Phase 3 is where SoD dies

There’s so much to do right now… lol

Are you high?

If you are replying to me then you missed a key caveat

If all you enjoy doing is getting pre-bis and then raiding

“every phase is bad and every expansion is the worst expansion ever made”

we’ve been there for almost 15 years, man

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:notes: one of these things is not like the others, one of these things don’t fit! :notes:

There’s actually not you’re just looking at it through the lens of a completionist.

You’re just looking at it through the lens of a minimalist.

Funny how that works.

I don’t understand, what exactly are you looking for then? Don’t say “Well Other people, or casuals,” or anything like that. Season of discovery is a Classic product, and that product has always been about either Raiding/Pvping/Rep grinding to get better gear. If you aren’t working towards getting your BiS through Raiding/pvping/rep grinding. Then why are you even playing?

Pet/Accomplishment hunting/mount farming/Super sweaty Mythic raiding is all retail. SoD is essentially based on middling difficult content, slow burn and finding your own entertainment.

I actually agree with you that there is a lot to do if you enjoy doing everything. Reality is most people don’t enjoy everything in this game so saying there is a lot to do is a general statement.

You also replied to my original comment missing a key caveat. The previous phases catered to these players more than now so they could be more inclined to stop playing.

If all you enjoy doing is getting pre-bis and then raiding

You replied to me with a list of things to do without reading my original statement. I don’t know why you’re rambling

That’s what classic has always been about.

Sorry you dont like classic.

I saw the caveat, what I’m asking is why play then? When you say. “If all you enjoy doing is getting pre-bis and then raiding.” thats like half the content. Sides PvP and rep grinding. The entire classic is made around that. Why play if thats what you dislike? I honestly don’t know which is why im asking, your the one that brought it up. Lol.

What makes you think I don’t enjoy classic? I didn’t make this thread I simply gave my opinion why casuals would stop playing.

classic is what each person think it is, I only log to do around 3 battlegrounds a day and leave, I play like this for more than 15 years and still enjoying, sometimes taking a short or long break, but always coming back and doing battlegrounds that is what I like doing

Aight, just kinda weird because the casuals I know have loved SoD, its slow paced and they always feel like they have something to do. So I guess we interact with very different casual players. Lol, all good.

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I thought Phase 2 was far worse.

At least you have some reasons to leave your major capital city now. Phase 2 was spamming SM to cap then raid logging to clear Gnomer, which I personally didn’t like.

Incursions are brain melting, but it gives you something to do and a decent source of gold. I’m still doing solo Princess runs for my dagger, run by Ashenvale when I’m bored in between BG queues to gank people, and help out guildies with Arena spams. And ST has been much, much more enjoyable than Gnomer.

Please, I beg of each and everyone one of you. Stop giving your hard earned money to this POS company

Don’t you need an active sub to post here? You first.

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yea screw those other guys they can just quit so we can have less people playing and a smaller playerbase of the elite wow raiders of classic… /s

The player base is fine you weirdos.

Yeah it’s actually insanely impressive how badly they have handled the early days of SoD lol

Very beginning of p1 was soooo fun then it was massively downhill and bad decision after bad decision and then taking way too long to rectify bad decisions…

Like damn it’s hard not to think back about how they’ve been managing SoD and not get mad :confused: