahead of banning the accounts and so far it looks like that is achieveable.

Not at the expense of the 95% who have been complaining about spammers and RMT advertisers for literally years.

So does EVERY app you install on your phone, The Blizzard App is no different

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Two factor authentication is, by far, the best way available to secure an account from third-party access. It is used (and required) by banks around the world whose money depends on its functioning.

The fact that you think you have a leg to stand on when you argue that it is somehow opening you up to INCREASED security risk to require 2fa is utterly nonsensical.


So is the person who earlier in the thread stated that you need a contracted phone plan incorrect?

I personally don’t care about the LFG issue so my issue with all of this isn’t that (although I realize that for many it is a huge issue). I have had the physical authenticator on my account since they were first available, I know that battery isn’t going to last forever so I would like my account to still be secure by switching over to the phone one. However, I have phone service with Mint Mobile and I pay in advance (do not have a contract), my phone is a relatively new iphone so I’m not using a potato as a phone. I always figured that I would get around to doing it and never thought my phone service provider would be an issue, but seeing this thread has me a bit worried.

Is the issue the lack of a contract or the ability for sms to work on that particular phone/phone company? Because I’m pretty sure that even without a contract my phone uses sms for texting…I think. :woman_shrugging:

I do.

Yet what’s the percentage of WoW playerbase that has been complaining? 95% of an insignificant number of people, I had no idea WTS spam was even a thing until now. Sure, I’d see them occasionally, and ignore them.

Yet Blizz demands the app and doesn’t allow those that can’t use the app to secure their accounts.

Is he physical authenticator not a thing anymore? I remember it back in WotLK, dunno if they did away with it. Anyway, you should upgrade to a smartphone either way. A flip phone is very much a thing of the past. A lot of banks, credit unions, etc. practically require you to have the app. I really recommend it.

I can confirm that I cannot edit Titles for groups on the Group Finder.
I have an Authenticator linked up, using the app on an S9, and the Core Hound Pup is still usable.

I have a monthly plan from NZ, which apparently counts as a Prepaid plan and therefore isn’t eligible for SMS protect.

Also, looking at it squares up with the wording there. That says explicitly it only accounts that have been secured with a Authenticator and Phone Notifications can add custom text to Group Finder listings. and under Phone Notifications is the eligibility criteria of Mobile phones with prepaid plans may not work with the phone notification service.

So as of right now, I can confirm that it is entirely possible to have an account with Two-Factor Authentication that still cannot use Titles or Description text in the Group Finder, with the only seeming solution being to change phone plans.


Precisely my point. Phones are vulnerable devices. Any new program you add to them adds additional risk.

It’s no longer available. The company that made them wanted to jack up the prices on them, Blizzard said no.

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Ah fair. Anyway, people arguing against account security and having it to reduce sell spam in LFG in 2021? People really need to understand that absolutely none of this is bad. :tea:

The OP is like my 78 year old dad. He still runs an old celeron with a 32 bit version of XP. He complains he cannot watch Youtube and check Facebook. I tell him that he needs a new machine, he tells me, his still works, he doesn’t need to upgrade.

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And all you have to do is get the authenticator app.

I dont see how its


They do if the sheer number of WTS advertised runs obfuscates the ability to effectively browse them.

OR… you can get the authenticator app, which doesnt add to the overhead with yet ANOTHER addon.

LMAO @ harassment

No the vast majority of people complain about spam. There is a congressional action on the table about the “car warranty,” spammers. Meanwhile the amount of people who whine about not being able to make custom LFG groups without an authenticator isnt even 0.5% much less be willing to quit over it.

You’re right. There is an inconsequentially small chance that something will go wrong and a data breech of the authenticator app will happen.

On the other hand, it is inconsequentially small, so shut up and just do it for Christ’s sake.

If you actually believed what you said, you’d go all Ron from parks and rec and delete your wow profile along with every other piece of information about you on the internet. You don’t, you are just using a false inequivalency to say that the “risk” of 2fa is absurdly greater than it is.

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:smirk: *Has a completely made up Facebook profile with a random address pulled from California on it………

Data breeches and identity theft are inconsequential? You’re living in a fantasy world more bizarre than azeroth.