Phase 4 Raid Lockout Update

im just looking more at the bigger change. drops ect for TF and HoF the raid is 20 people are they gonna offer more loot for the 1 week lockout or just keep giving us more per heat difficulty

Thank you!

THANK YOU! This is so welcomed.

If you at all care about your character strength you are forced to raid to get maximum gear(the exact sweaty people you reference don’t want this). If you wanna raid more play an alt. Not to mention that with the accelerated lockouts if you did miss half the raids you would likely only see a few lockouts of MC before BWL comes out. Content should get time to breathe. We just spent months in a level up raid why would we want to spend a month in MC.

People not having self control is not the same as being forced.


Only you feels that way

I really don’t care.

This is a real poor choice. People are so excited over running this once a week and when finding groups gets difficult will be ready to complain instantly. MC should be on a twice-weekly lockout the same as the other raids. Good luck to all of you that think this is an amazing choice when you’re stuck to the same lockout for a whole week.


Can you at least up the drop rate on items? I really don’t wanna have to convince people to come back and farm MC for strikers mark when my guild is in naxx ,cuz its bis forever. I would like to have the bis items from mc by the time the next raid tier comes out. Really don’t like the idea of having to do MC and BWL and AQ40 in the same week as naxx prog cuz I need strikers mark/drake fang talisman ect.

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If you want to have a weekly lockout for Molten Core, at least implement a boss lockout and not a raid wide one. Weekly raid lockouts just makes it harder for everyone.

Bad change because you keep caving to a few anti FOMO voices giving feedback that don’t actually want to play the game.

I find it insane how you guys keep shooting yourselves in the foot when it comes to this stuff.

People literally complaining that they’ve got more content to do, the the devs cave?

Have you all gone mad?


More like I’d rather be able to run my alts multiple times throughout the week rather than one and done them. More content? More content is more times I can run my characters through the content that’s available.

If I can run MC more than once a week on separate lockouts that’s far better than being saved to one lockout for the entire week and trying to get those people back or finding players who want to join a half finished raid. I was far more excited for this when it was twice a week

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Thank you! This is a great compromise. Thank you for listening to player feedback.

Yeah this has completely stepped on the fun.

I don’t know about these other dudes but most the complaints I saw were coming from a place of “it’s going to be too hard to do this twice a week” when there was always the option of just not raiding the second time unless you wanted to.

Now instead I get to suffer because for the first time since Cata and me getting a job I was about to make every single god damn lock out in a phase because of the number of pugs been run and the frequency they could be run at.

Blind change for people that literally just keep forcing limitations on how other people get to enjoy the game because they don’t want to miss a lock out and their solution was to get one destroyed.

Blindness I tell you


Having more than one lockout a week doesn’t effect the casual player that can only raid once a week. Two lockouts a week allows for the people that want to play more or have the ability to play more to be able to do so rather than rely on people returning for another day or hoping that maybe on a Saturday night you can find groups that aren’t completely locked out.

In all honesty, if you’re not going to enable twice a week lockouts you really need to take a page from retail and do loot lockouts. All you’re doing by making this weekly lockout on a DEFINITELY CHANGES game is forcing people out.

I am casual and the 2 raid lock outs a week pretty much enable me to have the ability to raid at almost any point in the day due to the availability of raids being open. I don’t miss the window and only have a handful of pugs running on weekends.

If my pug falls to dust on an on reset, that’s all good I just wait a few days and try again and not have to wait a whole bloody week in some instances


You should make a weekly quest where you get all the buffs and talk to chromie. This then unlocks a unique boon with all world buffs that are stored and can be purchased for that week from a vendor in the city.

It could be purchased using the new currency from dungeons or new event. Something that forces people out in the world.

You could then in theory port back to SW and get all buffs again if you wipe pm Heat 2 or whatever.

This would make it better for those parse chasers that die on a pull and the casual who doesn’t want to bother with the legwork of getting all the buffs to lose them instantly while pugging.

Thank you to listening to the community on this, we want to prolong the life of the phase and this will help. Please don’t cave to those asking for more loot, you’ve already implemented that with higher heat levels. Everyone wins now.

Thank you, this is the biggest W for a while in SoD.

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Maybe when BWL release we can move Molten Core to a twice weekly lockout. Incase there are things people still need to get out of Molten Core and they want to try and either Pug or get more chances at the gear