Phase 2 is killing Classic

Yeah it’s the retail kids fault, they cannot handle pvp… suuure.

It’s those retailers having a ball destroying everyone in pvp because they got to 60, raided and got gear. The people crying are the people who viewed Classic as some sort of rose colored glasses version of Vanilla when the entire population and a lot of the content is changed.

You need data to predict it. It’s been one day. That’s not enough data points. It’s a large part of the game. People coming into game know that. Will some players be disenfranchised? Probably, but not the majority.

Why did you roll on a pvp server?

Do you have anything to contribute or you just saying things? I’m not a retailer… i’m 60… i’m raiding Tarren Mill.

My experience is unchanged.

Of course, I rolled on a pve server because common sense.

did blizzard force you to play on a pvp server???

I’m making a point that whenever things don’t go the way the nostalgia crew want, they blame Retailers, zoomers, no lifers etc.

These people aren’t the ones whining, most of the retailers got 60, the zoomers were raiding fast, no lifers had stuff setup and anyone with any dedication got their stuff going.

The people whining are those who want everything timegated forever and thought Classic pvp would be Vanilla PvP when the Classic servers hold more people, entirely different players and that Vanilla pvp mostly sucked.

Lol what a big man you are, so stronk.


I’m confused, things are going exactly as expected. Raids on towns holding boats is what Vanilla pvp was. You seem to have misconceptions. We have now way of knowing if the people crying, are from retail, or any other demographic. Unless they admit being in one.


You had created another topic about the unbalance of world Pvp. You stated that you weren’t complaining.

You still can role on PVE server and get your WSG when released.

You’re telling someone who is not 60 to “l2p” ?

The issue isn’t with the PVP, the issue is with blizzard releasing honor w/o BGs thereby forcing ALL players to do these things.

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I’ve yet to see any retailers want anything timegated. As I was saying, it’s stupid for people to be blaming certain demographics for the issues now when we knew pvp was going to come out sooner or later.

I told people weeks before once layers went that it was on. That all that they’re complaining about now would happen.

People want things time gated and released at a rate to recreate patches to give the vanilla experience. Sorry, I agree with it. I don’t want all the content dropped at once.

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Disagree, there’s no point to it and if everything was out already people would have a feel for how this would be at the getgo rather than the game changing every few months because of phase changes.

I respect your opinion, but strongly disagree.

Your vanilla comparison is missing a few pieces. You’re looking at where the wpvp is taking place.

you’re not considering the contrast in gear, skill, lvl to population curve and overall knowledge with regards to gold, consumables. Last of all, server capacity.

Now we have people that have much better gear than this stage of vanilla, much better knowledge, more players per zone…

Ultimately I feel honor should have been released with BGs. Bliz is forcing this complete cluster f. If I was 60, I’d be having a lot of fun right now. Instead I cannot play at all.

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you can always usub and come back on p3 , bwl and bgs will ¨fix¨it

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Wouldn’t where be a large component? if youre questing in burning steppes and Alliance control it matter? I’m sorry you’re having a rough time with it. For my levels 52-60 I chose to grind dungeons. There is no pvp taking place in there.

it took about 20 corpse runs and 90min for our 5 man party to enter BRD.

no doubt things will get better, but right now, can’t do anything.

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There is more than one instance. You can run Strat. We had a 55 in our ony raid last night. Get into LFG and get raids to come help out in black rock mountain. It’s part of the contested zone. Who controls it?

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