Phase 3 is where SoD dies

i honestly think thats a major divide in opinions of pvp though. ive enjoyed every but p1 but i always play classes that can heal just in case.

everytime i dont in always thinking “man if i was healing me this wouldn’t suck”

I agree with you.

I looked at Incursion loot and I pretty much want to just quit SoD now. I don’t want to do that damn content, but I am being forced basically, otherwise compete against people in full Incursion + rank 7 loot, I’m still in questing greens for the most part

When I quit SoD and people ask me why I quit, Imma tell them it’s because they treated PVP like an after thought and pigeon holed people, not just in PVP but also PVE.

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Jokes on you. They have to wait a month before they can use AH.

yeah, incursions are actually fun. its the community that ruins them by trying to make it hyper efficient to the point that its rare to find groups that kill stuff. i leveled my dru and sham with groups that did every quest per run except the treants cause there was too much competition. it was a fun experience.

i did join a killless group at one point and it was so terrible. if anyone got ganked everyone just ditched them for the run. if anyone fell behind same thing. nothing chill about it.

I’ll never do Incursions. I would rather AFK run through BGs.

there was a lot of small scale pvp but i did all my incursions first 2 days. probably a sht show now

If you’re not Honored with the Incursions people right now and you PVP, you might as well just cancel your sub until Phase 4.

r7 isnt hard but yeah if youre avoiding incursions which was basically the welfare gear of sod you will have a bad time.

It’s okay. I go play Season 4 of retail at a very high level and then do Panda Remix while everyone in SoD sits and grinds mindless Incursions lmao. Then right after that go play Cata Classic, while people in this game mode wait for Aggrend to feed them buffs.

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i did incurions once since the opening 2 days of p4 and that was to hit revered last night in feralas.

I’d rather chew on dirt than do Failcursions.


up to you, but you’d probably hit honored in less than an hour of the 50 incursions.

Damn that suckkksssssssss. Oh well!

Even though Phase 1 was easy, it has also felt the healthiest the game has been. I wanted harder content too, but would rather a healthy game.

10m just feels right in SoD, allowing all players to clear content and even raid on multiple characters. If players want hard content, let them focus on speed runs or parsing. 10m IMO seems to be far healthier for the game overall.


Ya in phase 1 we had enough “core” that we could have done a 20 player raid. In fact from what I remember we could have done two “core” 20 player teams in P1. Some of our core left SOD before the end of P1 due to boredom. As they thought the phase was dragging on far too long. At that point we had 7 or 8 bfd groups a week (sometimes more).

Phase 2 we had 1 “core” gnomer team. Various “core” either quit in the first few days of P2 or left for other guilds and then quit (a few still play). We managed a second Gnomer team late in P2. More of our “core” left because they absolutely hated Gnomer. Doesn’t matter what my opinion or anyone elses was… they disliked it enough to quit and the ones that said they would be back for P3 are not.

So P3 we decide to make an alliance and let’s just say that didn’t work out. Although post alliance “break up” we have still managed to have most of the 20 players signing up and will try to pug the rest. Which is more difficult than any other phase because almost every other guild on the server seems to be in the same position.

The 20 player thing might have been fine for more guilds if the player base hadn’t started to decline already. Even when Lava Lash is “busy” it is nothing like it was in P1 and certainly less busy than P2. At least half of P2 we couldn’t all fit in one layer and only the first few days of P3 was that the case.

I do find various things in P3 “fun”, but I really just don’t have anywhere near the desire to play I had in P1 or most of P2. I also just wish they had fired the lead Dev found someone competent and given the resources… but it was far too late by then. When I’m done with SOD I’m not going to any other version of WoW. I do not find anything about “retail” interesting and I lost my taste for any of the classic versions as well. So SOD was the only thing I was subbing for.

edited for a ton of typo’s and probably still more in there oh well.

“Vast majority of people have already left and more people leaving” I mean, by IF numbers that’s not really true, People have less alts and it shows in the numbers, but this “mass leave hysteria” Just hasn’t cropped up. If anything I’ve seen more people playing in phase 3 at least in my own guild.

Ah yes, how hard it must be for those fathers with their 12 wives and 73 children and 15 jobs. How ever will they continue to play in this “Dying” train wreck of a game.

Sky isn’t falling, game isn’t dying. No matter how many threads you pop into and declare it to be so, may I suggest maybe taking a break from the internet and getting some sunlight? Positivity is great.

May you have a blessed day, you are loved.


Wow, the “SoD is dead!” posts started early this phase. Just because you quit and can’t see how populated the game is doesn’t mean it is dead. The game is fine, and we are better off without your complaints. See you next phase tourist!

P.S. The next phase won’t cater to you either so good luck having fun :slight_smile:

Phase 3 is the best SoD has been.

I think more casuals will quit not because of incursions or the economy. I think they will quit because there is simply nothing to do after the raid is done. If all you enjoy doing is getting pre-bis and then raiding and having to wait 7 days for the next raid I think people would probably just get over SoD and eventually stop logging in

I mean, the push between 225 to 300 for professions will take the longest for most people, so there is that for people to do.

Pvping, rank 5-7 is 110k honor. So there is pvp grinding for people to do.

W/O farm, either for players hit gear or for cards. That will keep Mara and ZF populated and run.

There is a new faction for people to run rep for, that is alright for gold.

Gathering gold for epic riding next phase.

Argent rep will be important for phase 4, not to mention Thorium brotherhood will be important for phase 4 so people can get a head start on both those factions.

Phase 3 has the most stuff to do then any phase we’ve had so far, I have no idea where your getting this “Nothing to do after the raid is done.” I mean what? There is enough content even for the sweats.