Phase 4 Raid Lockout Update

I don’t understand why this is being received with praise. why would we want to opt into more restriction? You don’t have to raid both days a week or really raid at all, i understand the less access the population as a whole the more life the game will have. What I don’t understand is blizzard directly responding to P1 P2 raid lockouts by making them a week, people getting upset about that in P3, and them actually fixing it in P4. We are so far from classic wow, what is the issue with SOD standing out of line? Like why do people want this?

Its how you keep players long term, you dont give them everything available in the first week. Have you noticed how theyve been pushing back raid releases a week or more after launches?

I think the issue is its giving people FOMO by having rapid raid lockouts ontop of increased lvling speed. There are so many more games and even other Blizzard products out in the gaming industry we’ve got to make time for, so this is a welcomed change for anyone who isnt full time wow junkie.

The raid restrictions are for the servers health, and also for the individuals. You dont want to burn out your player base in the first month, thats what happened in P3’s introduction to 20mans.

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cried the man

Ah yes vs the other option of we have our 1 week lockouts and get bored after 2 weeks and just start playing other games and forget about SoD because of 1 week lock outs from the content we actually want to do.

It’s funny that you say that because the only reason I’m mad about it, is that people were so arrogant they thought they knew better than blizzard and insisted we needed 1 week lock outs for a variety of reasons that could have been solved by simply not raiding every lock out.

And blizzard caved for some god unknown reason.

If I’m arrogant so it everyone else that decided what was better for me

Youre going to be max lvl, theres so much to do with all the new raids. youre going to have more than enough content for 1-2 characters, and theres more to come down the road, so relax.
Its not like p3 where they spit out 1 raid and nerfed it to the ground so that the people
running incursions could get more free loot.

We’re in an era of gaming where everyone feels compelled to maximize potential gains, so if theres 2x the lockouts that means players feel like they have to raid 2x as much. And if players feel that way, guilds have to to that to keep people in their guild.

Bring back 10man raiding !