Phase 2 will make the game unplayable for many

Let me get this straight:
pvp occurred on a pvp server and you are here on the forums to have a QQ

I played on Frostmourne, as horde, back in actual vanilla. We were outnumbered almost 2:1. It was a challenge - one that I am NOT going to face again…

I’ve rolled PVE this time round because I don’t have time to sit around getting ganked by server imbalance. 99% of the time your faction WONT come to the rescue and you will have to log due to the camping…


Is there a site that shows correct faction numbers? I’ve had to reroll to my 4th server and every one I’ve played on has been Alliance heavy. My last server before I cancelled was Deviate Delight which was estimated as 70/30 Alliance. I’ve only ever even heard of 1 server that was Horde heavy.

You are either a liar or play on pve servers which don’t matter.

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Have never played PvE servers, even back in Vanilla. IMO, they shouldn’t even have PvE servers, but that’s not the point. I know for certain my last server before cancelling was Alliance heavy in a big way. My first 3 servers were all during first week of launch, so numbers were harder to gauge. My 3rd server (Netherwind) had 10+ level 60 alliance when I left and the highest level Horde (dude named Biscuit) was level 56 so I’m pretty sure there had to be a lot more Alliance there too.

less and less people are playing it now the ones that will quit early most likely already have and classic wow doesnt have much end game content to do raid mc and onyxia thats it.

if people are still leveling during phase to on a pvp server that a wrap the will be farmed to no end and that will drive people to dont want to be leveling during phase 2 on a pvp server.

Phase 2 rolls out and I’ll be farming herbs in dungeons playing ah and going to raid. Won’t me see me out in the world having my body camped by 5 horde. I’ll die on my to dungeons and then sit behind city walls. 1v5 no fun

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You are wrong. Every pvp server except Heartseeker is at least 60/40 horde, some as high as 90/10.

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Where you getting your numbers from? I just quit a couple weeks ago, there’s no way Deviate has changed that much in 2 weeks. You just generalizing?

People are supposed to be opposed to bgs?

The realm forums.

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Opposed to bgs being released before phase 2 is over.

#nochanges then, except for whatever changes Blizz wants to make.

Speculation is they will be bringing up WSG with phase 2.

I wasn’t talking to you so maybe learn how the forums work before you flood it with tears.

hrmm, well I did check out Deviate’s forum and like I said, it’s Alliance heavy. Didn’t look at any of the others, but I’m sure numbers will continually change for a while.

Recently hit 60 as Alli on Kirtonos…thinking of rerolling horde before I start the ghost run marathon which is BRM bis farm. I might come back once bgs open up

One word: Player versus Environment server.

Thanks for reminding me to block you. You are the worst poster on these forums

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Such a thing should not exist! War game, with no war…

Two things:

  1. You can’t block individual posters.
  2. I play (mostly) on PvE servers. It wasn’t an insult, it was good, solid advice that I follow myself.
  3. lol