Phase 4 release date - pre notice : )

SoD devs simply have no idea what they’re doing. They’re throwing darts, and instead of an internal testing board, they’re giving it to us to test out.


Cata has good raiding and good zones and the dungeons are actually hard, well they were at launch anyway. Get the Vengeance mechanic and Reforging.

The 40-50 bracket was alright, but 50-60 is fun outdoors, for me anyway. World PVP starts boiling up because we’re in Burning Steppes and Searing Gorge a lot now and the zones are pretty condensed.
I never did an Incursion, lame content.

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i highly doubt theyll do P4 around the same time as Cata Classic release. That would be very boneheaded of them.

Likely will be mid-june for P4.

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The population will probably balance in sod because most of the era players won’t play Cata because it’s too hard for them they require Target dummy bosses.

Don’t they max cap to 25k worth of honor and you can’t carry anymore? Seems kind of like a big whatever sandwhich.

Would be cool to stack to cap again may make blood moon worth something.

You don’t need to know anything. All you got to do if you don’t like is to unsubscribe and move on. The end

This was always the cataclysm waiting room

I’m going to place my PTO bet on D-Day Anniversary.

Homie cata isn’t gonna fail. It’s one of the most popular xpacs of all time. The disconnect on these forums is unreal. Surround yourself in an enco chamber and look to the reverberations as wisdom :man_facepalming:.

SoD p4 prob won’t be out tell late June. It’s gonna be a long haul and SoD will probably be dead yes.

This is a minor side project. Everyone should be aware of that by now.

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I’ll remember this post when it fails dramatically.

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Cata sucked so bad I quit wow forever until classic.


Scrumptious Invigorating Mindful Post there chap

I mean wotlk was mid tier as a classic, I think cata will be way better as a classic than WOTLK was.

It has better raids, better dungeons and way better class design and rotations.

It’s also not being milked and will last a year

Considering the slow rate of acquiring upgrades in ST, I hope this phase is longer.

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Well thank you. No need to overcomplicate life.

Theres a nice little window of retailish design but before the chorelist really exploded in legion from cata through wod

Enjoying sod, but could see myself jumping ship if I need more grind time in cata.

Sorry, sods just brain dead easy, its like wow with training wheels. Fun, but also zzzzzz.

If I have time for both, I’ll stick around though.

You didnt have to do incursions. You could have quested if you enjoy it that much. Or play hardcore or era

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the date will end in the word “day”

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I would love if they posted the overall schedule from the start. Any poster that asks them to start a phase sooner gets a forum ban till the next phase.

Can’t read? Should work on that before worrying about gaming.