Phase 3 is where SoD dies

Ya im done playing now and i was playing hard since p1. P3 is dog turds

Fighting against rank 7 people who are all in BiS gear is really fun. JK. No, this phase is bad.

I strongly agree on points 1,2, and 4. Disagree on 3, 5 and 6.

We’ve had 3 lockouts for phase 3 and in that time SoD has already surprised WotLk/HC/Era raiding numbers all put together by IF stats, and barely anyone has alts leveled yet.

The economy is hardly destroyed, you want to see a economy thats destroyed? Go log onto Era and look at the auction house. Or go to WotLK GDKP’s and see items go for “Gold cap.” Raid consumes are already crashing because of mixology, some crafting mats are expensive but all crafting mats are expensive at the start of phase because everyone is Shocker here, leveling their professions.

PvP is still bursty, but it’s been bursty since P1. You know what else is bursty? Retail Pvp, and what else? WotLK. WoW has been bursty since its inception.

As for raids, you can look on WCL’s. in the span of 3 lockouts we’ve had 100’s of thousands of characters already run it, so hardly “Dying” people that say they can’t find people are simply not finding the people they want. Anytime someone says “We have a hard time finding people,” I bet they’re trying to fill up their raid with purple parsers or higher, lower your standards.

Phase 1 lasted 8 weeks +2 weeks because of Blizzards winter vacation, Phase 2 lasted 8 weeks, phase 3 will last for 8 weeks if they continue to follow their own standards. The population is still healthy and blizzard is actually attempting to fix botting with messing with their LuA code and 30 day restrictions.

The sky isn’t falling, Blizzards own metrics show its successful. Hell they tried to “Retailify” SoD and stick it into MoP in its own weird little mutated way.


they’re always in the other team? never in your team? why are you never fighting alongside them?

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Because it’s AB and they are in GY while I’m at Farm. I dunno what else to tell you. BGs are cooked until AV.

I’m actually grinding, but people are in here talking to me like I’m not persevering. I honestly should just insta block them.

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AV horde cave is too far forward.

100% agree, blizz needs to add in QOL like in som, or casual will leave.

Just go play Retail

im theory but a lot of the gold entering the economy is just going to the same big boy ahers and essentially leaving circulation outside of huge ticket purchases.

its like covid stimulus, most people are spending it on stuff they cant afford instead of using it to seed their AHing. easy come easy go and the ah tycoons get richer.

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This phase is where SoD dies because Retail and Other Games have better stuff going on and on the horizon. Cata Classic looks better than this because it’s more new in people’s mind, literally no one remembers Cata, other than myself and how horrible Tol Barad PVP was.

SoD Phase 3 is pure poop. It’s just brainiacs min/maxing everything because they remember every single nook and cranny about the game and have power gamed everything into obsolescence.

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i am sure there won’t be any complaints about vashj’ir being the worst zone ever…

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Yup. Also that zone… Fml.

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huh? i feel the opposite about min maxing. i dont even have enchants and feel infinitely stronger in pvp on both my rdru and rsham in p3 than p2.

also r7 gear is damn close to raid gear. minning is a lot easier, maxing is less powerful. unless you got a grandfathered crusader that is.

p4 is when it all goes to hell imo. the maxed out players will power creep casuals out of existence. right now the gap between entry lvl gear and maxed out gear is probably the smallest in wow history.

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Those 2 are busted, especially on Horde.

Good for you. I am suicide running into my death for honor. Blizzard will never fix it for me, they won’t fix anything about PVP. Everything will continue to go lopsided, Horde will continue to be dominant until AV, the early PVP gear will continue to be bad, the game will continue to be buggy and broken, etc.

If you spam Incursions, you’re eating good. If you spam BGs you’re slowly grinding losing nonsense. Makes a lot of sense.

cause no one heals on alliance

I’m not getting heals, that’s for sure. I literally have never seen a Holy pally in BGs.

not many healers on horde either tbh. thats why you gotta take it into your own hands.

Yeah lemme just cancel everything I’m doing an go reroll a healer. Lol. I don’t value my time at all, I just exist to level alts in SoD.

I got my pitchfork ready.

That zone… just no.

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