Phase 2 will make the game unplayable for many

I’d like to know how many of these threads are made by the same person on their alts. Take OP for instance. Retail avatar. With 1 post. At this point this topic is beyond spam. It is approaching troll status quickly and should be dealt with as such.
I mean. Why else make a thread with a low post count avatar and not engage in your thread? Did OP hop on another alt in here?
Most of this is being pushed by a couple of people. Either that or RMT’ERS are desperate to get that paid ranking money. Lol.

We can easily go to her server and talk to people about what the situation on the ground is. People from her server could refute her here.

If players are going to make wild claims about Classic on Retail chararacters I will challenge them everytime. Anyone that’s cool can post on whatever character they want there is a noticeable difference on who is who around here.

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Its half of America and started in 2008…

live for now… this isn’t back to the future.

Oh no!
PvP is going to happen on a PvP server?
Dammit! When are we going to put an end to this madness?

It sucks but I remember servers always having an extremely dominant faction ever since I started playing the game. My fondest memories were from WPvP as well, however the servers were pretty unbalanced back then too. Not as much as they are now, but it was still there. With streamer and min/max culture you were going to have dominant factions on servers, and the transfers didn’t help.

You also elected to play on a PvP server and are complaining about said PvP. Doesn’t really make much sense to me.

Yeah mostly switched to playing alts on a PVE server. Only really running random stuff with my friends on Fairbanks now. Having to die 3-4 times to get into a dungeon is garbage.

PvP happened on a PvP server. Time to move on. Maybe try a PvE server :slight_smile:

As someone who played on a PvP server in vanilla all the way up through Cata (and here and there since), thank you for this validation. What you describe is precisely what I was concerned would be reality for classic. I love PvP. Given an actual time machine, I’d go back and play PvP again in vanilla.

But I suspected the sweaty try hard min/max play style would make PvP something completely different for classic… so I rolled PvE this time around. I still miss the PvP interaction, but seeing posts like this validates why I rolled PvE for Classic.

You can restore the game back to an original/similar version, but you can’t restore the playerbase. That is why you, a realistic person, rolled on a PvE server. Other people just want to do vanilla WPvP like how it was in the good ol’ days, which was never going to happen regardless.

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As a Horde player on Stalagg, I would kindly request Blizzard return our lost Alliance population please.

They appear to have wandered off the pasture and into some strange land known as “Heartseeker”.

Please bring them home Blizzard. :broken_heart:

I’m here. But I see no comments seriously worth debating. I specifically said that people that aren’t on severely unbalanced servers won’t understand. And sure enough, people on stable servers don’t seem to be understanding. That’s fine.

The reason I posted on my 120 is because I want the anonymity. Sorry if that offends some, but these forums are full of negative cynics that will argue and flame you regardless of how well thought out your point is. Some may even be toxic enough to take note of my character and follow me out of the forums. Not everyone is as brave as you. Oh wait, you’re posting on your level 14 alt. Nevermind. You get it.

Correct that I don’t engage on the forums that often. I read them often, but I don’t post unless I feel properly motivated.

No, I do not mass post on alts. I have 1 120, 1 60 on Classic, and 1 level 16 alt. I think my entire post combined on all characters is under 20.


This is the wrong mentality for Classic WoW.

Not flooding it with tears. But yes you’re right, I didn’t see the reply. My bad.

They will go to a better farm than brm. Right now its the best place to gank. When honor is out most will be at sm and tarren mill in the zerg. Trust me i was there in classic no one ganked for honor. The zerg farm was way better than ganking at instances.

I was there too. Let’s hope you’re right…

I see a lot of people talking about what players wanted, with the underlying implication that you can’t go back now.

A lot of things can look good on paper and can be terrible in practice.

If you have to appeal to some sort of status quo or some imaginary line in the sand to make your point, then you really have little to offer. These are some of the most mindless and erroneous forms of reason.

Except that server populations WERE hidden. I was not capable of making an informed decision. And the server in question was actually pretty balanced originally… until free transfers were offered and a bunch of alliance transferred off.

Blame me all you want, but Blizzard owns this. They have the information, they have the power, and they make the decisions. In this case, their decisions contributed to the problem, or at the very least made an existing problem worse.

I don’t blame them for making mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes and no company has a crystal ball. But they are still absolutely accountable for the current situation. And they can still do something about it.

the majority - did you take a poll?

I find this interesting since I checked these things out pre-launch and saw plenty of people saying that Horde has always been preferred for PvP due to racials.

So others chose to leave the server (which was done for a reason) and now you’re upset because it affected your server. OK, I can accept that. But barring transfers based on faction is shooting themselves in the face. You’re upset because you’re on an imbalanced server, yet you want people to be forced to reroll on another server because transferring off of yours will imbalance it if they are one faction, but not the other. This means those that have to reroll have to deal with players that have already leveled and geared. How, exactly, does this make sense?

Also, if they have to reroll, they still won’t be playing on yours which means the imbalance will be the exact same as if they transferred. People transfer due to current server issues, for better ping or to play with friends.