Phase 4 Raid Lockout Update


As mentioned in previous communications, the team has been discussing the topic of Twice-Weekly lockouts coming in Phase 4 of Season of Discovery and we’ve decided not to move forward with this lockout interval for Molten Core. Molten Core will utilize the standard 7-day lockout period, based on your feedback.

We will be keeping the Twice-Weekly lockout in place for Lord Kazzak, Azuregos, and Onyxia, however. We feel that those quicker, single-boss raid encounters feel appropriate for this interval, especially considering that Onyxia herself operated on a 5-day lockout timer throughout Original WoW.

As always, we appreciate your feedback on this topic and will continue to evaluate things and listen as we move through the content phases and make additional adjustments as necessary.

The team is really looking forward to having you join us in Phase 4 in just a few short weeks!

Thank you!
-The WoW Classic Dev Team


my man :handshake: 10 chars since emoji doesnt count


Good change. Thank you!


Thank you for reconsidering.
Yesterday was very confusing for us.


Anyone else feel like it was announced the way it was to have biweekly lockouts for everything to make this decision more palatable? It’s okay, I’m not upset about the not-main raid being multiple times per week, but I’d still rather simple weekly lockouts. Everything we do in our lives is based on a 7 day week. Why mess with that? It’s simple. I also disagree with putting world bosses in instances. Taking fun wishlist pieces that take time to earn turned into expected pieces that you need to get. On top of removing the community built by tracking bosses, and especially the contest of winning the boss.

Anyways, this seemed like the obvious and inevitable compromised position from the onset. It’s fine. Whatever. Thanks for not totally screwing over a lot of the demographic!


So, you’re complaining about this change, makes me think you’d complain about getting camped and never being able to do the world bosses if they were not in an instance.

Reasonable change. Good stuff!

Thank you. Good decision.

huge w, thanks for listening

Thank You Big W

Wow, well done. :clap:

Thank you, well considered outcome.

Excellent Change!

I do hope our Nightmare Dragon World Bosses have the same 2 times a week lockout treatment and any potential future 1 boss raids you may have planned. (Please give us another 1 Boss raid in the future!)

unsure why everybody is saying " good change" nobody forces you to raid multiple times a week. let the sweatier players have they’re fun because in all honestly all the casual andys are going to play the war within, if they keep it at 1 week they need to increase the drop rate of TF and HoR


Good change, thank you Aggrend!

There is no perfect answer to this, as it varies by personal need, but a lot of people see 2 raid nights per week as about right given life outside of the game.

Needing a 3rd and possibly 4th to clear two full sets of MC/Ony/World Bosses, and not fall behind the gear curve, was not appealing to a lot of folks.

It’s a good change because players can already attain multiple lockouts by simply playing alts.


im just curious as they said BWL was going to be 3-4 weeks after mc so having 4 lockouts and then bwl? if they did the 2 a week that would be the 8 lockouts ect… well see how it all plays out.

Because people will complain about being burnt out by needing to run the raids 2 times a week.

Having MC (and BWL, AQ, Naxx) be a 1 week lockout saves the players from themselves.

1 Boss Raids don’t really have this downside as its going to be pretty easy to pug on the other reset your guild/raid doesn’t raid on. Thats why they work with the 2x a week lockout.