Phase 3 is where SoD dies

the way it was before was worse, if you dont no life it you cant afford anything and have to buy gold. now everyone can afford their consumes.

you signed up for wow classic and expected 40 mans, but now youre crying about 20 mans? lol oooooooooooo kaaaaaaay.

yes, and 90% of the players like this. go play retail if you want to raid 7 nights a week.

yes, because this is a level up raid, not all raid tiers while getting to 60 need to be insane. power creep was a problem, and this was a good solution.

theres nothing wrong with 300 profession skills, in fact in the long run this will reduce prices of the items youre crying about. blizzard is two steps ahead of you, clearly.

youre only real take.

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my guild is now in that filler position. I don not have a problem being in that spot in a new guild. it is my opinion that new members earn their position. if the guild isnt right for me, i will move on.

Funny thing is they happen to keep their irl buddies as top members no matter how bad they are.

yea but i am not a super sweat so that is part of it for me. i have grown to expect that in every aspect of life. always fair? not really. but we know that life isnt fair.

It just makes me realize wow raiding is a cesspool and nothing of value to be gained from wasting your time in it when it’s not a close knit group of buddies like 5 player dungeon.

Weak arguments from a weak WoW player. Not surprised.

  1. Everyone has access to incursions.
  2. Small guilds that can’t adapt or merge to survive deserve to disband. The game was never catered around 10 man content at any point, ever.
  3. Raids being cleared in one night is the norm for Classic. 3 Day lockouts create burnout at a faster rate and were annoying to schedule around.
  4. Because they’re realizing the power spike is crazy and are likely trying to tame it via gear stat. This is expected given what we’ve seen and is a good thing.
  5. Ok?
  6. World Buffs may not be “fun” but they’ve been reworked and more accessible than ever before with the chronoboon and addons for things like Songflower.

Any WoW player telling me that, “Cata is coming” is a legit troll. The majority do not want Cata, or as I can clearly tell, retail Jr…

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LOL. He called you weak! xD ahahahaha bro it’s a video game ahahahahaa

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Normally 20 man raids wouldnt be such a big deal to me but for a leveling raid it seems a bit unnecessary, the roster boss is demoralizing to a guild of close friends trying to juggle SoD with 69 wives 4 jobs and 20 kids. My SoD friends list had also taken quite a loss, all my wotlk guild was burnt out from the sweatyness we put ourselves through in wotlk between ulduar HM and heroic ICC, so trying to play fill the raid roster/parse2pug game isnt what alot of them wanted to do again and quit so i had to find a new guild and theyre struggling to fill their roster too. Make big cow sad.

Imagine speed replying on the WoW forums with your autistic take on the game and likely life in general. Buddy, you’re screaming for attention and its sad.

  1. yest things are expensive but its also easier tyo make gold at those prices. its kind of a wash atm. any kind of effort at all and you can make much more to offset the cost.

  2. i agree, this killed my 10 man group that came from wotlk. we had no interest in pugging and just wanted to see things with our group, 5 have since left and the rest had to find other guilds if we wanted to see more. IDK why they couldnt just use a flex system like back in mob to make everyone happy

  3. week long on ST is fine. sod was never meant to be sweaty, and would make your #1 way harder on people.

  4. This is lvleing loot and made to be replaced at 60, what did you expect?

  5. i agree with this. this is partialy why so mant prices are sky high, a gradual bump would have kept thing calm i believe

  6. if the only people that want it are sweats then who cares? use it if you want, dont if you dont. the buffs are the farthest thing form letting people clear content.

over all it wont kill sod, there are alot of good things too that have made it alot of fun, even with a few issues im thoroughy enjoying it so each to thier own i guess

Remove DHKs and make 40 man City Raids great again!
You’ll get a large influx of PvPers rejoicing.

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So many people just have to express their hate for the game and can’t just leave it alone. I’m enjoying phase 3 MUCH more then phase 2 and im expecting phase 4 to be a blast.

If you are not having a good time playing anymore just quit and shut your mouth. Nobody cares.

Most of the points you made just show you have no gaming resilience

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Not quite. Encursion gold is new gold introduced into the economy that was not there before. Selling on the AH is transfer of existing gold from one player to another.

The former causes inflation if more new gold is coming into the economy than gold that leaves (via repairs, skill trainers, vendor purchases, auction fees, etc.)

Haven’t you heard? The game’s been dead since P1. The forum assured me that scorpids killed SoD, then moonkins violated the corpse, BFD further killed SOD, Gnomer destroyed SoD, Ashenvale made SoD a ghost town, STV got rid of all the players, incursions exorcised the lingering spirit of SoD, the raids being too easy killed SoD, the raids being too hard killed SoD, SoD will never even be alive because there’s no steamdeck support, SoD was stillborn the moment there was no LFR, the lack of transmog and instant player mail murdered SoD, and the GDKP ban atomized the remains of SoD.

Also reddit confirmed that: 10 mans killed SoD, 20 mans killed SoD, 40 mans will kill SoD, Aggrend’s twitter account killed SoD, CS reply templates mutilated SoD, streamers violated SoD’s corpse, too much gold killed SoD, bots killed SoD, and the low drop rate of BoED is choking SoD to death as we speak.

Don’t forget that gnomer gear killed SoD, void pearl price killed SoD, rockbiter killed SoD, gold spawns killed SoD, inability to mine truesilver killed SoD, ST trash killed SoD, the alliance killed SoD, the horde killed SoD, layers killed SoD, addons killed SoD, era players killed SoD, retail players killed SoD, and parsing killed SoD.


For our guild - that 2nd raid was just the alts of the first raid.

In regards to the economy I agree that the mistake with incursions ruined SOD for me, I play this game as a method of escaping real world issues , now having inflation running wild in the game just ruined that aspect, at the bare minimum I expect the game to provide a pleasant distraction from the issues I deal with not reinforce them

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Don’t agree with all of your points but I do agree that the game is going downhill dramatically. P1 was great, P2 tried to ride the success of P1 by doing the bare minimum, P3 they tried to put in loads of content but seems like they attempted to do it all inside of the week leading up to release with limited to no testing and as a result the game has been a hot mess since. Hopefully P4 and LVL 60 content is much better than this, I’ll stay unsubbed for now until then!

Incursions killed the open world too, at least for Alliance.

They all just Bee line straight to them the moment they can and as Alliance you can kill crabs in Westfall all the way til level 25 almost.

the good ones survive.

As much as I hate to agree with this post I do believe it will be. I play on Penance (au) and as much as we had a small server pop it was alive enough to get things done. ever since p3 our server has just flat out died cant really do anything its really disheartening on wanting to even play anymore.