Another post suggesting No to 2 lockouts

I’m asking please don’t do this 2 lockout structure, especially if it’s set day. If possible, and your team really wants 2 lockouts, please make it on a “manual” per player per week reset function, so weekday guilds can run like Tues/Wed if they chose, and weekend guilds like Fri / Sat or Sun.

But really, best bet is 1 lockout per week on raids.

I played 2004 hard, 2019 relaunch hard, and I’ve been playing SoD since release. Never missed a single raid lockout even in p1 and continued raiding in the painful back half of p3.

I’m a guild master, not that it makes my opinion more important, but this game is about communities, which have leaders with responsibilities. This really puts a burden on managing raid groups.

Since this news, I’ve not been able to give my guild direction on raid days, because I honestly don’t know how I can make it work. At least 30% of my guild can’t do weekends or Monday. We planned to do Tues / Thur cleanup if needed early in phases, for the rest of Sod.

I know this extra lockout idea came from a good place, and I appreciate that, but you’re trying to solve a problem that existed in p3, in p4?!?!?!. Level 50 content was never meant to be endgame, there’s not enough to do. At 60 with all the extra dungeons to do and more than 1 raid encounter, it’ll be the sweet spot. And then once BWL is out it’ll be slightly taxing but not in an extreme way.

I do love that this team takes feedback and I believe Aggren has already tweeted that he’s seeing the concerns, so hopefully it’s not too late.

Thank you

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They aren’t doing 2 lockouts for MC. They changed their minds.

Did you not read the article they just posted 30 mins ago?

MC will be on a 7 day lockout.

1 Boss Raids and World Bosses on the twice a week lockout.

Amazing, yeah I was typing this up right as the news came out. Thank you sweet baby jesus

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Let the sock puppet threads commence.