Phase 4 Raid Lockout Update

Thank you so much, this is the perfect schedule!

It’s funny how a few months ago the 1 week lockout was being blasted as a reason ST was so bad and Blizz was “out of touch” with their SoD playerbase after BFD and Gnomer.

Maybe most of those players already quit though so they aren’t here to complain about this one.

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It does not take more than one night to clear MC unless your raid is extremely bad.

Oh no I already quit my job, filed for divorced, and disowned my children so I could raid 7 nights a week.

Will my wife take me back?

Thank you for listening blizzard

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Keep Spirit Res as is in the mountain and outside zones!

It works well for large scale battles, and providing a clear victor versus continuous res return to battle.

You clearly do or you wouldnt have started off your rant with

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We know for a fact that every raid is getting updated gear. Its more likely that SM won’t be bis forever vs would be.

Thank you!

Works for me.
Maybe revisit bi-weekly for old content once next raid/phase releases.

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Exactly this, I feel 2 was fine for 1 boss raids but with more and more raids it starts getting worse.

And MC you will very likely be doing even in Naxx. Good ol Bindings.


This is a MASSIVE L.

Allowing the vocal minority to determine the changes of A SEASONAL version of a already 20+ year old version (with minor adjustments) of the game feels really bad.

A lot of us were extremely EXCITED to have more to do; Why do you Devs keep shooting yourself in the foot.

Those of us who continue to play even during this obvious LOW of player base wanted this; You caved to the game jumpers (Retail/Remix/SoD/D4 etc)

Some of us make this our main game, we only play SoD and you continue to crush us with awful decision making.

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Why do people who can’t actually make any points in their own favor have to make up statistics about majorities?

Do you not realize you are arguing like a diaper wearing felon? No substance, all lies.

This is a great change, love to see the updates on the forums.

Limiting content based on FOMO feedback is ludicrous. Let the casuals play casually and the sweats be sweaty.

Your 2x a week times intervals was the best solution to meet the needs of most players.

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The whole 3 day lockout thing is them thinking that would be enough to keep player activity high throughout the phase

They are oblivious to the fact that their bad class design/class balance is what has been and will continue to kill SoD :confused:

Only you are confused by this.

I can’t run it twice a week so now one should be able to… bunch of cry babies

I think 1 week lockout for MC is perfect.

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can we get a GDKP update? is the test going to continue, or is it getting ban getting lifted?