Phase 4 release date - pre notice : )

June 6th im calling it now


What week is it now?

A minimum 2 week notice is a must.
I need ample time to re-rank from PvP rank 1 ā†’ 7 due to my DHK massacres on Alliance towns.

Cata raids is what made a lot of people quit WoW for good. Canā€™t wait to see people burning out on heroic ragnaros, phase 1 should be cake in comparison.

Nah you have to do incursions for runes and certain classes like druids need honored for cat nip.

I meanā€¦ doesnā€™t take a genius to look at the published timeline and expect phase 4 at the end of July.

Cata prepatch in may, Cata in june, phase 4 in july, and ZA/ZG in August is most likely.

Plus, you know, Blizzard like to shoot themselves in the foot, so probably very close to the new retail expansion prepatch.

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That map gives zero indication of a hard date which is whatā€™s being asked for. Even your own estimation of July - August is wildly speculative and not in line with previous phases being 8-10 weeks
This is a request so people can plan time around their jobs and a families ahead of time, which most games afford.

Mid July for Phase 4.

Mark your calender.

The team has Cataclysm to release, I hightly doubt they would release SOD Season 4 at Cataā€™s launch. In this tweet you have ALL the dates for classic.

World of Warcraft on X: ā€œExperience your favorite Cataclysm moments faster than ever before! :scroll: Pre-Patch ā€“ April 30 :volcano: Launch ā€“ May 20 :palm_tree: Rise of the Zandalari ā€“ July 2024 :fire: Rage of the Firelands ā€“ October 2024 :crescent_moon: Hour of Twilight ā€“ January 2025 Stand in the fire:ā€ / X (

I mean sure they can technically release phase 4 in june when you look at those datesā€¦ but seems to me phase 4 in late july is more likely since you would expect a War Withing pre-patch in August.

I know itā€™s not a direct date, but Blizzard has never been more clear than those Cata datesā€¦

release sooner the better a month per phase is plenty to experience new additions to the game in these minor phases

Lmao July is insane. No way Iā€™m still playing this in 2 months.


That seems a little far off.

Nah, june 6th. Almost 2 months after launch of p3. P3 wont survive longer than that

If people are JUST clearing the last 2 bosses of ST, they should consider trying a different game. Also the devs tune the game to the best players not the worst.

So why should we wait for the people 4 weeks in who cant put in any effort?

game will be long dead by then

Isnā€™t the problem that the player base bites a little too hard into the content and complains they have no content after two weeks?

Iā€™m not even 50 yet

Maybe once all the super elite cata players leave for cata the SoD team might actually start catering SoD to the filthy era mums and Dads.

Have you not seen the raids?

They already are.

Iā€™d probably say look for an announcement in the next week or two. Iā€™d estimate May 30th, or June 6th. Iā€™m pretty sure they are using the rest of this phase duration to do some PvP and Class tuning before P4. They really should have just saved PvP tuning for P4 as well.