Phase 2 will make the game unplayable for many

Yeah, no. Lorewise, the factions are in more of a cold war situation during Classic. I played in hardcore WPvP guilds for years, been there, done that, have the teeshirt. I want to level my alts and wave at the troll hunters while I grind mobs.

Cuz there was never any wars during a Cold War.

What notice on my server is horde always go in group.
Alliance on other hand go alone.

When you get a dungeon group going every body meet up at entrance and that just invite ganking… i mean why not right?
Last night a few alliance was getting camp at epl flight master by a group of 4-5 horde. They call out for help and we got about 10 alliance come and help and face roll, corps camp these imbecile horde. It was fun lol thats all.
Travel in group get gank less.

Yeah, I like to think of them as Battlegrounds.

Instanced PvP that affects no one. But yeah something like that.

I suppose if you want to pay my subs we could have a discussion about how I play the game.

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The day DM released, on Incendius realm, a group of around 30-40 horde gathered at the entrance of DME awaiting for the time the instance would become available.

A group of scared alliances, about 20 or 30 of them, all mounted and ready to flee, just looked at the massive group of horde from the center (close to the arena) and awaited their turn. No one dismounted, no one did anything.

Then suddenly out of nowhere, a handsome and virile young night elf druid called Antebellum arrived, in his crap blue mount and green gear. For reasons no one seemed to understand, he casted entangling roots at an Orc warrior that was passing by, and started Moonfire spam on him.
Confused, and perhaps realising the horde would soon respond, every mage in the allince group began casting and killing the little orc warrior.

At the distance the horde looked weary. It wss as if they didn’t understand what was going on. Why would alliance attack them, despite their inferior numbers? How could they dare defy the horde?

What came next was even more shocking. Suddenly that group of 20-30 alliances… charged right into the horde group. Maybe because they decided to act before horde would respond. Or maybe because they suddenly realised horde players are just bad and tend to zerg/surprise attack the alliance. In any case they attacked the horde by surprise, and unable to respond, most horde tried to run away. Others tried to fight back.

3 Minutes later, every single horde was gone or dead. Every single alliance was alive and in control of DME’s main entrance. And for the next 47 minutes the alliance camped and slaughtered the hordes that dared to come back.

This is a true story, from Incendius realm.

There is no pvp imbalance.

The alliance just need to stop being pussies and cucking themselves being afraid of horde.


Good job killing the thread.

You are welcome sir

Hmm, what’s that? Oh sorry, I was busy questing on my PvE server.

But for real, I left Herod alliance side and I’m never going back.


This is how we know you’re lying.

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huge assumption they have a working classic faction transfer system ready and waiting.

if only there was an option to avoid being ganked


Thank god I got off Skeram long ago.

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Why complain about phase 2 pvp if you chose to play on a pvp server? lol

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If you are worried about pvp, you shouldn’t of rolled on a pvp server. I love pvp even at the mountain and getting ganked or ganking others is part of pvp. You are ment to be hunted. Every corpse run will eventually get you where you want to go regardless. Don’t go outside the instance to summon players, you’ll just have to deal with waiting on people that don’t want to run to the instance. If they want a reputation of not being proactive in going to instances, let em. Maybe they will learn to go to instances once they are kicked for more proactive players that can deal with those negativities.

If you can’t handle pvp then just reroll on PVE. You really don’t like world pvp at its peak.

I bet you got into that group of 10 and started relentlessly ganking horde, then they got more to destroy you lol. I cant wait for phase 2.

PvP happens on PvE servers too, even when there’s bgs.

On this character I went to camp a rare on the Isle of Thunder with my alt on my other account. I showed up to find, as expected, about 100 Horde with a few Alliance. Within seconds I realized I was under attack by some 110 Horde mage who saw that I was flagged (from a bg I had just left) and flagged up to hit me.

Since my ilvl is 258 and the mage’s was 213, I had no problem killing him, at least in part because no one in that crowd got involved in what was apparently a private issue.

He came back looking for me, but I had already run into the instance to unflag. Still nobody got involved.

I love PvE servers.

It is going to be a bloodbath of nightmarish proportions on the realms with more than a 10% imbalance.

OP is 100% correct. Because the underrepresented faction is so outnumbered, it will be open season, and the overrepresented faction will be wanting to rank up, so they will flood every opening to every traffic bottleneck, every raid entrance, every 50+ dungeon entrance, every FP. Some will do this for lulz, but the major motivation will be: that’s the only place they’ll be able to find the enemy faction in large enough numbers to start ranking up. That’s the only way they’ll be able to get any honor points.

It will drive away the underrepresented faction’s players. They will transfer, re-roll, or quit.

It will be the nail in the coffin for those servers.


That would in no way verify her truthfulness or lack thereof. Quit trying to drive her bus.


My server is not hideously imbalanced–at least it doesn’t feel that way, yet. I mean, there are more horde groups than alliance groups out in the world, but we still function.

If I’m being honest…I’m SO looking forward to it.

I’m bummed to be holy, but I have my lock alt coming up (Meridot - Smolderweb). If I can get her to 60 and geared before the SHTF, it will be AMAZEBALLS.