Phase 2 is way too early

It’s not a random sample.

That poll just reflects the players who spend a lot of time on Classic stuff (including that subreddit). It’s not surprising that many of them have level 60s.

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I’m the only one in my friend group of Hardcore gamers that even bothers to post on the forums or Reddit.

Hardcore gamers are usually more interested in, you know, gaming.

You’re basically trying to claim that a random internet poll is accurate.

It’s not a random sample. That poll is skewed towards whoever spends time on that subreddit.

And you’re claiming that people on Reddit are more likely to be Hardcore. I’m claiming the opposite, people on Reddit are more likely to be at work and posting because they aren’t playing the game.

It’s not accurate.

Do you agree with that?

Or do you think your random internet poll is accurate?

It’s a lot more evidence than anything you or any of the people claiming a “minority” of people are level 60 have given.

It’s not evidence of anything.

It’s a random internet poll which you’re erroneously trying to portray as being accurate.

Blizzard has the numbers.

Blizzard is releasing Phase 2, despite the objections of the low level minority.
Blizzard released Dire Maul early, despite the objections of the low level minority.

When Blizzard releases battlegrounds soon, you will object, and you will still not realize.

If you’re not level 60, you’re the minority.

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Everyone can do the math.

Take your favorite time /played for an average player to reach level 60.

Divide by the number of days that Classic has been out – 77 days.

Decide for yourself if you think everyone has been playing 2.5+ hours every single day.

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I’ll just let you yell endlessly into the wind. Blizzard has the numbers, I’m confident that they’ll ignore your requests to slow down the content release.

They just added faction restrictions to free transfers.

That’s new.

It’s almost like they’re responding to players’ requests/concerns.


Getting ganked and struggling to survive was part of the Vanilla experience. Stop asking for more stuff to be time gated.

Go back to retail if you want to play by yourself or opt out of pvp on a pvp server. Tourists can go play BFA and Shadowlands.

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People play more Classic than they think. 10 days played time equates to 240 hours. Divide that by 74 days, 3.5 hours played a day. That’s not casual. If you het home at 5:30pm, you’re playing until 9pm Everyday. What about dinner? Family time? the gym ? Paperwork? Housework? Homework?

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Phase 2 has almost no content in it. If you’re on a PvP server then you signed up for getting ganked. If you’re on a PvE server, then virtually nothing has changed.

3-4 months in vanilla and 2 and a half months in classic id say so.

i play rather casually and have 2 60s leveling flew by and the majority of players are 60…phase release is perfect timing imo an later would effect holidays lol

8-10 is the literal average

Source because 10 days played was the fastest anyone in my guild hit 60 and at that time the census was showing them as in the top 5%.

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google it you tard. Thousands of people hit 60 in under 5 days played by grouping up and spamming high exp/hour routes

Yea, you can do it, there are guides for it too.
The fun factor is debatable, that depends on the individual, but yea it’s doable, it’s a very fast paced go go go thing