Phase 2 is way too early

I’ll let you know how it goes on my hunter. Those averages are high AF. I struggle to accept that everyone at 60 (the majority of people I even see on my High/Full Server) are just no life hardcores.

They may not be, but they spent roughly 3-4 hours per day playing. That’s how the numbers work out.

Well, it’s been 74 days since WoW Classic was released.

Take their time /played (in hours) and divide by 74.

You’ll get an idea of the average time they’ve been spending in game.

Gonna have to agree with this post though open PVP or not, it’s not gonna do much good to me…

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Source for this info?

Also yeah I’m sitting at level 30 on my main, and I play every day. Over 35 hours on that character. I play alts. I imagine most players are this way too, and not as many people rushed to 60 as is presumed by others.

You came here to whine about a post, so.

Wrong. Phase 2 needs to be held off for now. Unfair to the casual majority.

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Hey Mogar, there’s a poll you should check out right here:

11,000 responses, good sample size. 65% of the playerbase has a level 60 character.


8-10 days for 60? lol no. 6-7.

*Ultra Casual minority

Fixed that for you.

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I work 18 hour days, have 9 kids, 3 wives…i don’t even have arms and i hit level 60 weeks ago

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And I do it uphill through the snow both ways.

I wasn’t casual for the first month the game was out at all, I hit 60 and was raiding quickly, but I haven’t played the game in a month. If you are trying and aren’t 60 by now, that isn’t casual it is ultra-casual.

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might be a short phase 1, long phase 2.

I actually agree - most of the players I would imagine still aren’t level 60 and would rather be working on that.

I think this is the outcome of having one group of people who have been playing this version of the game for the last 12 years and another group who hasn’t been. It really isn’t being fair to the later group especially since they were the ones keeping blizzard going for most of those years and paying them.

8-10 isn’t even the average - that is fast. 6-7 days played is what you get with the best speed levelers (aside from mage cheats).

I agree with you on most of your points. I was leveling a few toons to see the game and get a good feel for play styles. After hearing about phase 2 release I shifted into overdrive and made it to lvl 35. Tonight maybe get to 37. I’d say most people have zero life and other paid for the leveling push. There are tons of sights and having millions of people at 60 in such a short time… is suspect. Ultimately it is what it is. The playing curve is broken, the gold economy broken. All you can do is have some fun before the one shotting twinks become a thing.

I agree with this for one reason and one reason alone, we are approaching the holiday season. We all know how this honor system works. Blizzard should have released this phase the week after New Years. We know many people who would like to grind honor and see how far they can get will lose a lot of time during Thanksgiving, Christmas, & New Years.

That’s actually what screwed me over in Vanilla. I was rank 9, went home for Christmas vacation for a few weeks and came back rank 6. Got to rank 10 and quit. Possibly could have gotten to 12 or 13 but losing those weeks really set me back and I didn’t even want to keep grinding after that. That won’t happen to me this time around but I can see it happening to others.

Couldn’t agree more. Phase 2 is scheduled WAY too early.

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I agree way too early, and im 60, horde and cleared MC 7 times

I’m 54. To my 15 years ago self, I’m a super-casual. To my current-day self, I play Wow way too much and have a problem.

Just a little perspective…

Oh and to stay on topic I’m terrified of trying to run BRD but it’s all good. Chaos welcome.

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